Winds of Change

"Fuuton: Kuuki Kata/ Wind Style: Air Cutter!"Naruto moved his leg in a downward motion and a magic seal formed before a crescent shaped blast of wind flew from his leg. The attack sliced Wendy's roar completely in half, but Wendy had used the attack as a distraction and Naruto raised his arm as Wendy appeared next to him, a straight kick aimed for his skull.

"Good, you're getting better with distraction tactics." He complimented before grabbing her leg. "But that's not good enough." He added coldly. Wendy's eyes widened as Naruto slammed her down on the ground. He picked her up again and slammed her down.

This action repeated twice more before he flung her away. Wendy spun in the air, but she managed to right herself before jumping and flipping in the air. Air currents swirled near her tail bone as she completed the forward rotation.

"TENRYU NO SHIPPO KOUGEKI/SKY DRAGON'S TAIL STRIKE!" She roared. The whip-like appendage of pure wind came down on Naruto. It was weaker and smaller due to her now accessing the attack, but the blonde dragonslayer smirked as he cut the tail apart with a wind blade before grabbing the still descending Wendy by the throat and choke slammed her.

He let her go, only for her to perform a cat spring. She smirked as her feet made contact with his stomach and since they were powered by her Arms spell, the attack had caused Naruto to be sent skidding backwards. She saw her chance and leaped at him. A flurry of blows rained down upon the blonde dragonslayer who smirked at his student.

"TENRYU NO TEKKEN/ SKY DRAGON'S IRON FIST!"She let loose a strong punch to Naruto's abdomen, but the boy jumped back, but he was sent skidding from the wind blasting side effect of the attack. She then raised her arms over her head, crossing them in an 'x' shape. Wind spiraled around her hands, taking the shape of sharp claws.

"TENRYU NO KIRU TSUME/ SKY DRAGON'S SLICING TALONS!"He dodged every single attack before he one of her arms that aimed for his ribs. He then lifted her up and dropped her before raising his knee, planting it in her stomach before allowing her to fall to the ground as her claws vanished.

Naruto growled softly at the damaged girl. Wendy coughed as Naruto helped her to her feet. She fell forward as she was now weak in the knees, but Naruto caught her and picked her up, bridal style.

"Did I do good?" She asked. Naruto nodded.

"You picked it up rather quickly. I think that fighting style suits you, but variety does help in a fight. I commend you on that cat spring, actually got a good hit on me, but that was just luck, I wasn't really expecting you to recover so quickly." He said as he headed for their campsite.

"You're turning into quite the dragonslayer, Wendy. You've already gotten the Tenryu no Shippo Kougeki down, but it still needs to be stronger. Of course, that strength will come with age."

Wendy nodded before falling unconscious as the force of Naruto's blows finally caught up to her. Kurama, now in full kitsune form, ran up alongside Naruto before reducing to a walking pace. The kitsune looked up at the unconscious blue haired girl and smirked.

"She's learning quick."

"She is." Naruto said with a small smile before he frowned seeing Kurama smirking at him, "Though she has much to learn still."

"Oh come on, Naruto. Don't be like that, you and I both know you're proud of her to have come this far in just three months..." Kurama paused, "Three months that we've been in this damn forest...though it's weird that we're still stuck in this shitty place." Kurama said. Naruto nodded.

"Well, we haven't moved from our new campsite, that's probably why." Naruto said turning to Kurama.

"Yeah, but while you were training Wendy I had flown up to do a bit of scouting and apparently the forest is much larger than it appears to be. It'd take us a few days to clear it if we flew over it, even with Max Speed."

"That is troubling...after we drop Wendy off at the campsite and rest a little, we'll fly up and take a look."

"Sounds like a plan."


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