Encounter in the Forest

(Timeskip) Unknown Location, Year-X784

A two figures walked through the forest. One was a man, about twenty years old. He had spiky blonde locks and cerulean blue eyes. Three whisker marks adorned each cheek. His skin was slightly tanned and his body was lean, with barely, if not any, fat present. He wore a black, long sleeved t-shirt with blue patterns on it that made it look like small wisps of flame.

He wore a pair of dark blue pants and a pair of white socks with black boots. Around his neck was a necklace with a golden flame charm on it. A long, black trench coat with the kanji for 'Apocalypse' was imprinted on it back was worn over the entire outfit.

The second was a red furred cat that stood about two and a half feet tall, with black fur where its eyes were. Said eyes were a crimson colour with black, vertical slits. The cat had black claws on its paws and a long, red, fox-like tail which poked through a hole in the kitsune-like costume it was wearing. The head of the cat was covered by the hood of its kitsune themed costume, hiding its face from the shadows of the hood.

As the two walked through the forest, the bushes and trees began to rustle before at least ten men, each one wore black armour and held obsidian blades, jumped out from their hiding places.

"Oi, buddy. We're members of the Dark Guild, Black Knight. If you want to live, give us everything you have and we'll let you live." The blonde man chuckled at the man's threat.

"The Sleeping Dragon...is not one that should be woken up." The small cat said to the members of the Dark Guild. The Black Knights growled beneath their helmets before raising their blades.

"One last warning before we kill you and take your stuff by force...hand them over." The twenty year old blonde shook his head as if in disappointment.

"I spent four years training with a demon of a swordsman and now...I finally get the chance to test out my strength." The blonde's wrists suddenly glowed, one silver and the other gold.

"Seal Magic: Release!" Naruto yelled as he summoned forth the blades of Merlin. He gripped the shining blades before he vanished into the wind with Kurama. The Black Knight members' eyes all widened in shock.

"Where'd he go?"

"I don't know. He disappeared, and I don't hear anything." The Black Knight members glanced around blindly, unknowing of the fact that the blonde was standing right behind them, blade poised to strike. He then walked up to the Black Knight and whispered in his ear.

"Boo!" And with that, the blade was impaled through his stomach. Naruto vanished into the wind once more before he began to silently and quickly, cut down the Black Knight guild members. Some tried to flee, only to be kicked back into their positions.

They watched as their fellow guild mates were impaled and/or beheaded before they were set afire by the burning blades of Merlin. In what seemed to be agonizingly long hours, but in reality was actually only two minutes, the last Black Knight member was left standing. He gulped in fear, clutching his shaking blade. Suddenly, the wind whistled past him.

"Brain, Heart, Liver, Kidneys, Spinal Chord, Larynx and Lungs." Naruto voice seemed to come from everywhere as he silently and swiftly walked around his opponent, a mist of pure magic energy coating the battle field and obstructing the Black Knight's vision.

"Decisions, Decisions." Kurama's deep voice cackled before he frowned. "I say to cut him in all seven. Don't take the time to pick a spot." The man was weak-kneed by the end of Kurama's note.

"I say..." Naruto's grin matched that of his draconian parent's as he suddenly appeared behind his opponent, "I say...burn him!" Naruto grinned as he stabbed Ascalon and Excalibur into the armoured man's chest and he began to burn.

The holy flames that could burn even a dragon, consumed the dark guild member's body before his body became ashes within a matter of one minute, his armour now a grotesque, black piece of twisted metal that was still red from the extreme heat. Naruto flicked his wrist and the pieces of liquid metal flew off his blades before he re-sealed the two ancient swords of his mother.

"I think that went rather well, don't you think?" The Exceed grinned like the vulpine he could become. Naruto nodded as he cancelled the haze of magic energy and the environment became visible once more.

"Aye." He replied before walking off, Kurama flying beside him.



One Month Ago, Year-X784

"Naruto...I have taught you all I can. You are now a master in my eyes." Zabuza said as he stabbed Kubikiribocho into the ground to lean up against. Naruto re-sealed Ascalon and Excalibur before bowing.

"Thank you, Zabuza-sensei." He responded. The brown haired man ruffled Naruto's hair, an action that bewildered Naruto as he had never shown true affection. Unless you call being swatted around while a seal protected you from the Black Dragon of the Apocalypse affection.

"Naruto...you were an excellent student. I'm sure who ever taught you magic would be proud of the mage that you are now."

"I thank you again, Zabuza-sensei."

"Haku will miss having you, but since she's not here to say goodbye...she said for me to tell you to, and I quote, 'Introduce me to that cute, smarty-pants, blue haired girl that Kurama told me about.', end quote." Zabuza chuckled as he saw the blonde's eye twitch in annoyance.

"Haku is so bothersome." He sighed into his palm. Zabuza then patted Naruto on the shoulder.

"Now Naruto, I want you to promise me something before I let you leave us for good." Zabuza said with a serious tone. Naruto remained stoic as he watched his, now former, sensei. "Promise me that you will uphold the legacy that your Okaa-chan and I had made for you. You are a great swordsman and an even greater mage, Naruto. Do not give up. Do not let anyone tell you that your version of good and bad is wrong because everyone has their own sense of right and wrong. Never forget who you are and don't let anyone try to change you. I've known you for four years and I see that you are a cold killer."

"You see those who are weak as a waste of your time and do nothing to show your discontent towards them as you brutally end their lives and as for the ones you see as strong, you make sure to have them remember you from the way you nearly end their lives...but I know that beneath that, you care for those you hold precious to you. You treasure those you call 'nakama' and I want you to stay that way because that is what sets you apart from the scum in this world of ours. You fight for yourself, but when you are around people whom you see as your precious people, people like Haku and Yuki, you fight for them. You fight for their sakes and you kill for their sakes so that you can make the world a better place for them to live in. Remain true to yourself, Naruto and continue to follow that path of protecting your nakama."

Naruto stared at his master before nodding.

"I promise, Zabuza-sensei."

End Flashback


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