Midnight's Resolve

"Fuuton: Tatsumaki!" Naruto yelled as a giant tornado formed and caused the liquid earth hammer to split apart with a sickening squelch. He then raised his arms in an 'x' shape to block a flying kick from Cobra. Cobra used the block to twist and try to slam his heel against the side of Naruto's head, but the blonde ducked beneath the blow.

Naruto grabbed Cobra's ankle causing the boy to fall to the ground. Naruto then twisted the ankle, intent on breaking it, but Cobra rotated in the same direction as the twist so his ankle wouldn't break, but also it allowed him to break free of the blonde's hold. Cobra then went into a handstand and spun on them. A windmill-like kick would have slammed into Naruto's temple had the blonde dragonslayer not ducked in time. He then performed a sweep kick.

Cobra fell to the ground, but used the fall to perform a twisting motion with his arm as a balance, thus lashing out with a kick and slammed his foot into Naruto's ribs. Naruto rolled with the blow before raising his arm and black and blue magic energy coated it. Cobra's eyes widened as he saw Naruto release a loud roar as he slammed the limb down on the ground. A streak of the dual coloured magic energy suddenly took the shape of a dragon's head. The dragon head roared as it bared its fangs.

'MOKUSHIRYU NO KURO KIBA/ APOCALYPSE DRAGON'S BLACK FANG!' Naruto mentally shouted, not wanting to reveal his status as a Dragonslayer to these 'unworthy' enemies. Cobra was sent flying from the attack and he was sent flying through the air only to be caught by a liquid earth cushion made by Hoteye. before looking to see Naruto crack his knuckles, still rearing to kill. As was Kurama as the fox appeared next to Naruto. Cobra then called upon Cuberos and the violet serpent wrapped its tail around Cobra's waist and threw him at Naruto at a high speed. Naruto channelled wind magic into his feet.

A grey-green magic seal appeared around his legs and wind surrounded them and allowed his already insane level of speed rise to new heights.

"Fuuton: Shunpo no Kazejin!" The blonde muttered before he seemed to vanish into the wind. Cobra's flying form was suddenly greeted with the sight of Naruto in front of him and then above him. The onlookers gaped as pure magic energy swirled into Naruto's hand and formed a compact sphere. The sphere then grew larger, but it's equilibrium became unstable upon the addition of the extra magic energy.

"ENERGY MAKE: OODAMA RASENGAN!" Naruto slammed the attack down, but Hoteye manipulated the earth and a blob of earth took the attack. However, the attack tore through most of the earthen shield before it exploded outwards in a dome of pure magic energy. Kurama raced in and grabbed Naruto as he was sent flying through the air by his own attack.

"You really have to learn to keep that thing stable. It's only blowing up in your face." Kurama spoke. Naruto nodded.

"Yeah." Was all he could say as he watched the dome of magic energy die down. The smoke cloud dispersed to reveal a large crater in the ground. A burnt and broken Cobra lay in the centere of it. Had Hoteye not acted in time, the attack would have surely killed him. Hoteye manipulated the earth and had the liquid-like arm bring Cobra over to him and the other members. Naruto floated in the air as he used Fuuton: Tobu, Kurama, having reverted back into his Exceed form so he could remain airborne and flapped his wings next to Naruto.

Angel summoned Caelum once more from the Spirit World and the orb shaped spirit changed into its cannon mode before firing a large beam of energy. Naruto licked his lips as he wanted to eat the magic energy in that attack so badly, but he restrained himself, allowing Kurama to block it with a fire wall. Kurama then made a pushing motion with his paws and the fire wall flew towards the group.

Hoteye raised up a wave of liquid earth and snuffed out the flames before sending spheres of it at Naruto and Kurama. The two partners flew through the air, avoiding the attacks with aerial acrobatics that would make any trapeze artist green with envy. Energy blasts and earth bullets raced towards Naruto and Kurama and then both of them paused in midair as they saw the liquid earth and laser blast merge into one.

The earth bullet took on a green glow as the energy was absorbed into it. Hoteye then allowed the liquid earth to solidify as he cancelled out his powers. The large green crystal of an attack shot towards Naruto and Kurama and a fast pace.

"UNISON RAID!" Angel and Hoteye yelled, "KRYPTONITE!" Naruto and Kurama took deep breaths and unleashed a combination of wind and fire.

"UNISON RAID: KARYUENDAAN!" The two elements mixed as they made contact with the large emerald of an attack before it exploded into shards. Caelum then vanished as it calculated the probability of it coming back to the human world were very slim.

"I-I-I-Impossible!" Angel and Hoteye gaped. Racer got up, being the only one with enough magic power to do anything. He raced towards Naruto and struck with a kick at the flying blonde. However, Naruto snarled and grabbed the boy's leg and punched his knee. A sickening crack echoed through the air as Naruto broke the sunglasses wearing boy's kneecap with that punch. He then swung Racer and threw him down at his friends.

"Fuuton: Rekudan!" A giant wind bullet crashed into the speedster's body shortly after and he coughed up a large amount of blood as his organ felt like they were about to be crushed by the Drilling Air Bullet. Hoteye caught Racer in midair and rested him down.

"He...packs a...mean punch!" Racer coughed up another glob of blood.

"You do not touch the Sky Dragon...YOU DO NOT TOUCH WENDY...EVER!" Acnologia's Dragonslayer roared. The four injured members of Oracion Seis looked up as they saw wind and magic spiraling into a single form. Naruto's glowing white eyes shone brighter. Pure magic energy swirled into Naruto's open palm as he raised his arm skyward. Magic energy grew larger and larger in his hand as it formed a Rasengan. The Rasengan grew to an enormous size. So large that it appeared to dwarf the trees.

"ENERGY MAKE: CHOU OODAMA RASENDANGAN/ SUPER GREAT SPIRALLING BULLET!"Naruto sent a pulse of magic into his hand and the attack rocketed out of his palm. Five seconds. That was how long his attack would remain stable for and at the speed it was moving at, it was obvious the attack would reach the frozen member of Oracion Seis before the five seconds were up.

However, as the four humans and one serpent closed their eyes, expecting their inevitable death...they realized their deaths had suddenly not ended. They opened them and gasped when they saw the black haired, previously asleep, boy in front of them. The Chou Oodama Rasendangan had suddenly lengthened into a beam rather than the gigantic sphere it was meant to be before it was bent around him. The attack slammed through numerous trees and rocks before exploding outwards two seconds later.

"No way...Midnight!" They all gasped as they looked at their saviour. Midnight looked back at them, eyes wide open revealing the red irises within them.

"Go back to Master Brain and tell him of this development. I will defeat him. With my magic, it should be able to allow me to defend and defeat him."

"No way, Mid!" Angel coughed as she clutched the burn mark on her stomach from Naruto's Rasengan Dangan.

"Yeah, you can't handle this...this...this monster on your own. Even if you are Master Brain's ace, you're no use to him or us if your dead!" Cobra yelled.

"Hoteye, take them and go. HURRY!" Midnight yelled as he distorted a fire blast from Kurama and caused it to slam into the ground a bit farther away from the group. Hoteye and the others gritted their teeth, but they complied with the black haired boy.

"Be careful, Mid." Hoteye said before the earth liquefied and swallowed up the four. Midnight turned and looked up at the glowing white eyes of Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze and the crimson orbs of Kurama the Exceed.


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