Dark Magic and Light Magic

Unknown Forest- Naruto's Campsite

Naruto rested the young girl in the sleeping bag he had provided for her beforehand. He watched the Sky Dragonslayer's face as she slept peacefully before he wiped away a few patches of dirt that formed on her cute face. He and Kurama then took a little rest, drinking a bit of water from the nearby river and refilling their water bottles. Naruto pulled out two of three dead rabbits he had caught and had Kurama cook them.

"Naruto, I'm curious...why did you beat down on Wendy so badly? She's only five years old!" Kurama said. Naruto shook his head.

"She's the child of a dragon. She can take it besides, I told her I would be tough on her. She's pulled through rather well these past months." He answered. Kurama bit into his rabbit meat to vent the anger he felt towards Naruto's answers.

"Dragon this, Dragon that...she's a child Naruto! Think about the HUMAN part of her!" Kurama roared. Naruto turned to the fox with a cold look.

"Do not lecture me, fur ball. I know what I'm doing...besides, she's not really five years old." Naruto said. Kurama growled.

"So she was placed in a pocket dimension like us, so what? Her body is still at five year's old. She's still frail, Naruto." Naruto didn't answer the fox when he finished. Instead he just turned to look at Wendy again as he pondered Kurama's words.

Maybe he did have a point, despite how much time Wendy spent in the pocket dimension her body was still a child's. Besides whatever training she did with Grandine she was basically just a little girl who had her limits which he seemed to always make her reach during their training. Naruto shook his head and decided to think more on the matter later as he kept eating his meal.

Once their meal was done they cleaned themselves and stood up. With that the blonde turned to his red eyed Exceed. Kurama reverted to his costumed cat form and nodded.

"Aera!" He cried. A pair of white, angel-like wings sprouted of his back and Naruto used Fuuton: Tobu. The two took to the skies and hovered over the forest's canopy before taking off. Naruto watched over the trees and it was then that he noticed just how large the forest was.

Naruto then spied another river which branched off from the path that his campsite's river took. A rocky pathway bordered both the river and the forest. Naruto then landed there, Kurama following.

The two began to sniff the air before they caught the scent of a mage.

"There's magic power coming from that direction." Kurama said pointing up the river. Naruto nodded.

"Let's go." He began to sprint as the fox costumed feline flew alongside him. After a few minutes of running/flying, the two paused when they came across a small village-like area. It looked similar to a village one might find relating to North American Indian tribes.

The village was made up of many Indian styled tents, numerous pictures of animals such as the wolf, hawk and bison were etched into the fabric to make the tents. Naruto and Kurama walked through the village before coming across the scent of the magic they had found earlier.

"This must be where the mage is." Kurama said.

"You are indeed the captain of stating out the obvious." Naruto deadpanned causing Kurama to shoot a fireball at him. Naruto avoided it before walking forwards, Kurama's fuming form flying next to him.

The blonde opened the tent and the two viewed the inside. It was rather spacious with everything one would need for living in such a secluded area. There was a kitchen, a few rooms that were probably bedroom areas as well as a place which had the picture of a man on what looked to be a chair.

'Bathroom.' Came to the minds of the Dragonslayer and Exceed. Suddenly, they heard the sound of feet against the ground. They turned and saw an old man with a stern looking face. He had a white beard and moustache which all seemed to be connected to his sideburns and eyebrows. His head looked to be disproportionate to his body, it being larger.

Though, this was probably due to his body being thin and lacking much muscle and/or fat. The old man's clothes consisted only of a grey male skirt of some kind worn over a pair of dark purple pants. He was barefoot, but a pair of black sandals near to where he was standing showed that he wore shoes. He wore no shirt and a necklace of white teeth was worn around his neck.

Atop his head was a crown of feathers of some sort, one that someone might find upon the chief of the Native American tribes. There was a golden ring or band on each bicep and his forearms were wrapped in numerous bandages. In the center of his forehead was red tattoo that looked like a circle with an arc on either side of the circle.

"Who are you two?" The old man asked as he suddenly picked up a staff that was leaning up against the wall. He pointed it at the two of them.

"You are the magic energy we've been feeling? It's quite large for one as elderly as you." Naruto said.

"Are you calling me old?" The man asked.

"No, I called you elderly." Naruto said. Kurama turned to the boy, a sweatdrop on the back of his head.

"They mean the same thing you idiot."

"Really?" Naruto asked. The old man gaped when he saw the flying cat before him, but was even more surprised when it started to talk.

"Th-That cat is talking?" The old man gaped, pointing a wrinkled, bony finger at the cat.

"Didn't your mother ever tell you not to point?" Kurama growled. The old man gulped as he saw the rage in the feline's red eyes, but then his gaze hardened.

"What are you doing in my village?" The old man asked.

"We were observing the forest and we came across a strong magic power. We followed it and came here and seeing as you're the only occupant of this village it would obviously have to be you." Naruto explained, "So would you mind if I asked why you're living alone in the middle of nowhere?"

The old man raised a hand, "Please, call me Roubaul. I am part of an ancient civilization that has long since died out, I am it's sole surviving member." Roubaul said. Naruto didn't pry any further on the topic, everyone was entitled to their secrets.

"So, are you a member of a guild?" Naruto asked. Roubaul looked confused.

"No, why?"

"Because I've been traveling with a little girl. She is only five years old and I fear my travels may put her in the path of dangers I will not be able to protect all of us from, even if we are both there to help her." Naruto said, "I was looking for a place to watch over her, keep her safe...but sadly, this place does not seem safe...especially because of that dark magic and light magic surrounding you." Roubaul's eyes widened.

"How did you...?" Naruto didn't reply as he continued to glare at the elderly man.

"My Tou-san told me of a legendary magic that was around during the early days of Earthland. A tribe known as the Nirvit, which lived 400 years ago was said to have made a magic that was able to make the darkness go away and replace it with light."

"However, balance was meant to exist and so whenever darkness became light, light had become darkness and the members of the Nirvit were changed and ended up killing each other off from the negative emotions they felt." Naruto said.

"Your father is well informed on this information." Roubaul said with a serious tone, "What do you know of my people and how did you know I was one of them?"

"I never knew, I merely had a suspicion of your being a Nirvit due to the fact that a majority of this village doesn't really exist and is an illusion." Naruto said. Roubaul looked shocked.


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