Exploring Seal Magic

"Exactly, also the defensive seals...those could be useful too. If you come across that Distortion Magic user mage again." Naruto growled as the face of Midnight appeared in his mind's eye.

"No need, I can use Kaze no Tate to defend against it and besides, my biological parents' seal, Seal Magic: Five Point Elemental Shield, still remains strong. Though I will have to look into it as that transvestite and the Celestial Spirit user from Oracion Seis were able to attack me and the seal did not become active for some reason."

"Still it couldn't help to research other defensive seals." Kurama stated. Naruto nodded and then flipped through the book to read up on the defensive seals.

"Seal Magic: Four Guardians Defense looks like a useful seal. Forms an energy cube around the user and those whom the user wishes to be within the seal. It blocks every attack, however the weakness lies in the the fact that the vertices of the cube are its weak points and any attack that strikes directly at the vertices could cause the seal to become unstable and shatter." Kurama said.

"Interesting." Naruto commented as he read about that particular seal. After a few more minutes of reading, he looked up upon hearing footsteps approach him.

"So you are a mage!" Naruto looked up to see the blue haired teen from earlier holding his and Kurama's order. She placed the items down on the table before turning to two other male waiters.

"OI, JET, DROY, TELL OBAA-CHAN AND OJI-CHAN I'M TAKING MY BREAK NOW!" Naruto followed the girl's gaze to see two young boys, at least one to two years older than her. One of them had spiky orange hair and a rather pointed face. He had a flat nose and had black eyes. His current attire was the black and white waiter uniform which looked basically like a tuxedo and had a red bow tie. The second person was a black haired individual whose black hair had been somehow styled into the shape of a fish tail or a plant stem of some kind. He had black eyes and had a more square-like chin than his friend. He also donned the waiter's uniform.

The two boys waved back and nodded, but they cast dark glares at Naruto, "ALRIGHT LEVY-CHAN!" Jet and Droy turned back to their work as the girl, now identified as Levy, sat on the chair opposite to Naruto.

"I'm guessing you're related to the owners of this establishment?" Naruto asked.

"How did you guess that so quickly?" She exclaimed.

"You just shouted it out to those two idiots who are now glaring at me due to the obvious affections they harbour towards you." Naruto replied in a monotone as he ate and read his book simultaneously. Levy blinked at the blonde dragonslayer before turning to see the obvious look of jealousy in her partners' eyes. She sighed.

"I told them I wasn't interested before, but they're so darn persistent" She sighed.

"Then why don't you just kill them. That's how I solve my problems, but then again I'm not really a person you should be discussing your lack of a love life with." Levy's eyes widened as she suddenly felt a cold chill pass through the air upon Naruto's mention to kill her partners. She gulped as he looked up from his book with an icy look in his eyes that seemed to show contained fury and a of the feeling for mercy. Levy averted his gaze before changing the topic.

"So what kind of mage are you?"

"So you come to the hypothesis that I am a mage due to the fact that I read a book on Seal Magic?" Naruto asked. The blue haired girl, now identified as Levy, smiled back.

"Yup. Besides, I'm a person who is very interested in anything theoretical." Levy grinned, "So Seal Magic is one of those things, though I'm more adept at Rune Magic." Naruto nodded before he returned to his book and continued to eat. Levy stared at the blonde for a while before watching in awe as Kurama drank the fire whiskey straight from the bottle.

"How does your cat do that?" Levy asked.

"Do what?" Naruto replied.

"Hold the bottle. He's like Happy that way." Naruto and Kurama paused before looking at each other and sweatdropped.

"I can't believe it actually happened, someone was given that stupid name." Kurama mumbled so that the girl wouldn't hear him talk.

"I know and I was speaking hypothetically back then. Someone was actually stupid enough to name something, Happy." Naruto mumbled back.

"Who is Happy?" Naruto asked, not allowing Kurama to talk since he wanted to keep a low profile. Levy grinned.

"One of my friends. He's a talking cat and he can fly too. Though he seems to have an obsession with fish and like to say 'AYE SIR!' a lot."

"HA I told you it was catchy." Kurama murmured softly. Naruto ignored the cat before turning back to his book.

"Alright, girl...are you going to keep bothering me? You have other customers." Levy frowned at the rejection, but stood up and then walked over to his side. Naruto then saw the girl look at one of the pages he was reading before reaching over and picked up his numerous amounts of empty plates. Unfortunately for Naruto, his eyes happened to look up from the book at the time and he was greeted with the view of her developing bosom, which actually wasn't that bad for a girl now starting her teenage years. Though they were noticeably smaller than how most of the female breasts appeared to be in his travels around Fiore.

A Dragonslayer is what he was. But a human male is what he also is, and as such...Naruto quickly grabbed his napkin to wipe away the small trickle of blood that left his nose before crumpling the paper and made sure to slice it to shreds with a small whirlwind from his hands. Once Levy took away his dishes and the now empty fire whiskey bottle, she returned to the table only to drop her writing pad that she used to take orders, behind her. Levy looked down and turned around, bending down to pick it up. Naruto wanted to pull his hair out in frustration.

'OH COME ON!' He mentally shouted as he caught a view of the girl's panties. Horizontal stripes of orange and white were what made the pattern on the undergarment and Naruto had to cover his nosebleed once more.

'Damn hormones. Why did Acnologia have to teach me about sexual reproduction? I wouldn't be having this problem if he didn't...oh right, now I remember. To satisfy the mate I choose.' The Dragonslayer of the Apocalypse thought. He quickly wiped away the blood from his nasal caverns before shredding the napkin just as Levy turned around. The young Solid Script Mage gained a thoughtful look on her face as she watched Naruto continue to read.

"I'm Levy, Levy McGarden." Levy smiled brightly at him.

"That's nice to know. Now shoo." Naruto made a 'shoo' motion with his hand as he continued to read.

"Have you ever thought of joining a guild? I'm a part of Fairy Tail and it's awesome." Levy grinned cheekily. Naruto sighed in annoyance. This girl just wouldn't leave him alone.

"Guilds. Nothing but stupid clubhouses where people try to earn money. You're tied down by the Magic Council and ergo you have no freedom in the world when you're in a guild. I have never been a part of a guild for those very reasons. My Tou-san advised me to not join a guild and I intend to keep it that way." Naruto growled. Levy's eyes narrowed.

"Well Fairy Tail is different, people actually have fun and the Master doesn't give a damn about the Magic Council and it's laws. Your Tou-san gave you wrong advice then if he told you never to join a guild. Guilds are where people can form bonds, you can have fun, find nakama."


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