The Path to Power

Naruto, Kurama and Wendy moved through the forested area. Naruto was moving aside foliage as he passed through before pausing and sniffing the air.

"Wendy, how clean would you say the air is here?" He asked. Wendy opened her mouth and ate the air. She swallowed and gave a small burp causing her to blush in embarrassment.

"It's ummm pretty good." Naruto nodded.

"Good, now if you wouldn't mind standing back a bit." Wendy looked confused, but did as her new sensei instructed her. Kurama grabbed the girl by the collar of her dress before raising her above the forest canopy.

"Why are you taking me so high up, Kurama-san?" The fox costume wearing cat gave a small smile.

"Because you're about to get a little demonstration as to what kind of power Naruto has." He said, "That and you might get hurt from the blast wave." Wendy's eyes widened at that.

"He's really...that strong?" She received no reply as she suddenly felt a great concentration of magic energy below her. A loud roar was then heard. Wendy and Kurama spotted a flash of black and blue from between the spaces in the trees of the forest's canopy before a large explosion of magic energy occurred.

This resulted in a large dome shaped blast that completely destroyed everything within its diameter. Wendy gasped in shock as she saw the blast die down. The blast had occurred at least twenty miles away and even then, she could still feel the wind produced from the explosion. Her state of surprise was retained as she saw the large clearing that had resulted from Naruto's attack.

A swirl of wind then appeared in front of Wendy and Kurama as Naruto appeared. Using Fuuton: Tobu, he levitated in front of them before observing his damage.

"Meh, that could work." Wendy sweatdropped at his nonchalant tone.

'He's so calm about destroying such a large area of forest.' She thought. Wendy was then taken by Naruto before Kurama and he took off towards the newly made clearing.

"Couldn't you have toned it down a bit?" Wendy asked, still a bit surprised by just how destructive Naruto's attacks were.

"I did actually." He answered truthfully, "That was about forty-five percent of what I can actually do." Wendy gulped.

'I'm going to die.' She cried to herself. The look on her face caused Kurama to laugh loudly, he just knew Wendy was going to wish she never asked to become Naruto's student after he was done with her.

When the three landed in the clearing, Wendy looked to see the dome of energy left nothing behind. Trees outlined the brown, earthy clearing in a perfect circle and Wendy now had a clear view of the blue sky above.

" which spell did you use?" She asked. Naruto blinked at her.

"That was my breath attack, Mokushiryu no Hoko." He replied.

"Mokushiryu? I've never heard of that dragon before." She said. Naruto nodded.

"Nor will you ever see him, at least, not anytime soon." Naruto said. Wendy looked at her blonde sensei before seeing him pick up many a stone from the ground. He tossed one up and down in his hand a few times. However, during one of those throws, the moment he caught it, his wrist flicked and the stone came soaring towards Wendy.

The five year old's eyes widened as the rock impacted with her stomach with enough force to send her skidding backwards. She coughed as she felt the air was pushed out of her lungs before inhaling to retrieve it.

"You're slow, Sky Dragon. Today we'll be working on your speed and agility. Wendy, you are the daughter of the Sky Dragon, Grandine. Grandine is known for her healing prowess and her only offensive attacks are her breath attack, wings, claws, tail and the two Secret Dragonslayer Art attacks, which I know that I cannot teach you." Naruto said. The blue haired girl looked confused as she stood back up.

"Why can't you teach me the offennnsssssive attacks?" She asked, struggling with the word, 'offensive'. Naruto shook his head.

"You misunderstand. I can teach you the physical attacks such as claws and wings, and you seem to have a good grasp on the use of your roar so the only thing you need to work on to help you is stamina, which we will work on on a later date.

However, the Dragonslayer Secret Art techniques vary with each dragonslayer. Your attacks will be different from mine. The only way for you to learn them is to have learned them from Grandine herself." Wendy blinked as Naruto's explanation.

"So you can teach me attacks?" She asked. Naruto nodded and suddenly he was tackled by the five year old. The unexpected move caused him to step back a bit from the force. He looked down to see the little girl had wrapped him in a hug, a large smile plastered on her face as her eyes seemed to sparkle.

"Thank you, Naruto-sensei!" She grinned widely as she looked up at him. Naruto stared at her with an emotionless look as he looked uncomfortable. It had been a long time since anyone hugged him and the re-experiencing it again after so long felt strange to him but also kind of nice in a way as he felt a strange warmth starting to grow. He forced the feeling back down before he nodded in response to her thanks.

"You're welcome, now come on...get off of me and let's go. We have to get back to your training." Wendy nodded.

"Yes, Naruto-sensei!" She grinned before skipping away. Both dragonslayers stared at one another. The wind blew through the air scattering numerous amounts of dust. Naruto threw a rock at Wendy, now prepared for the assault, and jumped to the side. Another rock followed and it hit her in the arm.

"Ow." She nursed her now bruised limb.

"Again." He said.

"But it hurts, Naruto-san!" She whined. Naruto growled at her causing her to tense up in fear.

"You wanted to be strong, right?" Wendy nodded. "Well if you want to be strong then get back into position and start dodging these rocks." The blue haired dragonslayer nodded before she was suddenly assaulted with projectiles. She ducked under one, adrenalin began to pump itself through her body allowing her to react faster. She rolled to the right to avoid another rock, but as she got back up, a third rock embedded itself in her stomach.

"Again." Naruto spoke. Wendy nodded.

"Yes...sensei." She wheezed. Naruto pelted rocks at her continuously and continuously she was struck by the hard pieces of earth.

"AGH!" She released a loud cry as one struck her calf muscle causing her to roll on the ground clutching the throbbing area.

"Naruto, don't you think this might be a bit too much?" Kurama wondered as he watched the girl seemed to already be on the verge of tears. Naruto didn't respond to the question as he stared coldly at Wendy.

"Again." He spoke. Wendy continued to lay on the ground.

"Again." Naruto repeated. Wendy remained on the dirt, her teeth gritting together as she nursed her damaged calf.

"STAND UP, YOU WEAK DRAGONSLAYER!" Naruto roared. Wendy flinched under his harsh tone, but complied. She climbed back to her feet, favouring her right leg. Naruto nodded as he saw the look in her eyes. Her pupils were slitted and her canines bared, her draconian pride not letting her take those words lying down.

'A dragon's pride indeed.' The blonde thought with a mental chuckle as he saw a small sky blue aura surround her, taking on the image of Grandine.

"Again." She stated. Naruto smirked and nodded before throwing the projectiles at high speeds.

This continued to occur for many a minute. Wendy would dodge a few rocks here and there, but there would always be one that nailed her on her legs, arms or her stomach. Whenever that happened, she release a pained cry before Naruto told to get up and do it again. Lather, rinse and repeat.

By the end of the first hour, Wendy was already on her knees. She was covered in dirt, grime and a few bruises on her legs, one on her left arm and another on her stomach. That one was hidden by her dress.


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