Mercy Amidst Wrath

"EAT THIS, YOU DISGUSTING PIECE OF SHIT!" Naruto twisted his body and kicked Midnight in the ribs. He then used the force of the kick to reverse his movement and twisted to crash another kick to his other side. Naruto rotated and punched Midnight in the face before rotating again and slammed an elbow to Midnight's face, breaking his nose. He rotated again to slam another fist to Midnight's face, injuring his nose even further.

Naruto then saw they were only a few feet above the ground and nodded as he twisted to build momentum for the last strike. He slammed a brutal heel drop onto Midnight's stomach as the boy met the ground causing his innards to rupture and Midnight coughed up blood from the strike. Naruto then flipped away from him before Kurama leaped and crashed down on Midnight, injuring his damaged body even further. Kurama then reached out with his hands and held the weakened boy's neck in a tight grip.

"Move even a muscle and I will snap your neck like a twig." Kurama growled, "Now we have something to say to you..." Naruto walked up to the black haired insomniac.

"Listen here, Oracion Seis. I don't know who the hell you are and why the fuck you're targeting Wendy, but I am going to kill you for even trying to get her. Why you would want five year old girl is beyond even me, but know this...if your friends are going to come back for her at a later date and I find out...hell will be released and I will show you all my TRUE power and none of you will escape my wrath!" Naruto roared. Kurama loosened his grip for Midnight to breathe, but still kept his claws wrapped around his throat. Naruto stood up before raising his foot and slamming it down on Midnight's face causing the boy's face to bruise and bleed even more.

Kurama then whispered into the boy's ear, "You know bitch, the thing is...he didn't need me to kick your asses, but know that a sleeping dragon is not one which should be woken up." Kurama then got off of the boy.

"Now go and tell your Master that if he tried this stunt again, I will hunt him down, I will find him and I WILL kill him..." Naruto snarled. Midnight didn't reply, but the fear was still present on his face. Naruto then grabbed Midnight and flipped him over onto his stomach and grabbed his arms, planting his foot between the boy's shoulder blades...and he began to pull. Midnight released a scream as Naruto's white eyes seemed to glow brighter at the sound of pain.

"HAHAHA YOU SEEM ATTACHED TO THESE ARMS, BITCH!" Naruto laughed, "LET'S SEE HOW MUCH IT HURTS WHEN I DETACH THEM!" A loud snap and crack were heard as Naruto wrenched the boy's arms free of their sockets and then broke them at the elbow as well.

"The only reason you because I want to see the look of fear on your face when I see your face again should we meet in the future." Naruto chuckled darkly before frowning, "Now get out of my sight, human!" Naruto then looked at Kurama and nodded. Kurama sprouted four tails and all five of them swung back and forth before swinging the back forcefully.

"FORE!" Kurama yelled before swinging them and Midnight was sent flying off into the sky, over the trees and somewhere over the rainbow way up high. Naruto sighed before turning around. He closed his eyes and cut off the flow of Dragonslayer magic and his blue irises returned as soon as he had blinked.

"You can come out now!" He called out. Naruto and Kurama watched as the young Sky Dragonslayer ran out with a big smile on her face. She ran up and wrapped her tiny arms around Naruto's legs.

"You were so awesome, Naruto nii-sensei. You were all like, WHAM! BAM! POW! BOOOM! And you had the funny, angry face again!" Wendy giggled like the innocent little child she was. Naruto frowned.

"I do not look like that when I'm angry!" He growled. Wendy pointed at him and laughed, "Funny face!" Naruto sighed and Kurama and Wendy laughed at his expense.

"Kurama-chan, you're not cuddly anymore!" She pouted. Kurama sighed before turning into his Exceed form, fox costume and all. Wendy cheered before taking the Exceed into her arms and holding Kurama like a stuffed toy as she began hugging him.

"Naruto nii-sensei?" Naruto looked down at the little girl.


"What are we gonna do now? Are those bad people gonna come back again?" She asked. Naruto growled causing Wendy to back up a bit in fear as she saw his eyes become filled with rage.

"If they come back, I'll find them and I will kill them. They were lucky they were able to escape and that one we just beat should be able to live for now..." Naruto then grunted as he suddenly felt the effects of the battle on his body, Kurama as well. Both Exceed and Naruto then began to groan in pain.

"NARUTO NII! KURAMA-CHAN!" Wendy gasped as she watched them. She gently placed Kurama on the ground before holding out her hands. A sky blue glow enveloped them before a haze of the same colour washed over her two patients. She saw their faces relax as her Lost Magic began to take effect. Their cuts and bruises healed in a matter of minutes.

"All better!" Wendy gave a small smile to her brother figure. Naruto stared at the little girl and nodded.

"You are getting better." He praised her as he ruffled her hair. "Now then, we have to pack up and move. We can't risk those bastards finding you again." Wendy nodded before skipping away to their campsite. Naruto ran his fingers through his hair and Kurama got up and floated next to Naruto.

"You really think letting her go is a good idea?" He asked. Naruto nodded.

"It's the only way I can assure she's protected. Roubaul will watch over her and his illusion magic should help in preventing her from being found by those Oracion Seis assholes." Naruto said.

"What do you think they wanted her for in the first place?" Naruto shrugged.

"I couldn't care less for why they wanted her and it doesn't matter because they will NEVER get their hands on her. Not now...not ever." Naruto said determinately as he walked after Wendy. "Now come."

"Aye sir!" Naruto raised an eyebrow at the red eyed cat. "What? I thought it would be catchy."

"Yeah, sure. And someone here in Earthland is going to be crazy enough to give a cat a ridiculous name." Kurama tilted his head.

"What would be a ridiculous name in your book, Naruto?"

"I don't know, a name Happy. Happy sounds like a stupid name." Naruto answered.

(A/N: I like Happy mind you guys. Happy's awesome. AYE SIR!)

After packing up, the trio had already abandoned their campsite. Naruto then decided he would up the training for Wendy and try to make the most of the time he had left with her, which is why he had decided to walk towards the Nirvit area instead of flying like he did with Kurama.

"Naruto nii-sensei?"

"Yes, Sky Dragon?" Wendy huffed at the nickname, but continued with her question.

"When can I hear about Grandine?" She asked. Naruto sighed as he stopped walking. Kurama, who was resting atop Naruto's head, watched the small five year old.

"Alright, I'll tell you what happened...I can't tell you anything more than this as this is probably the only loophole in the entire Oath of the Dragon. Grandine and the other dragons left their children to go to a meeting that only dragons are allowed to attend. It is very important to their kind so they are not able to tell anyone about it. That's why Grandine left you without a reason." Naruto said.

"Satisfied?" Wendy frowned.

"How do YOU know this?"

"My Tou-san, the dragon who raised me...he is...a dragon that is able to do things other dragons cannot." Naruto said. Wendy was about to ask who his dragon parent was when she saw the look in his eyes.

"Do not push it, Sky Dragon. Do not ask anymore questions concerning the matter. Do you understand?"

"What why?"

"I asked you...DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" He snarled. Wendy gulped. Even after three months, whenever she saw his angry expression, the image of how he nearly took her life entered her mind. Wendy nodded.

"Yes...nii-sensei." She mumbled. Naruto nodded before he started walking. Wendy followed, but then watched his larger form.

'Who was your Tou-san, Naruto nii?' Wendy thought.