The Dragon's Disciple

Unknown Forest, Year-X777

Naruto's cerulean orbs stared into the five year old girl's own brown orbs as if he were contemplating something. Wendy dared not move as she kept seeing the blonde stranger gazing at her. Kurama watched from the trees to see what Naruto would do.

'Brat...what are you thinking?' The red eyed cat thought.

"A-A-Are y-y-you going to kill me?" Wendy stuttered. Naruto looked at the girl's innocent frame. She was shivering in fear. The blonde continued to watch the girl for a few moments before cutting off his magic and the wind blade vanished. Wendy's eyes widened, but then she glanced around again.

The trauma suddenly caught up with her, dead and bleeding wolves, the blood covered blonde dragonslayer, it was all too much for the five year old and thus her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she fainted. Naruto blinked when he saw the blue haired girl fall against the tree, unconscious.

"Maybe you shouldn't have made those wolves' death so bloody?" Kurama said as he flew down. Naruto turned to the Exceed before looking at Wendy.

"Acnologia taught me that the strong survive and the weak die...those wolves preyed on a weak girl and so they deserved to die." Naruto said without emotion. Kurama sighed.

" of all people should know that Acnologia's teachings are not law. He taught you everything you know and made you strong yes, but that does not mean that your judgement on humanity should be the exact same as his." Kurama said, but then he got a questionable look on his face, "So what're you going to do with the girl?." Kurama asked.

Naruto didn't answer as he walked over to Wendy and picked her up gently, holding her bridal style. He looked at the girl's face, peaceful and full of pure innocence. Naruto tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear and wiped a little bit of the blood that fell onto her face from his hands. The blood that caked his hands had long dried due to his use of wind magic so he didn't stain her dress.

"Wendy Marvell...she is like me." Naruto said. Kurama raised an eyebrow.

"Like you in what way?" The red furred cat asked. Naruto began to walk off in the direction of where he and Kurama had found the small river.

"She is the Daughter of the Sky. So she is like me in more ways than one." Naruto answered cryptically. Kurama's eyes widened as he paused in mid-flight, staring at the retreating back of his blonde partner.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?" Kurama glared daggers at Naruto, he then looked at the dead wolves and picked two of them up for Wendy to eat when she awoke, while burning the other bodies with a small fireball.


Unknown Forest- Night

Naruto and Kurama stared up at the night sky, the stars twinkling above them. The two wolf bodies were slowly roasting over the roaring fire they had made, its orange-yellow flames providing light and heat for those caught in its glow.

Wendy's still unconscious form was on the ground beside the fire, a green blanket given to her by Naruto was cast over her body to help keep her body temperature at a suitable level as the night air was rather chilly.

"So did you mean it when you said that?" Kurama asked. Naruto tore his eyes away from the stars as looked in the cat's direction.

"What do you mean?" He asked the Exceed. Kurama's crimson eyes still remained fixated on the stars, suddenly gained a serious look on his face.

"Your kill the Dragon King? Did you really mean that?" Naruto's eyes widened slightly at the Exceed's question, but then nodded.

"Yes. I swore an Oath of the Dragon, I will help Tou-san in killing that bastard." Naruto growled.

"I see." The cat stated. However, before Kurama could speak once more, the sound of the young girl's voice met them. Naruto and Kurama turned to see the girl beginning to stir. Wendy groaned as she woke up. Her eyes slowly opened, her pupils expanding and dilating as they adjusted to the darkness of the night mixed with the light of the fire.

"Wh-What happened?" She groaned, but then everything came back to her. She shot up, throwing the blanket off of her. She looked to see the blanket and looked puzzled.

'Where did I get that...?' She was interrupted as Naruto spoke.

"You're awake." Wendy's head snapped to the side and she gasped when she saw the teenage dragonslayer. The young, blue haired girl backed away from the boy as the memory of his slaughtering of the wolves came to her mind.

She quickly got up and turned, aiming to run away from her almost killer. However, before she could even get five steps, Naruto appeared in front of her in a blur of speed causing her to smack into him and send her to the ground.

The blue haired girl gulped in fear as she saw the boy stare down at her, a product of his superior height.

"A-A-Are you g-g-going to k-kill me?" She stuttered. The young dragonslayer trembled when she saw Naruto bend down to look at her at eye level.

"No." He stated simply. Wendy's brown eyes widened as she watched the boy in front of her.

"R-Really?" She asked. Naruto nodded. "Wh-Why?"

" are like me." Naruto said. Kurama watched, his ears twitching as his question had been exactly like Wendy's, but the answer he received was rather vague.

'Daughter of the Sky...pfft, what does that even mean?' The cat thought once more. Naruto bared his teeth, revealing his sharp canines and showed her his eyes. The pupils changing from round to slitted. The blue haired girl gasped.

"You know what I am now, right?" Wendy nodded slowly, her shock evident on her face.

"Y-You're...You're a..." Naruto nodded to confirm Wendy's unfinished sentence.

"Yes, I am a child of a dragon. Just like you, Wendy Marvell." Kurama's and Wendy's eyes widened for different reasons. Kurama's was because he never would have thought that such a frail little girl would be the child of a dragon, while Wendy's was for the fact that her suspicions about the boy had been confirmed.

"How...How did you know I was raised by a dragon?" Wendy asked.

"I smelled you before, remember? You smelled of fresh air, feathers and reptile. The reptilian scent is a scent found only on a dragon. It is a scent known only to us dragonslayers and can only be recognized by dragonslayers." Naruto said.


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