The Greed

"Fuuton: Kazegiri/Wind Style: Air Cutter!" The wind arc flew towards Hoteye, but the red haired man raised the earth to take the hit for him. The attack was absorbed and Hoteye grinned.

"I gain a lot of money from selling you after we defeat you. Then I can buy ANYTHING!" Hoteye grinned.

"You're rather greedy." Hoteye quickly ducked and grinned.

"My eyes see everything, you cannot sneak up on me. Only money will allow you the luxury of gaining a hit on me, MWAHAHAHA!" Hoteye laughed. Naruto raised an eyebrow at the older individual.

"We'll see about that." The Dragonslayer of the Apocalypse snarled. He then vanished in a blur of speed and aimed for Hoteye's left side, but the eldest of the Oracion Seis members avoided the blow as if he expected it. Naruto then went into a forward roll and then bent his legs allowing him to leap at Hoteye. Hoteye smirked.

"Such a straightforward move doesn't earn people victory, desune?!" Hoteye called upon the earth as it liquefied and formed a column that smashed into Naruto's stomach. Naruto then appeared to vanish into the wind and appeared above Hoteye and aimed an axe kick at the red haired enemy, but Hoteye twisted his body causing a small crater to form from the impact of Naruto's heel with the earth.

He backflipped out of the way as Hoteye aimed a twister of mud at him. Another twister was sent at him, but Naruto jumped into the twister and began to spin in the opposite direction. A twister formed around him and due to the clashing rotations, both attacks ended. Naruto was then buried beneath the liquid earth as Hoteye allowed it to do so.

"HAHAHAHA BE BURIED BENEATH THE EARTH! I WILL BELIEVE THAT YOU WILL NOT ESCAPE DEATH, DESUNE?!" He laughed. He then manipulated the mud and he threw Naruto into the air. A large earthen fist followed after him and sent the blonde higher into the air.

More liquid earth attacks followed after before a giant serpent of liquid earth raced skyward and opened it jaws. It swallowed Naruto whole before it deviated from its upward direction and headed for the ground, Naruto still in its maw. The snake then crashed into the ground causing liquid earth splatter everywhere as a large crater formed from the impact.

Hoteye laughed even more as he saw nothing happen after a few moments.


(Insert Music: Fairy Tail-Main Theme)

However his laughter was cut short when a blast of wind caused the earth to scatter revealing the blonde dragonslayer. His eyes still a shining white.

"You say your eyes can see everything...well let's see if that true!" Naruto roared before raising his arms to the heavens and a twister formed around each arm.

"Fuuton: Arashi no Hunsaiki/ Wind Style: Storm Crusher!"Naruto slammed his arms on the ground and a large explosion of wind rocketed out from the point of contact causing the earth to be torn apart from the attack. Hoteye willed the earth to twist around him and block the attack, but the attack still carved out the earth around it. Hoteye let down the liquid earth wall and smirked as he saw Naruto had disappeared.

"I'll know where you are, blondie. And when I win, I will get my money for selling you." Hoteye grinned widely. However, the earth cracked beneath him and Hoteye's eyes widened. "NO IMPOSSIBLE, NOTHING ESCAPES MY EYES!"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU TRANSVESTITE!" Naruto snarled as he crashed a wind magic enhanced uppercut to the chin. Hoteye spiraled upwards, but the red haired seventeen year old flipped in the air before softening the earth below him to have a safe landing. Too bad that it's never safe when there's an angry dragonslayer below you. Naruto's arms were enveloped by wind and sharpened to form blades.

"KAZE NO YAIBA!" Naruto leaped up before he began to form a series of slashes against Hoteye's extremely durable body.

"FUUTON NO KENJUTSU: SHIKAZE NO MAI/WIND STYLE SWORD TECHNIQUE: DANCE OF THE FOUR WINDS!"Naruto yelled. He slashed in an upward diagonal attack, following up with another upward diagonal strike as he spun. He then raised both blades and performed a double horizontal slash. He slashed upwards with his left blade and downwards with his right.

He flipped and crashed his foot into Hoteye's face and then went into a backflip and impaled Hoteye through both of his thighs causing the red haired feminine looking man to cry out in pain. Naruto followed up with a double horizontal slash and then raised both arms to the heavens and fused both wind blades into one before crashing in down on Hoteye.

"FUUTON: FUUJIN NO TANTO/ WIND STYLE: WIND GOD'S SWORD!"As Naruto was about to make contact with Hoteye, he was hit in the side by Racer's kick sending him spiraling through the air. Racer grabbed his injured friend and landed on the ground.

"You okay, Hoteye?" Racer asked. The seventeen year old cart wheeling out of the way as Racer tried to hit him with a flying kick. Racer landed against a tree and pushed off before vanishing in midair.

"You're slow!" Naruto shouted as he went into a handstand and spun. "FUUTON: SENPU KYAKU!" Cyclones erupted around Naruto's legs and a whirlwind formed around the boy himself. The attack expanded outwards and crashed into a speeding Racer who was sent flying into the path of one of Kurama's flaming tails.

The fiery attack brunt Racer's jacket and sent him soaring. Racer flipped in the air and skidded along the ground to stop his motion before moving forward. He remained stationary for a moment as his backward movement combined with the fact that he wanted to move forward kept him in one spot. Naruto then appeared in a swirl of wind next to the long nose boy.

"Like I said...YOU'RE SLOW!" Naruto raised his leg high up into the air, however the earth rose up and trapped Naruto's leg just as he was about to crash the axe kick down on the blonde and black haired boy.

"Thanks, Hoteye." Racer said to his fellow member. The book holding individual nodded and Racer suddenly switched his direction and punched Naruto in the stomach. Naruto bent over from the force before the earth holding his leg seemed to move on its own and threw him away. Racer sped after him and kicked him multiple times in the stomach before spinning and crashing a roundhouse to the side.

Naruto tumbled through the air, but was suddenly hit in the back as Cobra appeared behind him. Naruto went into a forward roll before turning and grabbing Cuberos out of the air and was about to break the snake's neck when he threw the serpent at Racer who had aimed a punch at him. The violet scaled serpent knocked Racer to the ground before both of them were stomped down on by Naruto's feet as he landed on them from above.

Naruto then grabbed Racer's face and used it to vault over him and lash out with a double kick as Angel tried to tackle him. The white haired girl was sent flying back, but she spread her wings on her back and took off towards him. She aimed a punch for his head, hoping the use of her wings would have gained her an edge, but Naruto was not fazed in the slightest as he simply raised his knee and slammed it against her chin.

Her jaws made a 'clack' as they met each other with terrific force. She was then grabbed out of the air and slammed into the earth. Naruto held her there for a moment before turning, still holding her and allowed the girl to take a kick to the spine from Cobra. Angel released a cry of pain as she felt like her back was about to bend out of shape.


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