A Teacher's Legacy

Timeskip: Four Months, Year-X780

Steel clashed against steel as Naruto fought against Zabuza. Blindfolded.

"Good, good...you've improved these past few months, Naruto." Zabuza said before he crashed Kubikiribocho against Ascalon. Naruto redirected the large blade and stabbed Zabuza's chest with Excalibur. However, the master swordsman deflected his student's blade with a kick to the elbow, but Naruto suddenly vanished into the wind as Zabuza blade came crashing down on his blindfolded form.

"Hehe, you're playing the old wind trick on me? Well brat, you may have gotten better..." Zabuza sliced to his left causing Naruto to have to block with both of his swords, "But you're still going to have to better if you want to keep up with me."

"You talk too much!" Naruto said as he suddenly appeared to Zabuza's right causing the brown haired man to gape beneath his bandaged mouth. Zabuza's eyes narrowed.

"That's my trick you know."

"And you gave it a shitty name too. The Disappear-o trick? Really, Zabuza-sensei?" Naruto said rolling his eyes beneath his blindfold before lazily blocking the Kubikiribocho with Excalibur and then spun and aimed an upward diagonal slash Zabuza's leg. The older male jumped and flipped in the air. Now this exercise seemed rather simple. Fight him with a blindfold on. However, the thing that made this a challenge was the fact that Zabuza had silenced everything around his student, everything but his own breathing, which was almost inaudible, his heart beat and his vocal chords so that he could talk when he wanted to.

Naruto jumped into the air and backflipped before landing in front of the house where Haku was sipping tea as she played chess with Kurama and Yuki.

"He has gotten better." Yuki commented in a soft voice, much like Haku's. The ice dragonslayer nodded.

"He has, but his arrogance and outlook on the human race hasn't changed at all. He sees all, but himself and those he sees as strong, as weaklings and a waste of his time."

"Actually, smarts also plays as strength in Naruto's opinion." Kurama told Haku and Yuki.

"In what way?" The Blue Exceed asked as he watched as Naruto rolled to avoid a downward slash from Zabuza before sending an arc of gold fire at him.

"There was a time in a restaurant we had seen back in Onibus Town a few months back. Met a blue haired waitress who was a part of that stupid guild called Fairy Ass or something."

"Fairy Tail." Yuki and Haku corrected him. The fire using feline waved his paw.

"Yeah, Fairy Tail. Anyways, he was studying up on his Seal Magic when the waitress had decided to take the time and chat up our little blonde hero. Boy was he taken down a few pegs when she began to ask him these smart sounding questions. Good thing he understood them too." Kurama laughed lightly.

"So he likes the girl?" Haku asked with a smirk. She always thought Naruto was one to avoid relationships, but this girl made her think differently.

"Oh no. The girl was much too cheerful for his tastes, though when she became serious and began to ask him the Seal Magic questions...he was actually impressed with the girl to such a degree that he had practically, on the spot, changed his opinion of her being a weak little Solid Script mage." Kurama said. Haku blinked.

"Interesting. So he has a thing for smart girls?"

"Gotta be strong too. Though from what I saw, that girl had mental strength like you wouldn't believe...it's just the physical aspects that were holding him back a bit, but nothing time won't change." Kurama said with a shrug. "She was only thirteen after all."

"Well that's not too young. It's only three years apart." Haku said. She looked as the blindfolded blonde crossed his blades and took a strike from her father before he was being pushed back. He suddenly vanished into the wind and reappeared above her father and sent two blasts of fire from the tips of his mother's swords. A large explosion formed from the point of contact with the ground as Zabuza leaped out of the way.

'Hehe, Naruto-kun, you really are one unpredictable boy aren't you?' The Ice Dragonslayer thought as she watched the panting Dragonslayer of the Apocalypse.

"Good job, brat. You've gotten your sense of hearing to such a degree you could go toe-to-toe with just about anyone, except me of course." Naruto scoffed at his master's words.

"Please, Zabuza-sensei. I was...kicking...your ass." Naruto said as wiped the sweat from his brow before falling to the ground from exhaustion. A few moments passed as the group watched the downed blonde.

"A little help." Naruto's cry was muffled by the grass causing everyone to sweatdrop at the scene. Kurama shook his head as he flew over to the wind mage and picked him up as Zabuza walked towards Haku.

"I swear, you're gonna kill yourself one day with how hard you push yourself." The fox costumed cat muttered to his blonde partner/friend.

"I'm a Dragonslayer, I refuse to be beaten by a mere human mage...even if it is one who obviously outclasses me." Naruto added. Kurama raised an eyebrow as he formed a puzzled expression on his face.

"You admit that someone is superior to you?"

"If I could use my wind magic attacks with my swords, I would wipe the floor with Zabuza-sensei, but if terms of sword play alone...he is greater than me even when I used wind magic and the silencing technique. He certainly is an excellent fighter." Naruto admitted.

"I never thought I'd see the day, Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze...son of the Black Dragon...actually admit to being weaker than someone."

"I'm not weaker, he's just better. There's a difference cause in a full on fight with no restraints I'd dominate." The red furred cat chuckled at that before resting Naruto on the porch in front of the house.

"You've gotten better brat, in fact you're close to being better than me if you keep doing what you're doing now, but..."

"I'll never be better than Okaa-chan..I know, you've told me that a million times." Naruto said with a bored expression as he took a sip of water from the bottle Zabuza threw to him.

"Exactly. I may be YOUR teacher, but your mother was MY teacher. You can't become better than a teacher's teacher." The bandage wearing swordsman said as he deposited Kubikiribocho into the pocket dimension due to his Requip.

"What else is there to learn, Zabuza-sensei?" Naruto asked. Zabuza raised a non-existing eyebrow at that.

"I've taught you a great deal already, brat. And you've soaked it all up like a sponge. You learn too quickly for your own good, but if you want to learn anything else then I guess the only thing that would be worth your time would be to teach you the entirety of my Art of Silent Killing style because Haku is not really one to wield a blade. Her Dragonslayer magic is not one which requires blades. I just teach her some stances to utilize with her attacks, but let's face it brat...we're not getting any younger and I want to pass on my sword style to someone I trust."

Naruto stared impassively at the brown haired man before nodding, "I'll do it."

"Huh?" Zabuza stated intelligently.

"I said I'll do it. I'll carry on your legacy...my mother's legacy as well. I have her swords and like you said, I have her unorthodox style of sword fighting, but if I combine that with you style, sensei...I can carry both of yours and your sensei's sword styles." Naruto said. "My mother died to protect me, I'd be damned if I didn't respect her for what she did and carrying on the will of her and her student is the best thing I can do so far. I aim to become strong...stronger than my biological father and my adoptive one." Naruto stood up as he unleashed his flaming blades, his eyes burning with equally intense determination.

"Teach me the Art of Silent Killing"

Zabuza's eyes widened as he watched the boy before him and smirked.

"You got it, you idiotic brat. But I an't going easy on you." Naruto growled in an intimidating fashion, his pupils unconsciously becoming vertical slits.

"Easiness is for the weak, Zabuza-sensei."


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