Unleashing The Sky

"I am strong." She whispered. Naruto's and Kurama's ears twitched as they picked up on the sound of her voice.

"Hmm? What'd you say?" Naruto asked.

"I AM STRONG!" She roared. Naruto raised an eyebrow.

"Are you? You seemed pretty weak from the fact that you nearly got beaten by a small pack of wolves." He answered with a raised eyebrow.

"I AM STRONG! KAA-CHAN TOLD ME I WAS STRONG! I AM WORTHY TO KNOW WHERE MY KAA-CHAN WENT! I AM A DRAGONSLAYER!" Naruto stood up, his form towering over the smaller girl's own. However, the small five year old was defiant. Her brown eyes burning with determination. She bared her canines and her pupils became slitted. The wind became to swirl around her as her magic energy spiked.

"Pfft, yeah right. You're not strong. You're a pitiful, weak, useless and most undeserving dragonslayer I have ever met." Naruto said with a stoic look on his face. He wasn't blind, he remembered how he started learning magic at Wendy's age and then it took him years to improve greatly.

He actually sensed a decent amount of magic power from Wendy when she fell asleep and he was still awake. He knew she had potential she was just inexperienced, young and fragile cause of her age and obviously because Grandine didn't get to finish her training before leaving her.

Wendy gritted her teeth, eyes descending to look at the grass, as the force of his magic energy came crashing down on her, but she remained on her feet. The crimson eyed Exceed smirked at the scene before him.

"Interesting girl, let's see what you will do now that Naruto has taken an interest in you." Kurama thought.

'She withstood my magical pressure and killing intent...impressive.' Naruto thought.

"Do you really believe you are strong, Sky Dragon?" Naruto asked wanting to hear her response.

"Yes." She muttered.

"I can't hear you, Sky Dragon! I asked you...DO YOU BELIEVE YOU ARE STRONG?" Naruto exclaimed. Wendy looked back up and stared into Naruto's cerulean blue orbs.

"YES! I AM STRONG! I AM A DRAGONSLAYER! I CAN MATCH UP TO YOU!" Wendy's magic power continued to climb, the air currents seeming to bend to her will as when she threw down her arms in a rage, two craters formed in the ground due to the force generated by the pressurized air bullets that formed from her movement.

"Can you? Well then, Wendy Marvell, Daughter of Gradine the Sky Dragon...if you are a true dragonslayer...THEN ROAR!" Naruto yelled. Wendy's eyes widened at the command.

"Wh-What?" She exclaimed.

"I didn't say to say 'What?' girl. I SAID ROAR! SHOW ME YOUR ROAR, SHOW ME THE POWER OF THE SKY DRAGON!" Wendy's eyes hardened as her gaze met Naruto's. Her magic power spiked as she took a deep breath.

'Kaa-chan...I AM worthy of knowing why you left me and where you went.' Wendy thought as she continued to inhale the very essence of the air surrounding her, 'I am not weak because I am your daughter.' Wendy's eyes then snapped open as her lungs filled themselves to the brim with magic energy infused air.

'I AM THE SKY DRAGONSLAYER!' She mentally shouted. She bent back and aimed at Naruto and Kurama. Both Exceed and Apocalypse Dragonslayer gazed in shock at her boldness before smirking.

"Show me what you got, brat." Naruto whispered to himself before getting into a horse stance. His forearms were raised so that they made a ninety degree angle with his elbow joint. He bent his forearms inwards, towards his chest to protect his face. Black and dark blue magic energy starting to spring up around his feet.

"I WILL SHOW YOU THE WRATH OF THE SKY!" Wendy roared. Naruto and Kurama's grins were wider at that as Wendy opened her mouth, stretching those specific facial muscles to their limits.

"TENRYU NO HOKOOOO!" Wendy suddenly released the pent up power in her lungs. A gigantic twister of air and magic rocketed towards Naruto. The blonde, blue eyed teenager and the crimson eyed Exceed grinned widely as they watched the incoming attack. The attack barrelled into them. The earth was torn apart as well as a few trees a good few feet behind them, were all knocked down by the gale force winds.

When the attack ended, Wendy was on the ground panting. She was resting on her knees, having unconsciously put nearly every ounce of magic energy she had into that attack. She then looked up, her brown eyes widening when she saw Naruto's arms raised in front of him.

Black and blue magic energy swirled in his hand as he stood in the same spot he was in even after the attack with the only damage being some slight tearing on his cloths and small scratch marks on his hand that quickly healed vanished as the seal did its job. The magic energy vanished as lowered his hand as he and Kurama looked at each other before looking at Wendy.

They whistled in acknowledgement as they surveyed the area. A large trough had been carved out in the dirt from the speeds the Tenryu no Hoko had moved at, and a couple trees lay demolished on the ground. The trough had extended well beyond Naruto's current location.

"Well done, Sky Dragon." Naruto said, "Though I started at the age of six, your breath attack is quite powerful for a five year old such as yourself. You are strong." Naruto praised her. Wendy gave a small smile, but that quickly fell as he spoke once more. "But not strong enough. You have untold amounts of potential lying within you, Wendy. It's only right that you unlock that potential and become the dragonslayer that I'm sure you can become."

"So...how am I...supposed to...get...stronger?" She gasped. She then saw Naruto walk up to her, an emotionless look replacing the wide grin that was once on his face.

"You're really going to do it?" Kurama asked, his voice barely above a whisper as his blonde partner stalked towards the Sky Dragonslayer. The Apocalypse Dragonslayer nodded.

"She did ask last night...and I never actually gave her an answer, but after seeing this demonstration...I believe she can handle what I have in store for her." Naruto replied to the fox costume wearing feline. Naruto stopped in front of the tired Wendy before raising his right arm high.

Wendy closed her eyes, bracing herself for a physical attack from the blonde dragonslayer...only...it never came. Wendy's eyes snapped open when she felt something pat her head. Her head snapped up and her brown eyes saw Naruto looking at her with a serious expression.

"Wendy, you have potential within that small body of yours. You will live, you will learn and you will become one of the greatest dragonslayers ever known under my tutelage." The blonde Dragonslayer said. Wendy's eyes widened.

"Wh-Wh-What a-are you s-saying?" Naruto smirked as he bent down to her level.

"What I'm saying is that I, Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, your fellow dragonslayer...am going to teach you. I will make you strong, girl. Do you think you can handle it?" Naruto said. Wendy's face suddenly became doubtful. She felt the magic energy coming off of the teenager moments ago and it was huge. It felt as if gravity decided to increase its downward movement and try to crush her. She felt scared, her normally caring and soft personality prevented her from thinking she could handle the blonde's training.

"I..I don't...kn-"

"It's yes or no, Wendy." Kurama interrupted her, "There is no, 'I don't know', but take it from me, girl, if you want to become strong, if you want to be strong like a dragon...learn from the best. This boy here was taught by the strongest known dragon in all of Earthland's history so you will find no better teacher than him. Now do you accept?" Kurama asked. Wendy gulped and her dragon pride allowed her the strength to answer the blonde with a response that sounded like music to their ears.

"Yes. Yes, I can handle your training...Naruto-sensei!" Wendy said. Naruto's eyebrow rose while Kurama held in the need to laugh at the girl's sudden change in character.

"It will be difficult." Naruto said with a grin that mimicked that of his adoptive father's.

"I'm the daughter of a dragon...I will not back down." Wendy said, baring her sharpened canines. Naruto smirked and nodded.

"Good answer, now come with me...we have training to do." Naruto said. Wendy's eyes widened as she watched Naruto turn away from her, picking up his backpack and started to walk away. She looked at her hands as if she couldn't believe what she had just done. Kurama flapped his wings as he watched the young dragonslayer.

"Come, Daughter of the Sky...you have much to learn." He said. Wendy nodded to the Exceed before following after the blonde.


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