The Strength Within


Unknown Location, Year-X776

"VERNIER!" A four year old Wendy cried out. She sped through the grass landscape before using her enhanced speed to jump into the air. She spied a boulder and positioned her body to aim for it. She inhaled air and infused it with her magic energy.

"SKY DRAGON'S ROAR!" She released the giant, sky blue twister from her jaws. The attack funnelled through the air before impacting with the boulder. When the attack ended, Wendy fell to the ground on her ass. She groaned in pain, rubbing her sore backside.

"Ouchy." She murmured before looking at the boulder. The boulder was barely even scratched. Wendy gripped a fistful of grass and then began to cry.

"Wendy, is something wrong?" A feminine voice spoke. Wendy turned to see a large white draconian beast. The dragon had a large body that easily towered over the vegetation surrounding it. The top of its body, head and chest were covered with white fur of some kind. A pair of large feathery wings, also white, were connected to the area where the shoulder blades would be located.

Its limbs and underbelly were not covered by fur or feathers of any kind. The underbelly was similar to that of a reptile's, but the limbs were like that of an eagle's. Four talons were located on each limb. It had a large tail. Its upper part was covered with white fur like the rest of its upper body parts while the underneath was shown to have a similar look to that of its underbelly.

The tail flicked the air behind it. In its jaws were sharp, white teeth that could easily tear flesh from bone. Its eyes, outlined by a thick black area of what seemed to be the skin beneath the feathers, were a golden yellow and seemed to shine as they stared at Wendy. This was Grandine, the Sky Dragon.

"Kaa-chaaaaan!" Wendy ran up to her surrogate mother and hugged the dragon's large forelimb.

"Shhh Shhh, it's okay my dear. It's okay...why don't you tell me what's wrong, Wendy. If you hurt yourself I can make you feel better, alright?" The Sky Dragon said with a soft smile. Wendy sniffled before gripping her mother's limb tighter.

"I-I-I couldn't break the rock like you could Kaa-chan. I tried to use Tenryu no Hoko, but it was so weak. The rock didn't even break, Kaa-chan...I'm never going to be strong like you. I'm...I'm so weak...why am I not strong?" She asked.

Grandine's eyes widened before her gaze softened upon looking at her daughter's sad form. The girl's tears stained her face as they left her tear ducts. Grandine raised her large tail and gently stroked the blue haired girl's head.

"Wendy, let me tell you something. Not all strength lies in brute force, but rather it lies in the strength of the body and the mind. Ones mindset can often manipulate how strong one can become and thus if you think you can do something, it will often be able to be done."

"I...I don't understand." She replied, wiping her nose on the fur of Grandine's tail. Grandine's eyes narrowed in disgust and a swetadrop formed on the dragon's head at that, but not wanting to provoke any more tears from the girl, she merely flicked the appendage causing the mucus to fly off.

"Wendy, I am not necessarily the strongest dragon in the world. My healing and supporting abilities do not make the most physically adept dragon and as such I am looked down upon as one of the weakest dragons. Let me show you something." Grandine spoke before walking over to the very boulder Wendy had struck with Tenryu no Hoko.

Grandine then looked at Wendy and pushed over to the boulder.

"Now Wendy, you know that you cannot punch through that boulder, correct?"

"Yeah, cause it's big and hard and it would hurt a lot if I did." The young dragonslayer said. Grandine nodded.

"Exactly. Now use Vernier and Arms!" Wendy looked confused for a moment, but did so. She cast the two spells and her body began to slightly vibrate as her speed increased and the strength in her arms multiplied by large amounts. "Now punch the boulder."

"HUH? ARE YOU INSANE, KAA-CHAN?" Grandine chuckled at her daughter's expression, but shook her head.

"No, my dear. Watch, just do it and you will understand my point." Wendy gulped as she looked at the towering rock. She thrust back her fist and trembled slightly in fear of her hurting herself. Of course, that could be the side effect of her vibrating body as a result of Vernier.

"You can do it, Wendy...I know you can. Just believe that you can and you will make it happen."

'Is Kaa-chan insane? I'd break my whole arm if I punch that big rock and it'll hurt really, really badly.' Wendy shook her head, 'No, I'm Grandine's daughter...I can do this. Just punch it! I AM GRANDINE KAA-CHAN'S CHILD!' Wendy released a cry as she thrust her fist forward. Her eyes were shut tight as she expected her fist to meet solid rock and white hot pain to flood her arm.

Instead, she felt nothing and she watched as there was a large crack where her fist had landed. Around said fist was a small amount of swirling air, the cause of her lack of pain. Upon her surprise, the air currents vanished and Wendy continued to stare as she spied the crack she made. The crack was small in comparison to the size of the boulder, but the fact that she actually cracked it spoke volumes to the young blue haired dragonslayer.

"KAA-CHAN DID YOU SEE THAT? I CRACKED IT!" Grandine chuckled at her daughter before patting her gently with a large clawed forehand.

"I did, my daughter. You see now. Strength does come from one's own physical strength, but it comes from one believing in oneself to be able to show such strength. The strength of the body is equal to the strength of one's mindset. If you think you can do something, then it will most likely happen.

You are the child of the Sky, Wendy. You are the daughter of a dragon. Do not ever forget that. Your pride as a dragonslayer will be your greatest strength and will lead you to tapping into a power that not even you know you had."

"Thank you, Kaa-chan...for teaching me this." The young girl hugged her mother. Grandine smiled soft at her daughter.

"You are not weak in my eyes, Wendy. If anyone ever doubts that...then show them my wrath. Show then the power of the Sky! You are strong!"

End Flashback


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