Breakfast Banter

The Next Day

Wendy yawned as she rose up from the sleeping bag.

"Huh? Oh right, Naruto-san gave me it." She remembered. She looked around the area, the smoking remains of the campfire was in front of her. It was then that she noticed that she was alone. Wendy's eyes suddenly gained a downcast look.

"I'm alone...again." She gritted her teeth, "First Naruto-san." Wendy felt tears form in her eyes, but she willed them not to fall. Suddenly she heard the sound of a twig snapping. Her head twisted around so fast anyone else would have thought her neck would snap from the whiplash. The bushes then parted and revealed the blonde dragonslayer and his Exceed partner with three dead birds.

"Naruto-san!" Naruto blinked as he looked at the sky dragonslayer, a smile on her face.

"What?" Acnologia's dragonslayer asked.

"I thought you left." She said. Naruto looked perplexed.

"And why would I do that? I haven't eaten breakfast yet." Wendy sweatdropped at the reasoning that Naruto gave her.

"Good to see you're finally up, brat!"Wendy turned to see Kurama flying next to her.

"AHHH FLYING CAT!" She seemed to fly out of the sleeping bag and ducked behind Naruto's leg. "Naruto-san, your cat is flying!"

"Oh sure. You don't get scared when I talk, but you get scared when I grow wings and start to fly?" Wendy nodded.

"I've lived with a dragon and she showed me a lot of stuff and so surprise is not something I feel a lot...unless the things are unex, unixpocted...unexpoted?" Her tongue was getting rather tied up as she struggled to get the word right.

"Unexpected?" Naruto guessed. Wendy nodded as she held onto Naruto's pant leg.

"Yeah, that." Kurama planted his face in his paws and shook his head, mumbling about 'annoying humans'. Kurama then used his ability to generate heat and cooked the birds after they were plucked and gutted. A sight which Wendy was more than happy to turn away from. As they ate their breakfast, Wendy spoke.



"Last night...when I asked you what happened to Grandine..."

"I told you, I am bound by the Oath of the Dragon. I cannot tell anyone, not even my fellow dragonslayers." Naruto said as he took another bite of the dead bird.

"I know, but...what is the Oath of the Dragon?" She asked. Naruto paused in his eating before looking at Kurama.

"You explain it to her." He said. The fox-like cat growled.

"She asked you the damn question. Answer her yourself you lazy brat." Kurama said before returning to his meal. Naruto rolled his eyes at the Exceed.

"Stupid fluff ball." He mumbled, earning himself a glare from said fluff ball. "An Oath of the Dragon is an unbreakable promise that one makes to another. Only Dragons and Dragonslayers are able to make such a promise as they know of the consequences of this oath. Regular humans and mages can utter an Oath of the Dragon, but should they decide to break their promises...let's just say the consequences are dire."

"What does dire mean?" Wendy asked. The five year old girl caused both Exceed and Dragonslayer to sweatdrop.

"It means very, very bad." Kurama toned the meaning down for her brain to comprehend. Wendy's mouth formed a small, 'o', as she understood the word. Kurama then flew across to Naruto and landed atop his head where he made his resting place.

"So, Naruto-san...when can I be worthy to be heard of where my Kaa-chan went?" She asked. Naruto picked his teeth as he threw away the bones of the bird he just finished devouring.

(Insert Music: Fairy Tail-Slow Theme)

"The only ones that I will tell this information are those who I see as strong. You, my dear sky dragonslayer, are far from it. Your are as weak as they come. I could so far as to call you downright pitiful." Naruto said. Wendy winced under his harsh words. However, her dragon pride suddenly kicked in and she rose to her feet.

"Besides even if you were worthy I still couldn't..." His words seemed to drift off as Wendy began to tremble.


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