Unexpected Allies

"The only nakama I need are my imouto and Kurama." Naruto pointed at the fox-like cat, "And if your master believes that if the bonds through a guild are the only way to make it through in this world then he is wrong. Your Master is a fool to have even been a part of the guild in the first place if he knows there are consequences to not following the law of the Magic Council." Naruto then stood up and his piercing gaze met Levy's defiant one.

"And ever mention my Tou-san in such a disrespectful tone again and I will kill you...understand, little girl?" Levy watched as his hands twitched showing that he was actually serious about him killing her. However, she ignored it and glared at him.

"You're a grumpy person you know that?" Levy said. Naruto's eyebrow twitched in annoyance but he reeled it in as he calmed down and turned a page in his book.

"And you're an annoying little girl who should be doing her job." Naruto retorted. Levy sighed as she tapped the table top.

"Have you tried to use a Seal Magic: Pocket Dimension Gates and Seal Magic: Summoning applied in conjunction with a Seal Magic: Speed Enhancement along with Seal Magic: Reverse Summoning to allow for high speed movement from one place to another through the pocket dimensions?" She asked. Naruto shook his head, but his eyebrows were now raised as his interest in the girl suddenly peaked.

"No. I am now learning the art and am yet to put most of the knowledge I know into practice as they say Seal Magic is very complex. I have basically learned the majority of what there is to know on the subject of seals and their effects, however until I know everything about it, I cannot say I have mastered it. The reason I have not attempted cross-dimensional travel through the pocket dimensions is that they say any single miss-stroke or miscalculation in the seal matrix of the pocket dimension seal can cause rather unsettling side effects if the magic is cast improperly." He replied, but the way she spoke told Naruto that she knew what she was talking about very clearly.

"Then why not strengthen the bonds of the matrix? Apply a Seal Magic: Chain Support spell to hold it intact and fix any mistakes that you would have missed so that the seal itself doesn't fall apart. Then place it in conjunction with a Seal Magic: Guardian Protector to help you while in the pocket dimension should you be trapped within it. The Guardian Protector seal does allow one to survive for a minimum of one hour in any environment from what I've read. The pocket dimensions should be no different." Levy said as she unconsciously reached over and took a soda from the tray table cart that was passing by.

Jet and Droy, who were rolling around said cart, narrowed their eyes at the oblivious duo as they began to discuss seal magic. The conversation actually lasted for more than a minute, much to the surprise of the red Exceed.

'I knew she would catch his interest. Brat has a thing for smart girls it seems.' Kurama grinned inwardly.

"I must admit you're rather intelligent for such a young girl. Not many people know about Seal Magic in such advanced detail." Naruto commented as he and Levy were talking about defensive seals.

"I'm thirteen, I'm not that young."

"I'm sixteen, I'm older ergo you're young." Naruto said as he dug back into his book.

"You're not that much older than me. It's only by three years." Levy deadpanned.

"But I'm still older." He said with a matter-of-fact tone causing the blue haired girl to sigh in defeat.

"As to answer one of your earlier questions, I should tell you that Seal Magic: Chain Support does not help in fixing miscalculations or errors made in the seal. It is mainly to ensure the structure is stable when one believes the seal itself in unstable. If you make the seal incorrectly, then you would have to be able to spot it out for if you are unable to, the results could be catastrophic depending on the type of seal that you wish to use.

That is why Seal Magic is said to be a lost magic. Guardian Protector only provides protection for as long as the magic power of the user is supplying to the seal. One hour is not an accurate time frame in estimating the minimum amount of time one can supply magic to the seal. Also, I already have a protection seal to help me whenever I need it. Now if you excuse me, I need to read my book."

"What about coupling the Seal Magic: Mind Transfer with a Seal Magic: Break Down? I heard that can increase the rate at which a spell to be absorbed into a containment seal can be broken down and the information can be reconstituted into your brain's cerebral cortex where memory is stored." Levy said.

"Listen little girl, didn't I tell you to..." Naruto paused in his reading and quickly took out a sheet of paper and a pen-like object. Immediately magic seals began to be written upon the A4 sized sheet of paper. Levy watched in awe at how quickly he was writing those seals before he added a little bit of seals that made the shape of a box around the original seal array.

'Hmmm Seal Magic: Steel Cage, interesting. He's using it as a way to prevent magic backlash when he activates the seal.' Levy thought with an impressed look on her face.

"Nice choice of protection seal." She commented as she gestured to the Steel Cage seals. Naruto didn't respond as he then took out another piece of paper and drew up a seal for Seal Magic: Pocket Dimension Absorption. The spell that allows one to seal away a spell into the pocket dimension. Naruto then drew a circle of symbols before adding the kanji for wind in the center of it all.

'I'm not revealing my wind magic abilities to some random girl.' Naruto thought. He quickly told her he saw a giant cat outside. She instantly turned to watch before Naruto quickly made his move to activate the seal.

'Seal Magic: Elemental Absorption-Wind!' He then added a slight amount of his wind natured magic to the tip of his finger as in formed a minuscule Kaze no Yaiba, and placed it atop the magic seal. Once the wind magic was absorbed into the pocket dimension he placed the paper atop the combination seal array for the fusion of Mind Transfer and Break Down.

He placed a bit of his magic energy into the combination seal and Levy turned back, having given up on looking for the giant cat, and watched in awe as the wind magic seal on the previous sheet suddenly began to break down completely before vanishing into nothing as if it were never there.

Naruto blinked as he felt the information from his small wind spell enter his mind before looking up at Levy.

"Well what do you know? You're not a complete idiot like other humans." He said. Levy tilted her head in confusion at the 'human' remark.

"What do you mean by that?" Naruto stood up and took out another piece of paper before unsealing a brown sack the size of his head. He reached into the sack and took out two sapphires and three emeralds.

"Here, this ought to pay for my meal. I hear alcohol prices have increased." Levy sweatdropped at the alcohol comment, but she watched as he dropped the gems into her hands.

"What the...? Why are you paying with these?" Naruto raised an eyebrow at the intellectual before him.

"Because this is how I usually buy things. People have never complained before, in fact, they welcomed my use of precious stones as currency." The multi-magic user replied. The Solid Script mage gaped as she watched him re-seal his money bag along with putting away his other items.

"I'll be on my way...so keep the change." Naruto said as he and Kurama were about to leave the establishment.

"Who are you?" She asked. Naruto's eyes narrowed at that question.

"I am who I am. There's no need for me to answer such a question now if you excuse me I have to..."

A large explosion interrupted the blonde's dialogue and he looked to see a number of rowdy fire mages causing a commotion outside. The customers, Team Shadowgear, Naruto and Kurama watched as a bank was being robbed by the fire mages.

"WELL?" Naruto turned to see Levy looking at him.

"Well what?" He replied.

"You're a mage! Go and do something!" Levy yelled. Naruto glared at the blue haired teenager before him.

"Do not speak to me in such a tone, girl. I could crush you into nothing right now, but I have better things to do than to involve myself in such useless things such as stopping idiots like them...besides, that person outside has already got it covered." Levy blinked when he saw he was still looking at her, but pointed outside. She followed his finger's direction and gasped when she a large mist had gathered in front of the bank. The fire mages were locked inside the large cloud of water vapour. When she turned back...Naruto was gone.


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