Mastering the Sky

"Alright, take a ten minute break." Naruto said as she reached into his backpack and took out one of the few bottles of water he had left. The reason he didn't use it on Kurama was because he wanted to conserve his water supply should they not have been able to find this forested area in the desert.

He handed the water bottle to her before sitting down on the ground. Wendy grabbed the water and quickly opened it before downing the clear liquid within it like her life depended on it. When she finished drinking her water she looked to see Naruto was watching the clouds with a far-off look in his eyes.

"Is something bothering you, Naruto-sensei?" She asked. Naruto shook his head.

"That is none of your concern,, during this break, I need you to tell me what Grandine has taught you so far. Did she teach you anything else other than her magic? Did she teach you any basic human things like how to read and write. Everything." He said. She looked at the blue eyed blonde and nodded.

"Well, Kaa-chan taught me a lot of words. She said I was a natural at it and my handwriting was...impeekabubble." She grinned as she managed to make the word.

"Impeccable, Sky Dragon. The word is impeccable." Wendy blushed in embarrassment, but continued her tale.

"She also taught me how to do know, flippy stuff." Kurama and Naruto sweatdropped.

'We'll have to work on her pronunciation.' The two thought.

"Acrobatics." Kurama corrected her. Wendy blushed in embarrassment once more, damn her five year old brain.

"She also taught me Tenryu no Hoko and she taught me a few healing spells such as Troia, which heals motion sickness. I have the natural ability to heal people using her magic too, but she said that right now I can only heal cuts and bruises and I'll be able to heal bigger stuff when I get older."

"She also taught me a few support magic spells like Vernier, which increases speed and agility; Arms, which increases strength, and Armour, which increases defensive strength. Other than that, she didn't teach me much." Naruto nodded.

"Your mother is indeed skilled and you as well if you are able to learn that many Dragonslayer abilities in such a short amount of time given that you are five so she didn't have much time to teach you the other skills such as the more offensive attacks as well as the Secret Dragonslayer Art abilities." Naruto complimented. Wendy beamed at the praise.

"Naruto-sensei, so are you going to teach me how to use my other Sky Dragon attacks?" Naruto shook his head in a 'no' motion at the question.

"I will not teach you them. You can bend the air to your will, as you're the daughter of the Sky. However, although it is wise to learn magic to defend oneself, you must train your body and mind. Remember, the strength of one's body as well as one's mindset can lead to you unlocking untold amounts of strength in yourself."

Wendy stared at Naruto as she saw the look in his eyes. The head of her adoptive mother replaced his own and she blinked. When she reopened her eyes, Grandine's image was gone. The blue haired girl giggled.

"Does my explanation amuse you, Sky Dragon?" Naruto said with a raised eyebrow.

"'s not that. It's just that..." Wendy looked down at the brown earth and traced over one of its man contours, "It's just that, Kaa-chan told me something almost exactly like that." Naruto remained silent as he saw Wendy become crestfallen. He sighed before standing up to his feet.

"Stand, Sky Dragon."

"My name is Wendy, so stop calling me Sky Dragon." Wendy said as she climbed to her feet. She was starting to get annoyed with the boy's title for her.

"But that is what you are. I am merely granting you a title that serve to both be a sign of respect as well as a show of how you are what you are, a Sky Dragon incarnate, and it also serves in giving my student a respectful title for herself." He said. Wendy huffed.

"Stop with all those big, smart sounding words! Just call me Wendy!" Naruto sighed and scratched the back of his head before he sighed once more.

"As you wish…Wendy." Naruto said. Kurama chuckled at Naruto.

'Even when Sakura and Ino aren't around, that boy's will is bent to the will of any female regardless of age." Kurama laughed in his mind. Naruto turned to see Kurama grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"Whatever you're thinking, stop it or I will plant that face into the dirt." Naruto growled. Kurama growled back.

"Try it, brat!" Naruto growled as he began to butt heads with Kurama, the two pushing against one another in a comical test of strength between the other. Wendy blinked before laughing.

"Naruto-sensei is funny!" Naruto and Kurama blinked at that.

"Girl, I think you just lost a few of your brain cells from him throwing rocks. Naruto is anything, but funny."

"I concur, I find myself to be lacking in the humour department." He deadpanned. Wendy continued to laugh.

"Naruto-sensei made a funny face when he was fighting with you, Kurama-chan!" Wendy said as tried to mimic Naruto's angry snarl. Kurama blinked at the suffix added to his name, but then began to burst out laughing at the five year old as he took notice of her face, while Naruto merely blinked as he stared at the girl's snarl.

'Do I really look like that when I get angry...I look freaking ridiculous.' He thought. He then shook his head to rid himself of the thoughts before throwing a rock at Kurama to silence his laughing.

"Ow, damn brat. Don't throw fucking rocks at me!" He was then hit in the face with another rock, this time by Wendy to his surprise.

"Grandine Kaa-chan said that was a bad word, Kurama-chan. No saying bad words." She scolded the young Exceed. Naruto smiled widely at the blue haired girl and ruffled her hair playful like. Kurama was releasing a puppy-like whine as he was rubbing his paining muzzle.

"That really hurt, brat." He mumbled.

"Excellent shot, Sky Drag-" He paused when he saw her chocolate brown eyes shift from amused to angry, "I mean, Wendy..." He saw her expression become happy once more, "Right, Wendy...I suggest you up your physical speed and strength."

"After that I will teach you how to fight as well so that way you won't always have to rely on your magic to fight. Also that way you can couple your physical attacks with your magic such as combining a punch with Arms and Vernier to hit harder and faster." Naruto explained. Wendy nodded.

"Yes, Naruto-sensei!" Naruto nodded before picking up his rocks once more.

"The sky is the limit, girl. You're going to become a strong dragonslayer." Kurama said. Wendy blushed lightly at the praise, but flinched when she heard Naruto's commanding tone.

"Get ready, Sky Dragon, because I will not accept weakness from my student." Naruto growled. Wendy's eyes burned with determination, and slight annoyance due to him calling her Sky Dragon again, and her legs tensed as she saw Naruto throw a rock up and down in his hand.

"I'm ready."


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