Sky Dragon's Evolution

Three Months Later

Wendy quickly rolled to the side as she saw a rock come at her. She then went into a cartwheel and avoided another. She jumped and caught another rock in her left hand before throwing it back and had it collide with another rock. She then landed on the ground before going into a handstand and bent her arms.

She pushed off and soared over two other rocks that aimed to collide with her body before twisting in the air and kicked another stone sending it off course. As she landed, she twisted and bent her body at angles one wouldn't have even thought was possible from a young five year old girl. Suddenly a large fireball came at her and the Sky Dragonslayer's eyes widened before taking a deep breath.

"Tenryu no Hoko!" The large tornado blasted out of her mouth and engulfed the sphere of burning oxygen before she turned at glared at its user.

"Kurama-chan, that was mean!" She huffed. The fox costume wearing cat grinned widely as he formed two more fireballs in his paws.

"I feel so bad, here let me make it up to you." His grin lengthened, threatening to split his face, before he hurled both fireballs at her. She back flipped to avoid one before twisting and cast a spell.

"ARMOUR!" She called out. Her legs suddenly became encased in a soft green glow and then she lashed out with a vicious spin kick. The Armour spell prevented her legs from being burnt as she sliced it in half, reducing the sphere to embers.

"You're mean, Kurama-chan!" However, as she glared at Kurama she quickly reacted as she felt something heading towards her and saw the smirking face of the Apocalypse Dragon's dragonslayer.

"Meanie, Naruto nii-sensei!" Wendy whined as she jumped out of the way of another rock. Over the past three months, Wendy had begun to improve. Her speed and agility were much, much greater than how it was previously and when she realized just how strong Naruto truly was she began to idolize him, looking up to him as a big brother of the sort. Of course, she never knew if he felt the same towards her due to his fluctuating emotions as he went from emotionless, cold and distant to a bit of prankster and fun in the blink of an eye.

"Come on, Wendy. Keep your eyes on the target, Kurama is just helping with that." Naruto said. The blue haired girl scratched her head as she felt the remnants of searing heat from Kurama's fireball as she ducked beneath it.

"You're both mean to me." She huffed before catching a rock and throwing it at Kurama, nailing him in the muzzle. The flying cat's head snapped back and he spiraled to the ground.

"Mayday, Mayday, I'm going down!" He over exaggerated his descent before a small explosion of fire erupted around him as he landed. Naruto and Wendy paused in their exercise and watched the small fire that was Kurama. The flames died down to reveal an angry Kurama and the two dragonslayers merely blinked at him.

"You see me burning in flames and you say nothing! YOU'RE BOTH DEAD TO ME!" He howled. Naruto blinked before poking Kurama's forehead.

"You're impervious to fire, stupid fur ball." Naruto said with a small smirk before turning to Wendy.

"Wendy, you're good enough in your speed and agility. All that's left is for you to train yourself in that area. Now for you to work on your fighting skills." Naruto said as walked towards the small girl. Wendy nodded before dusting herself off. Her previously, pure pink dress was now stained with dirt, grime and small drops of blood from when Naruto accidentally hit her in the face with a rock during one of his torture se- training exercises.

"Naruto nii-sensei?" Wendy spoke as she saw Naruto stretch his muscles for his teachings.

"Yes, Sky Dragon?" He spoke that nickname to her just to see the annoyance on her face Acnologia always called him a weak human for the fun of it and he usually retorted with calling the dragon an overgrown garden snake. Naruto chuckled at the memory before looking down at Wendy's annoyed face. He ruffled her hair causing her to look up at him, brown eyes still showing annoyance.

"Am I stronger? Can I hear what happened to Grandine Kaa-chan?" She asked. Naruto suddenly became emotionless at the question.

"Yes, you are stronger, but you are still not going to hear what happened to Grandine, young dragonslayer. I have told you countless times, I am bound by oath to not say anything." Naruto said.

"Can't you make an exception?" She asked. Naruto pinched the bridge of his nose. She was stubborn and her resolve was admirable, but it was getting annoying for the Apocalypse Dragonslayer.

"No." He said coldly. Wendy frowned.

"Come on, brat. Buck up and besides, fighting training is now." Kurama said as he changed into his fox form. A single crimson tail swished behind him. Kurama always felt a bit more comfortable in his kitsune form, but when he first showed it Wendy she got really frightened and ended up sending him flying into a tree when she used Arms and punched him in the muzzle so he had kept his transformations to a minimum should that event be repetitive.

"Alright, Wendy. Show me the stances that you have learned." Naruto ordered. Wendy nodded.

She went into a basic fighting stance. She had her right leg in front of her left. She was crouched down and her arms were raised as if she were about to box, but her hands were positioned so that her fingers pointed away from her and her sharp claw-like nails faced her imaginary opponent. She then shifted her weight to her right leg and lashed out with a strong kick with her right leg. As she dropped the leg, she rotated and swung a spin kick. As her foot touched the ground she made various slashing motions with her claws, moving forward with each slash, before going into a handstand and spun on her hands, however she was unable to support her weight for long and came crashing down on the ground.

Naruto's eyes looked amused as he saw her go with the flow and she used her fall to allow her to go into a sweep kick before performing a windmill and allowed herself to come back onto her feet. She then lashed out with two straight kicks and then went into a handstand, kicking again and allowed her body to fall forwards. She rolled on the dirt covered ground before using the momentum of her roll to go back onto her feet. She then slashed with her sharp nails multiple times before performing a no-handed cartwheel. However, she fell due to her slowing down at the peak of her cartwheel. However, as she fell, she stretched out her arms and quickly used them to cushion her fall and then performed a cat spring, pushing herself to her feet and performed a right hook. A left hook followed after before she rotated at a ninety degree angle and slammed her elbow into her imaginary opponent.

She then rotated again so that she was no facing backwards and used her other elbow. She quickly turned around once more before performing two quick jabs and then followed with an uppercut. She jumped with the uppercut and used a flying knee attack and fired another punch. She then performed a series of palm strikes before she spun in a three hundred and sixty degree angle, and used the momentum to perform a double palm strike. She then finished off her imaginary battle by taking deep breath and ending her combination of attacks with a Tenryu no Hoko. The attack shredded a few trees as she had used a more concentrated amount of air rather than magic so that it would be faster and would have more cutting power. A thing Naruto taught her with respect to wind.

She panted before looking at her blue eyed teacher. "Did I do good, Naruto nii-sensei?" Naruto nodded.


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