Breaking the Illusion

"I spent my entire time protecting myself with my instinctual distortion magic..." Midnight whispered to himself as he bent the wind blast from Naruto away. "But now that I'm awake...I think it's time you died!" Midnight yelled as he stared at Naruto with a crazed look in his eyes. Naruto smirked as his white eyes met Midnight's crimson ones. Midnight raised his arm and suddenly ethereal blades of distorted air formed above him.

Naruto stared at them with his Mokushiryu no Byakugan/Apocalypse Dragon's All Seeing White Eye and formed a dome of wind around himself and Kurama. The air blades were deflected and Kurama looked at his partner in confusion.

"Naruto, why did you do that? There wasn't anything there."

"He uses Distortion Magic. He distorts the air around him, bending it to his will like I do with the wind, only his distortions are on a different level than mine. He can distort the air around him so that he can prevent magic attacks from reaching him." Naruto explained, "Just now, he distorted the air to make ethereal blades of air and sent them at us, but I blocked them with the wind shield."

"So how do we fight what we can't see?" Kurama asked. Naruto turned to Kurama.

"Like I told that old Nirvit...nothing escapes these eyes." Naruto said his white eyes seemed to shine brighter. Kurama grinned widely.

"Then let's take down this carpet riding bastard since he dared to sleep through the battle." Naruto nodded before he manipulated the wind dome and made it into a large spear-like weapon.

"Fuuton: Hotengeki/ Wind Style: Heavenward Halberd!" Naruto yelled. The halberd flew towards Midnight, but the black haired boy sent the halberd around him causing it to impale several trees through and through. Kurama then dove down, changing into his werefox mode.

"FIRE ROCKET!" Kurama yelled as his body was engulfed in fire. Midnight distorted the fires, but was in shock when he saw that he couldn't. This was due to Kurama's body naturally producing the flames at a constant and rapid rate and as a result...Midnight was now in even more trouble.

"W-What the...?" Midnight was suddenly hit in the face with a fiery punch sending him soaring through the air. Midnight flipped in the air and skidded along the ground only to be sent flying as Naruto planted a kick to his ass. Midnight rolled on the ground, but rolled to the left to avoid the punch that followed after. A small crater formed where Midnight's head was.

The red eyed boy's eyes narrowed before he tripped Naruto's feet out from under him and climbed back onto his feet, but Naruto had went into a backwards roll when he fell so Midnight sent his Distortion Blades at him. Naruto saw the blades coming with the eyes of his adoptive father and then took a deep breath and unleashed a wave of wind.

"Fuuton: Daitoppa!" The wind blast met the air blades, but the blades cut through the wave as if they were nothing. As Naruto avoided them, he noticed they were much thinner.

'I see, he distorted the air so that the blades would be at a much higher pressure so that way they would cut through my wind even if they are of the same element.' Naruto thought, 'This might actually be fun.'

Naruto raised his arms and twin cyclones formed around his arms, "Fuuton: Arashi no Hunsaiki!" A large shockwave of wind was sent Midnight's way, but the ace of Oracion Seis bent the attack away from him, but Kurama wrapped his tails around Midnight and then threw the black haired boy into a tree. Midnight flew through said tree and through two more before causing the trunk of the fourth tree to snap as he came into contact with it. Midnight got up and avoided the punch to his skull from Naruto and kicked the blonde away.

Midnight lashed out with a punch, but Naruto ducked beneath it and crashed his fist into Midnight's gut causing the boy to lose the air in his lungs. Naruto followed up with another punch to the stomach before performing an uppercut sending Midnight upwards. Naruto jumped and did another uppercut before backflipping and crashing the toe of his shoe against the red eyed enemy's chin. The attacks sent Midnight skyward. Kurama leaped atop Naruto and used the blonde as a spring board to reach above the spiky, black haired boy and continued with the onslaught of uppercuts.

Kurama then ejected jets of flame from the bottoms of his paw-like feet to propel him upwards and then clasped his hands together, igniting them. He crashed the hands down on Midnight's skull and the boy was sent to the ground. Midnight flipped in the air and managed to right himself, though and so he was able to land on his feet and skidded backwards. As he came to a boulder he saw Naruto and Kurama heading for him.

Midnight held out his arm and then swiped it as if he were slicing something.

"Spiral Pain!" Midnight said. A large twister of distorted air formed around both of the black haired boy's opponents and Kurama and Naruto were sent skyward as the attack caused bruises and numerous slash marks to form on them. Naruto gritted his teeth as he clutched his side where a large laceration had formed before sending out a wind dragon from his jaws.

Midnight deflected the attack, but Naruto appeared behind him as if he appeared out of thin air, which he did, and aimed a punch to the back of his skull. Midnight ducked beneath the attack before performing a sweep kick. Naruto tripped, but went into a backhand spring to get back onto his feet as he fell backwards. Kurama appeared out of the ground and Midnight leaned back to avoid the uppercut to the chin and kicked Kurama in the back, however Naruto rushed forth and slammed a powerful headbutt to Midnight's stomach. Midnight grabbed his head and threw Naruto away with surprising strength.

"SPIRAL PAIN!" A vortex of distorted air encased Naruto and sent up spiralling into the sky, but Naruto flew through the air with his wind magic. Midnight grinned before he distorted the light around him and he became invisible. Naruto roared as he punched to the left of Midnight's location and suddenly an object was sent crashing through a boulder.

"How did you see me?" Midnight gasped as he got back up. Kurama jumped down from above and slammed his feet into Midnight's stomach and then wrapped his hands around his throat and began to squeeze.

"Because you can't fool the nose and the smell disgusting and you breathe loudly." Kurama growled as he began to squeeze tighter.

Midnight growled as he was being choked and his eyes seemed to shine crimson. Naruto and Kurama were suddenly blasted away by a few ethereal blades causing some deep cuts to form on their bodies. Midnight coughed as he stood back up. The sky suddenly turned red and black clouds filled the, now, night sky.

Trees changed from green to a dark, navy blue. Kurama and Naruto looked up as Midnight's form grew black and began to look more grotesque. His body seemed to bulge and grow before Midnight was no longer a human, but a demon-like creature the size of two fully grown men. Naruto snarled as he stared at the monster before them.

He leaped into the air and spun, adding wind magic to his leg to form a blade around it.

"DON'T USE SUCH MEDIOCRE ILLUSIONS ON ME, BOY! I AM NOT A WEAKLING LIKE THE OTHER MAGES IN THIS PATHETIC WASTE OF LAND!" Naruto roared. Naruto sliced the demon in half as he flipped downwards, his leg wind blade cutting through the thick flesh of the black demon. However, it seemed as if the scene before them gained a large crack in it before it shattered like grass revealing the afternoon's environment.

Naruto and Kurama then raced towards the panting Midnight. He had used a lot of magic power to form that illusion and yet the blonde had broken through it in mere seconds. Kurama crashed a powerful tail strike to Midnight's stomach sending the body skidding back before Naruto appeared beneath him. Naruto balanced on his right hand and foot before kicking up with his left leg. Midnight flew up from the powerful kick and Naruto then positioned his body so he was on all fours before jumping and seemed to float beneath Midnight as if he were his shadow.


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