Clash of Elements

"In the beginning, when you shifted your weight to go into that first kick, you nearly lost your balance. We'll have to work on that. You are also going to have work on the spin kick when you go into a handstand and no-handed cartwheels seeing as how you fell. Your slashes require more speed as any opponent would have easily killed you by blocking them and counterattacking and your cat spring needs some improvement as you didn't get up quickly enough." He said.

Wendy cheeks burned with embarrassment as Naruto pointed out her many faults, but Naruto continued. "Though I am impressed with how you went with the flow. You used your falls to your advantage allowing you to perform an unexpected move which is a good thing as it will keep the opponent on edge and he wouldn't expect those kinds of moves from you and you therefore are able to get in a few strikes. Your elbow strikes were strong, just like they should be. The elbow is one of the hardest joints, along with your knee. Those two would bring great amounts of pain to your enemies."

Naruto and Wendy sported matching grins at that image. "Palm strikes, now due to your feminine build, you need more agility in order to use those so Kurama and I will continue with the rock exercise to help you with that but instead of dodging you will be deflecting them with your palms. Also, I commend you on the finish. An ending well fit for you, Sky Dragon."

Wendy blushed at the praise before glaring at the older dragonslayer. "Naruto nii-senseeei! I told you, just call me Wendyyyy." She whined. Naruto snickered at her expression, and motioned for her to come over. She ran up to him only to get jabbed in the forehead with index and middle fingers.

"Maybe next time, Sky Dragon." He replied. Wendy rubbed her paining forehead before poking Naruto's stomach.

"Meanie, Naruto nii. So are you going to teach me any new fighting moves?" She asked, bouncing up and down like a squirrel with a sugar rush. Naruto patted her head.

"Of course. I'm not going to let my sister dragon be some weakling like any of those other mages." Wendy's eyes widened as he had called her 'sister'. Even though the context of the word's use was all wrong, she still felt like Naruto saw her as such.

"Now then, what I'm going to show you now is to go in combination with what you already know. Your current set of moves, the ones you just performed, they are based mainly on your light frame and thus you are able to use them to their highest potential as you would be able to perform the moves swiftly. Now this set of moves, are moves which are basically 'hit-and-run' moves. You hit, dodge, hit again, lather, rinse and repeat. Understood?"

Wendy nodded. "Are you going to combat Kurama-chan? He seems to be rather excited given his vigorous leaping."

In the months she was under Naruto's tutelage, she had also expanded her verbal dictionary and Naruto helped her with writing them out in order for her to learn them quicker as it was an effective test in terms of learning new words and it also helped with Wendy's writing ability which was already above standard. She was a bright girl, Naruto had quickly realized and she picked up things quickly.

'Much like I did with Tou-san.' He thought with a small smile.

(Insert Music: Naruto Shippuden-Reverse Situation)

Naruto turned to Kurama and nodded. Kurama's body glowed a red colour for a moment. His kitsune body suddenly began to release loud snaps and cracks as his bones lengthened and retracted to various lengths. Finally, the transformation was complete and there now stood a bipedal Kurama.

His arms were longer than a human's, ending just above his hips, his hand-like paws were now more human like, but they were lengthier and his black claws were now like fingernails. His legs were also long, the muscles lean instead of large. This showed that Kurama's form was much faster than his other two forms.

He retained his single tail, but that soon changed as two more sprouted out of his rear. His feet were still paws so his ankles were bent at an angle.

"Three tails, Kurama?" Naruto asked.

"You know you're already faster than two. This is to keep things even and besides in this form my strength decreases since in mainly helps me move faster than when I'm in pure kitsune form." Kurama's crimson eyes stared into Naruto's cerulean ones. The blonde nodded.

"True, now carefully." He said. The blue haired girl nodded to her 'brother'.

Naruto and Kurama faced each other before nodding. They took off in bursts of speed. Naruto and Kurama clashed their fists together causing a small shockwave to result at the point of contact. The two copied each other's attacks for a few moments, fist met fist and leg met leg in a furious dance of destruction.

A staccato of small booms followed each collision. The two then came to a stalemate as they crashed their fists against one another, their arm muscles tensing in an effort to overpower the other. Naruto quickly withdrew his fist causing Kurama to stumble forward due to the lack of a resisting force and was met with a kick to the face.

However, Kurama countered with one of his tails, but Naruto had already jumped away. The dragonslayer slashed with his sharp, claw-like nails and Kurama dodged it only for Naruto to have rolled to the side as the fox was about to counter with a spin kick. Naruto then grabbed the kitsune's outstretched leg and threw him into a tree before running towards the red furred fox and lashed out with a flying kick.

"So close." The kitsune commented with a mischievous grin. Kurama grabbed the leg with one of his tails before slamming Naruto into the ground, but Kurama quickly followed up by jumping and slamming both of his paw-like feet into Naruto's stomach. The blonde released a gasp as the wind was knocked out of his lungs.

Kurama then raised his fist, but Naruto blocked the punch with his left arm before releasing a pulse of wind from his body. The pulse sent Kurama off of him and allowed him to climb back to his feet. Kurama flipped in the air and planted his feet against the trunk of a tree before pushing off and sent a fireball at Naruto.

Naruto quickly ducked beneath the attack and slammed an uppercut to Kurama's gut, but the fox quickly recovered and bit down on Naruto's arm. The coppery tasting liquid touched his tongue and Kurama smirked before letting go and kicked Naruto in the face before slamming two tails down on Naruto's body.

Naruto crossed his arms in front of him and blocked the blow before grabbing Kurama's tails. With a loud cry, Naruto swung the three tailed fox over his head and slammed him down on the ground. Naruto then jumped away as Kurama had fired a ball of burning oxygen at him. He countered by sending a blast of wind. Kurama vanished in a blur of speed, avoiding the wind attack before appearing front of Naruto.

The kitsune fired off a kick to the chest and the attack sent Naruto skidding backwards. The blonde quickly ducked beneath the fireball that followed after before racing towards Kurama and slammed a fist into his gut.

He dodged the followed claw swipe before twisting and slamming his elbow into his ribs. Kurama winced and lashed out with two tails. Naruto jumped over them and was about to counter with Fuuton: Daitoppa, only for the third to appear above him. The tail became engulfed in a storm of fire and the fiery whip that was Kurama's tail, crashed down on Naruto.

Luckily, Naruto had formed a wind shield in front of him and was able to to take the attack head on. The dust cloud cleared and revealed the blonde was gone. Kurama's ears twitched before ducking beneath a kick that would have really hurt had it connected with his cheek.

He countered with a sweep kick, but Naruto jumped over it and slammed a fist down on Kurama's skull. The fox growled in pain, but kicked Naruto in the stomach sending him soaring. Naruto and Kurama then let loose a wind bullet and fireball, respectively and caused a small explosion.


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