Mastery in the Making

"ICE MAGIC: SHATTERING ICE SPEARS!" Naruto's eyed widened as the volley of senbon suddenly lengthened and thickened, changing from thin needles to large spears. He quickly spun both swords in front of him and sent a tongue of flame at her which spiraled through the air. Haku vanished into mist as the attack took down her attack. She then appeared above Naruto, hands encased in ice to look like giant fists.

"ICE MAGIC: FROST GIANT!" Naruto crossed both his swords in front of him as the gauntlets of ice crashed against his blades. The force was so great it caused a crater to form beneath his feet, but he managed to remain standing. As Naruto looked up, he noticed her bare her teeth, revealing sharpened canines.

'I knew it!' He thought. He pushed her away with a blast of golden flame sending her into a tree, but she managed to flip in the air so that her feet planted themselves against the bark. The bark suddenly froze beneath her feet before shattering as she leaped back towards Naruto with ice senbon in hand. She threw them, causing him to jump out of the way before he looked to see her clap her hands together.

"ICE MAGIC: BI-FROST!" Two giant ice claws raced towards Naruto out of the blue magic seal. He narrowed his eyes as he quickly raised Ascalon and stabbed the blade into the ground and jumped atop the tip of its pommel and leap into the air. He swung Excalibur and took on both ice claws as he and Haku clashed. Haku bared her sharp teeth once more.

"So you are one of them." Naruto stated as he and Haku remained suspended in the air, trying to overpower one another. Sparks and ice shards flew from the friction and Haku's eyes narrowed.

"What do you mean?" She asked. She quickly diverted the golden sword with one claw and slashed with the other. Naruto ducked beneath the slice and then aimed an upward stab to her chin. Haku leaned back and allowed gravity to take effect as she fell. As she fell, she clapped her hands together and an ice blue magic seal formed in front of her.

"ICE MAGIC: ARCTIC TUNNEL!" Naruto slashed Excalibur downwards and an arc of golden fire clashed with the blizzard. A small explosion occurred and Naruto flew back, but flipped through the air and landed against a tree and used it to shoot off towards Haku. As he flew through the air, he managed to lower himself to wrench Ascalon free from the earth and spun. Silver and gold fire erupted from the swords and a fire tornado sped towards Haku.

Haku's eyes widened before she slammed her hands on the ground and a tall, thick ice wall had erected itself in front of her. The spiraling fire stream caused the ice wall to shatter apart. Naruto smirked as he landed on the ground, skidding to a stop. He twisted and formed a horizontal slash, which sent an arc of fire towards Haku as she reappeared behind him.

She ducked beneath the attack and lashed out with a kick. Naruto raised his own leg and blocked the kick. He then ducked beneath Haku's punch before crossing his swords in front of him to block the ice claws that Haku covered her hands with. He parted his blades thus pushing back Haku before kicking her with a straight kick to the stomach. He quickly twisted and slammed his elbow into her face sending her reeling backwards.

Haku rotated to avoid the double vertical slash that would have cleaved her in half and a pillar of flame formed from when it came into contact with the earth. Haku cartwheeled away from the fires and wiped the sweat from her brow before taking another deep breath and unleashed a blast of ice and snow from her jaws. Naruto ran froth and began to slash at the twister of ice causing the particles to be sent every which way. Haku's eyes widened as she her attack was being beaten back and channeled more magic power into her attack. Naruto's eyes widened as the blizzard overwhelmed him and completely encased him.

When the ice and snow passed over, it revealed the blonde dragonsalyer encased in a block of ice. Haku smirked as she walked up to him.

"Are you pleased, Zabuza-sama."

"I told you, Haku. I'm your father so you don't have to call me that...and on another note, no I am not." Zabuza said. Haku's eyes widened.

"Why not?" She exclaimed. Zabuza pointed at the frozen Naruto before Ascalon and Exclaibur became encased in fire and melted through his ice block. Naruto then shattered the remains of his ice prison before kicking Haku in the knee, knocking her off-balance. He then followed up with a slash to her arm, cauterizing the small wound that he had caused upon its formation. He jumped and slammed a kick to the face before backflipping off of her and stabbed his blades into the ground. Streaks of gold ad silver raced towards the ice magic user before she leaped over it and a large cloud of swirling ice formed behind her out of nowhere.

"ICE MAGIC: A THOUSAND WATER NEEDLES OF DEATH!" The ice tornado then formed over one thousand ice senbon. The senbon rained down on Naruto as he slashed, blasted, jumped and flipped his way through the seemingly endless storm of needles. However, many a senbon managed to pierce his skin and he felt his body becoming cold as it required a lot of magic energy to keep the flames of Excalibur and Ascalon active and his muscles were burning as the lactic acid build up was becoming a bit extensive as he continued to dodge the ice senbon.

"ENOUGH!" Naruto roared as he raised Ascalon and Excalibur into the air. He slammed both blades down on the ground and a large wave of fire raced towards Haku. Haku's eyes widened before she began to rotate at high speeds like a top.

"HYORYU NO HARABEN/ ICE DRAGON'S TUNDRA WHIP!"Naruto watched as his flames suddenly froze by the extreme sub-zero temperatures of the twin tails of ice that extended from Haku's rear. Haku panted as she had used a lot of magic power to freeze the blazing attack. She swallowed audibly when Naruto suddenly appeared in her face, Ascalon and Excalibur held to her throat in an x-shape.

Naruto growled as he bared his teeth at her, but Haku returned the glare and bared her own teeth before ice senbon formed out of thin air as she froze the water vapour. The senbon impaled Naruto through several areas of his flesh before she kicked him backwards. Naruto skidded before Haku leaped into the air and ice cumulated around her hands.

"HYORYU NO HYOTENKAGA/ ICE DRAGON'S SUBZERO FANG!"She yelled as the ice formed into the shape of sharp teeth. Naruto quickly slashed upwards with Ascalon, sending a silver fire blast at the ice user, however, the flames suddenly froze in midair as the claws came into contact with them. The frozen flames shattered as Haku broke through them, much to Naruto's surprise before he ducked to avoid the attack to his head. The ground froze over as Haku made contact before her feet became coated with ice and she went into a handstand.

"HYORYU NO TOSOSO/ ICE DRAGON'S FROSTBITE CLAWS!"Naruto felt his side suddenly explode with white hot pain as the foot crashed into his ribs. She went into the force of the attack, going into a cartwheel and stabbed both blades into the ground to complete said cartwheel. He then landed before clutching his side.

"I...will...not be...beaten." Naruto growled before withdrawing both swords from the earth and slashed them in an X-shape. The X of silver and gold flames rushed towards Haku who took a deep inhalation of air.

"HYORYU NO HOKO/ICE DRAGON'S ROAR!"She sent out a blizzard from her mouth and it crashed into the flames causing an explosion at the point of contact. Both Naruto and Haku went flying through the air. Naruto then rushed forth with speeds that amazed even Haku. Zabuza's eyes widened.

'He's just as fast as her...impossible! He's not even using his wind magic to increase it.' The tanned swordsman thought in shock. Naruto leaped and flipped through the air. He roared as he changed into a large wheel of gold and silver fire. Haku raised her arms and they became coated in large quantities of ice before taking on the shape of wings.


Haku unleashed the attack at her opponent, the wings aiming to cleave her opponent in two, but she was caught off guard when she saw the wheel of fire deviate from its path and avoid the attack before it slammed into her. Haku tumbled through the air before landing against a tree and slid down its surface. She got up to see Naruto standing before her with a flaming Excalibur pointing at her throat.


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