Training Begins

"You are strong...Daughter of Glacia." Naruto muttered soft enough so that only she could hear it. The Ice Magic user's eyes widened at that. The two observed themselves. Portions of Naruto's skin were covered with ice preventing him from bleeding much, his shirt and pants were torn in multiple places from the ice senbon and he was currently feeling like he was going to freeze his ass off. Haku was not looking that much better either. Her kimono was torn along the sleeves and had many burn marks covering it. Her face and hands were covered with soot and she had a few cauterized slash wounds from where Naruto managed to strike her.

"How did you...?" Haku was interrupted as Naruto re-sealed his blades into his wrists and Zabuza began to clap lightly.

"Well done, son of Kushina."

"My name is Naruto, Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze." Naruto said. Zabuza's eyes narrowed.

"So you're his son too? To think she would marry the Kiiroi Senko, another one of the Ten Wizard Saints."

"They're both dead you know?" Naruto said. Zabuza's eyes widened at that before he gained a sad look in his eyes.

"I...I see." Zabuza walked up to Naruto and patted his shoulder. "Well, did good to win against Haku. Good jo-"

"Actually...I lost." Naruto said. Zabuza's and Haku's eyes widened.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Haku said. Naruto smirked before raising his arms and pointed to them. He drew back his torn sleeves and raised his short up to reveal the arms and his side were freezing over.

"I've been holding the frostbite back with my magic power, but my arms had started to go numb by the time I held them to your throat. Even if I did have you at my mercy, I wouldn't be able to carry it out because I have begun to lose feeling in my arms." Naruto explained. Haku nodded before resting her hands on his frozen arms and side and the ice shattered apart like glass revealing his flesh and skin returning back to normal. Naruto sighed in relief before having Kurama come over and heat his flesh to normal body temperatures.

"Well brat, you did well. Your unorthodox style...just like Kushina-shishou's, is impeccable. You combine attack and defense in many areas so you are actually a very qualified swordsman already. However, your grip looks to be slipping, your blade tilts at an angle when you go for straight blows. Your slashes are a bit too slow for my liking as well. We'll have to work on a lot of things to work on."

"So I pass?" Naruto asked. Zabuza nodded.

"Starting today, you will begin your training with me. Haku, I'm going to hunt for some lunch first and then we'll begin after we Naruto around the house in that time." Haku nodded to her father.

"Yes, Zabuza-sama."

"I told you to stop calling me that. I'm your father not your master." Zabuza sweatdropped before he vanished in a swirl of mist. Haku and Naruto and their Exceed partners stared at one another in complete silence before Haku decided to break it.

"So...are you one of us?" Haku asked. Naruto blinked.

"That information is classified. Only those I trust will learn the truth about my skills." Naruto said. Haku nodded.

"How do you know of my Okaa-chan?" Haku asked. Naruto shrugged.

"I have managed to catch the names of many dragons along with what element they are related to. I know the names of every elemental dragon and one other type." Naruto explained, "Your Okaa-chan would no doubt have been Glacia, Dragon of the Ice and Snow. Abilities are to manipulate snow and ice and thus her powers are at its greatest during the winter months. Your weakness would be Fire Dragonslayer magic as no ordinary flames would be able to melt a dragon's icy scales."

Haku's eyes widened as the blonde basically told her her own profile.

"You know much for someone who is not a Dragonslayer." Haku's narrowed her eyes, giving him an icy glare. Naruto returned the glare with equal intensity. After a few seconds of unnecessary tension, the two ended their glaring contest before picking up their feline partners. Said felines leaped atop their partners' heads and rested there.

"What are your thoughts on what I am?" Naruto asked. Haku blinked at the sudden question as she led Naruto to the house.

"I think...I think you are one of us. You know too much about our species to be labeled as a non-dragonslayer. The only question is how you are able to mask the magic you have because your magic is purely wind magic in nature and it is not that of Cyclonus, the Wind Dragon or like Grandine the Sky Dragon. Dragonslayer magic has a specific feel about it that allows us to recognize one another and yet you do not possess that feeling in your magic." Haku said. Naruto nodded.

"Then what is your conclusion?"

"I conclude that either you are not a dragonslayer or you are one, but you do a very good job at hiding it." Haku answered. Naruto smirked inwardly.

'Excellent, I can't have anyone other than imouto and Kurama know of my true abilities.' Narto frowned though as the image of his imouto came to mind, 'Wendy...' He wondered how she was doing and if she still felt sad about him leaving her. He knew she'd be happy from getting that birthday gift he left her but he knew she would be missing him not long after that.

"Well?" Naruto looked up and saw Haku and Yuki holding the door open for him to enter. Naruto blinked before Kurama slapped him.

"What was that for?" He grumbled.

"Go inside you idiot!" The fox costumed cat ordered.

"Shut up, fur ball!" Naruto yelled back as he flicked Kurama's ears. His actual ears, not the fox costume's own. Naruto observed the house. It was like any regular house. There was a kitchen, a living room, a small dining room, bathroom and a flight of stairs that most likely led to the bedrooms and another bathroom.

"It's not much, but it's where we can live in." Haku stated. Naruto and Kurama nodded before they walked over to the couch. He sat down on it, Kurama jumping off of his head and bounced on the cushy surface and purred in content. After spending about an hour to eat, get acquainted with the home and just sit down and do nothing, the two dragonslayers and Exceed sat on the couch with bored looks on their faces.

"Wanna train?" Naruto asked.

"YES!" Haku yelled all too loudly. Naruto raised an eyebrow in amusement causing Haku to blush in embarrassment. "I mean..." She cleared her throat, "Yes, let us go train, Naruto-san."


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