A Fragile Alliance

"I-I-Is that why when I saw you...I thought as if we met b-b-before?" She asked. Naruto nodded.

"Dragonslayers share an unknown bond with one another that allows us to recognize each other. After a dragonslayer is able to recognize one of their one, the ability to sense another becomes almost instinctual." He paused to make sure the girl was listening before continuing, "Now the two other scents have led me to conclude that you are a daughter of the Sky correct? Grandine's child?" Wendy immediately climbed to her feet causing Naruto to tilt his head slightly upward due to her standing form being a bit taller than his sitting one.

"You know Grandine?" She asked. Naruto shrugged.

"I know OF her, but personally, I don't know her." He said. Wendy grabbed onto the boy's shoulders.

"Tell me...do you know where she went? Where is Kaa-chan?" She cried out. Naruto remained silent for a moment.

"I am not permitted to reveal such information. I am bound by an Oath of the Dragon. I swore to my Tou-san that I wouldn't utter a word of what he had told me to anyone, even if I deem them worthy...and you, my young Sky Dragonslayer...are not worthy of hearing the information that I have, and even if you were worthy I still wouldn't be able to tell you as the Oath of the Dragon prevents me from doing so." Naruto said.

The blue haired girl trembled as she clenched her hands into fists. Tears lined her eyes before spilling over, tracing over her face and staining the grass covered earth.

"What...What...WHAT KIND OF STUPID REASON IS THAT?" Wendy cried, "I WANT TO KNOW WHERE MY KAA-CHAN IS!" Naruto remained silent before standing up and then the wind picked up around him causing the girl to fall to her knees as she felt the force of his magic power come crashing down on her.

"Do not speak to me in such a tone, you weak excuse for a Dragonslayer!" Naruto shouted. Wendy looked up and gasped as she saw Naruto's eyes. Gone were his irises of a bright cerulean blue, and instead his eyes were a pure, shining white.

The flames behind him suddenly extended into a pillar behind him as the wind picked up, giving him a rather frightening appearance as all, but his eyes were enshrouded in the shadows produced by the flames. The magic power then died down along with the flames and wind and Wendy released the breath she had unknowingly held captive within her lungs. Naruto sighed, closing his eyes before looking at the frightened girl. Kurama shook his head.

"He really is Acnologia's son."

"Stand, Sky Dragon." Naruto said. The blue haired girl nodded as she climbed to her feet, tears still trickling from her eyes. Seeing this Naruto's eyes lost their frightening glow and his blue irises returned as his eyes slowly reopened which almost seemed to take a gentler appearance.

"So...are you injured in any way?" Naruto asked. Wendy blinked.


"Were you damaged when you were running from the wolves?" Wendy shook her head before revealing her body was void of any wounds.

"Grandine Kaa-chan said b-b-because I'm her d-daughter...I have a h-h-healing f-f-factor or something like that." Wendy stuttered as she was still sniffling and her fear of the boy was still present. Naruto bent down on one knee and observed her skin.

"Fascinating. So this is what a child of Grandine is capable of." He whispered to himself. Wendy watched as Naruto was observing the areas that were previously damaged by branches and wolf claws. Then she realized something. Grandine had always taught her manners and even if this boy here had tried to end her life, she still had to repay him for saving her life.

"Ummm...sir, I was just wanted to say..."

"Naruto." Wendy looked up at him confusion evident in her eyes.


"My name is Naruto...Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze and the cosplaying cat over there is Kurama." He introduced himself and the Exceed. Said Exceed was glaring at Naruto for the title he was given. Wendy blinked before continuing.

"Umm...well, Naruto-san, I just...I just wanted to say thank you for saving me from those wolves. If...If you hadn't shown up when you did I would have...I would have..." Wendy broke down into tears once more as the thought of her dying overwhelmed her. Kurama flew over to the girl and patted her head gently.

"Yo, girly...listen here. It's okay to be scared. I mean you nearly died, neh? It's understandable especially considering it was probably your first experience with near death, but it's okay now. You're alive now and that's all that matters now."

Kurama said with a toothy grin. Suddenly he was pulled into an embrace by the five year old dragonslayer. "Oi, I didn't say you could hug me like a freaking teddy bear! Let me go you foolish girl, damn it!" Kurama pushed against the little girl's rather strong embrace and he was finding it difficult to escape in his cat form.


"WHAT?!" Kurama growled, pausing in his struggles, but then saw Naruto's face. His gaze was no longer emotionless, but now he saw pity in those cerulean orbs of his.

"Leave her be. She's been through much...leave her be. I will continue to speak with you tomorrow, Sky Dragon." She looked up at Naruto to see if his angry expression was still there and mentally sighed in relief when she saw he was simply stoic. She continued to hug Kurama, though her grip was now much looser.

She saw Naruto reach into his backpack and took out a small box. He opened the box and removed a small piece of paper. On the paper was a glowing red magic seal. Naruto placed the paper of the ground before placing his palm on the paper.

"SEAL MAGIC: RELEASE!" He shouted. Wendy then gazed in awe as she saw the paper become enveloped in a plume of white smoke. When the cloud of smoke cleared, there lay a small black sleeping bag.

"Wow, that was so cool!" Wendy gaped in amazement, "Naruto-san, can you teach me how to do that too?" Naruto looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Seal Magic is a complicated magic. It requires great amounts of theoretical knowledge in order for it to be learnt. I myself have only just begun to learn the art and thus I am only able to store things and release them." Wendy blinked.

"There were a lot of big words in there, Naruto-san. What do they mean?" Naruto paused as he unfurled the sleeping bag and looked at the blue haired girl. Suddenly he saw the image of Wendy was replaced with an image of his younger self. He looked to be around six years old, the age at which he had started to learn magic.

"You'll learn them when you are taught them." He answered. Naruto dragged the sleeping bag over to Wendy before taking the large green blanket he had given her from before.

"Then why don't you teach me?" Naruto froze at the girl's words. The blonde's eyes moved back and forth rapidly as the prospect of taking on a student filled his mind before he looked at Kurama, still trapped in the girl's hug as if he were a stuff doll. The cat shrugged.

'It's not my decision.' The costumed cat seemed to say. Naruto shook his head.

"I forgot I had this...here. Sleep." He told her, ignoring her question. Wendy looked at the blonde and wondered why he was suddenly so nice rather than the cold-blooded killer he was just moments ago. Naruto then took the green blanket and laid it flat on the grass covered ground before lying atop it. Wendy gave a small smile to her scary saviour.

"Thank you, Naruto-san!" She exclaimed before diving into the sleeping bag. Naruto saw Kurama was still trapped in the little girl's grasp, the Exceed was looking at him with a pleading look. Naruto smirked as he resisted the urge to laugh at Kurama's predicament before turning to Wendy.

"You're welcome." Wendy was shocked at the blonde dragonslayer's words before grinning. Looks like she was able to pierce through those hard dragon scales, even if it was just a tiny bit.

"Goodnight, Naruto-san!" She called out.

"Don't push your luck, Sky Dragon." Naruto said with some annoyance, "I was merely humouring you." The response caused the little girl to laugh lightly before she suddenly began to feel tired and immediately fell asleep as soon as her eyes closed.


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