71 Flames of Judgment Pt. 2

Naruto dodged a double kick from two members before a grey-green magic seal formed in front of his hand.

"Fuuton:Kazegiri/ Wind Style: Air Cutter!" Naruto cried, launching an arc of wind at them and sliced them in half. Blood and gore filling the room. Naruto then spun and grabbed two female members and snapped their necks before throwing them to Kurama as he burned the bodies. The kitsune was also taking down any of the mages that dared to use magic to try and stop his dragonslayer partner's destructive rampage.

The blonde kicked another three members with a wind enhanced roundhouse which had allowed for him to simultaneously cut them in half at the hip as an arc of wind ejected from the point of contact with the member he hit. The arc of wind flew through their bodies like they were water and they fell to the ground, dead. Naruto took a deep breath.

"Fuuton: Fuuryudan!" A large wind dragon spiraled out of his jaws and it began to tear apart the members that attacked him. He then twisted and placed his palms flat out in front of him. He drew them back before thrusting his palms forward.

"Fuuton: Reppusho/ Wind Style: Gale Palm!" Two gigantic hands of wind slammed many Black Knight members into the walls of the guild, leaving two large hand-shaped holes in the wall. Naruto vanished into the wind many times, moving at the speed of the wind and cut down the members of the guild at break-neck speeds. The guild master, the Devon Theft Family and the kidnapped people all stared in shock as the blonde and the three tailed kitsune standing amongst the blood and gore before them.

The wind bent to his command as he sliced off the head of another member and then kicked another in the skull, causing the neck of the victim to snap from the force. Naruto ducked beneath a stab from a sword and grabbed the member's outstretched arm and broke the arm at the elbow joint causing the sword to fall. Naruto caught the blade and stabbed it into its original wielder's skull before withdrawing it and throwing it as if it were a kunai knife. The blade flew straight and true, impaling through at least three people in one go making them look like a shish kebab. Naruto twisted and slammed a fist into another member's face causing the nose to break before sending a blast of wind from the magic seal that formed in front of his palm, shredding the Black Knight member's face to the bone. Kurama then flipped and crashed a fireball down upon three members that tried to attack him with their magic and suffered a fiery end before another three had their faces burnt off by Kurama's tails wrapped around them.

A lightning spell flew towards Naruto, but a shield of wind stopped the attack before a disc of wind sliced the man in half, vertically. A numerous amount of fire spells flew through the air towards the duo, but Kurama took the attacks and used them as a meal.

"Ah, that was nice." The blood red kitsune commented as he licked his lips after eating the flames. He then twirled his tails in the air and the tips of his tails each sported a small fireball. Small fiery comets descended upon the guild from the fireballs on Kurama's tails, burning everything in their path. The fact that there was wind from Naruto allowed for the flames to burn brighter and with more power.

During a small scuffled with a large crowd of Dark Knight members, the kidnapped people, despite they were tied up, managed to get up and hop out of a large hole in the wall.

"Fuuton: Kaze no Arashi!" A shockwave of wind erupted from the center of a small mound of the dark guild's members as they tried to hold him down, but to no avail as the powerful tornado began to destroy all those that were unfortunate to stand in its way. The wind attack shredded their bodies and one fell down towards Naruto. The blonde caught the dead female member and crushed her skull like it was a grape, blood leaking down his hands. He threw the dead body amongst the others before going into a handstand and spun.

"Fuuton: Senpuu Kyakuu!" Whirlwinds swirled around the blonde's legs to form miniature cyclones before a violent wind storm erupted as a result of the blonde man's rotation, cutting down another number of Black Knight members. Naruto bent his arms and then leaped into the air as he pushed off and flipped so that he was now right-side up before encasing his arms in wind.

"Fuuton: Arashi no Hunsaiki/Wind Style: Storm Crusher!" He slammed his arms down and hurricane force winds erupted from the contact with the floor and sent bodies, both living and dead, flying through the air. Naruto waved his arms as if he were conducting an orchestra and streams of high velocity, gale force winds followed his directions. Naruto then manipulated the winds to form blades around his arms.

"Fuuton: Kaze no Yaiba!" Naruto then vanished into the wind as he began to move swiftly and silently to kill his opponents.

"Fuuton no Kenjutsu: Shikaze no Mai/Wind Style Sword Technique: Dance of the Four Winds!" The bodies fell as they were continuously sliced, decapitated, impaled and other forms of being bodily harmed. Naruto then clapped his hands together and a strong vortex of wind surrounded him before it began to expand and shred everything that it came into contact with, not including Kurama.

"Fuuton: Kami Oroshi/Wind Style: Godly Wind from the Mountains!"

Naruto stopped as he nearly engulfed the entire guild and the wind vortex died down to a simple breeze before it became nothing. Naruto and Kurama observed their handiwork. The guild was burning and the two spotted the frightened guild master and the Devon Theft Family hiding behind a large set of boxes that contained their stash of rum and food among other things. Naruto's glowing white eyes appeared even more frightening to them as the light of the fires mixed in with them. Kurama's crimson eyes seemed to burn like the flames as his heated glare met their eyes.

"You humans disgust me." Naruto spoke.

"To think you sell your own species for the mere prospect of money...it sickens me greatly." Kurama added. The guild master was about to utter an excuse when Naruto turned to him.

QUIET, HUMAN!" The guild master immediately shut up and began to feel a warmth in his pants. He had just pissed himself. Naruto walked to the Devon Theft Family and held up his hands. A wind blade formed around the hand and he pointed it at them.

"You are not worthy to be able to live like the rest of this pitiful guild. I will destroy all humans who dare to perform such acts and I will purge them from the face of the planet. These red flames and the slicing winds will tear everything apart and you will all go down with it...but I have a more fitting end for you pieces of scum." Naruto looked to Kurama. The demon kitsune met his partner's gaze and grinned widely.

His toothy grin spoke volumes to the criminals before them and Kurama raised his claws and engulfed them in fire. Naruto quickly raised a hand and laid it out flat, palm facing the burning floor. He then forced downwards and the Devon family and the Dark Knight guild master were suddenly experiencing extreme amounts of wind pressure forcing itself upon their bodies.

With this amount of pressure on them, the group of criminals could only blink as Kurama's claws neared them. The demon fox grinned before impaling their eyes, burning them from the inside out. The people screamed in agony as their eyes were turned to nothing. Naruto then smirked at their screams.


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