The Hero's Return

"Ah...the screams." He smirked to himself before frowning at his immovable hostages. "They annoy me...time to die."

The Devon Family screamed along with the master of Black Knight before Naruto's eyes glowed brighter and black and blue magic energy coated his arms.

"Mokushiryu no Hakai Tsume/Apocalypse Dragon's Annihilation Claws!"Naruto roared before slamming the claws of the Black Dragon down upon his victims and a large explosion of magic formed as soon as the claws made contact with the criminals. A large shockwave erupted with enough force to shake the earth and the kidnapped victims who had run a decent distance away from the guild, also managed to feel it, causing them to fall to the ground. They turned back and gaped as they saw the guild suddenly tremble and looked as if it flaming remains were expanding. Black and blue beams of energy poked through the cracks before the guild itself exploded into outwards and turned into nothing but pieces of broken metal and wood.

Naruto and Kurama looked at each other with bored looks.

"Well...that was fun." Kurama grinned, tails swishing in the air with glee.

"Indeed." Naruto agreed as he and the demonic fox turned back and began to walk back towards the crowd of shocked, but still tied up, people. Naruto and Kurama raised an eyebrow at them before Naruto raised his hand. The group flinched out of the fear that he was going to kill them as well, however they were surprised when Naruto merely gave a wave of his hand and multiple wind blades sliced the ropes that bound their hands and feet. They then tore the duct tape from their mouths before looking at Naruto.

"Thank you...for saving us." They all bowed to Naruto with large grins on their faces. Naruto just stared for a moment at seeing them bow to him. It would've been satisfying if they hadn't been hostages.

"I didn't aim to save you all. I just wanted to kill those Black Knight members."

"Even so..." A man spoke, "You did indirectly save us, so again...thank you." Naruto and Kurama looked at each other before walking around the group. The crowd's eyes still trained on the masked blonde. The duo then headed back to Tully Village, the crowd following behind them as if they were their leaders.

"Well...this is an interesting development." Naruto commented as he saw the hearts appear in some of the eyes of the women in the crowd as they looked at him.

"You're still a real lady-killer even with your face covered, neh, Naruto?" Kurama joked, thus earning the fox costumed cat a slap on the head.


Tully Village

Naruto and Kurama turned to the crowd of previous kidnaps and looked back at the entrance to the village. The sky was beginning to gain a golden glow as the sun was about to rise. The two looked over the crowd.

"Your families are waiting for you." Kurama said.

"Time to go." Naruto grabbed Kurama and the wind swirled around them. "Shunpo no Kazejin."

"W-Wait!" A young girl who looked to be about sixteen, with blue hair called out to the boy and Exceed before they vanished into the wind. The girl frowned as her 'hero' had disappeared. However, she then took off towards the village, her fellow villagers running after her.

"PORTIA NEE-CHAN!" The young teenage girl called out. The members of Tully Village were all rudely awakened by the sudden shouting and screaming below and couldn't believe their eyes when they saw the kidnapped people had returned safely.

"Illiana!" Portia ran towards her little sister and the sixteen year old hugged her older sister. "H-How?"

"It was awesome nee-chan! We were all trapped and stuff, but then this blonde guy wearing a mask came out of nowhere with a fox that could breathe fire and then he started beating up all the members of the Black Knight guild. He was bending the wind, Portia. It was sooo cool." She said with a dreamy look in her eyes. Portia chuckled and was about to call her sister crazy when she began to hear the other victims of the kidnapping beginning to praise their saviours.

"Well what do you know?" A man from the pub spoke, "The brat actually did it."

"I know, it was amazing." One of the kidnapped people replied, "He controlled the wind as if he were its master and that kitsune breathed fire and manipulated it."

"I couldn't believe my eyes when that blonde killed everyone without so much as batting an eyelash." A woman told her friend.

"We should thank him!" Another villager yelled.

"He left already with his companion, though it was odd how it became a cat all of a sudden." Another villager said.

"Well if he left, then we should at least honour him with a name." A female villager spoke. The villagers all agreed to the idea and began to call out random titles before one was uttered by Portia.

"How about...Ogonno Fuujin, the Golden Wind God." The blue haired woman suggested. The villagers went silent before nodding.

"A fitting name, Portia." One of the kidnapped villagers agreed, "His golden hair and his ability to bend the wind as if he were the wind god itself." The villagers cheered as they began to spread the word about the Ogonno Fuujin. Naruto hovered in the air using Fuuton: Tobu, his figure outlined with the amber light of the rising sun.

His piercing blue eyes stared down at the villagers, arms folded across his chest. His black cloak billowed in the wind as he levitated. Nothing could ruin this epic mental picture..except for the fact that within a few seconds, the blonde dragonslayer released an annoyed groan before facepalming as he was being heralded as a god, not that he didn't mind the praise, he just would've preferred being called a dragon god or something else.

"Well, Naruto...looks like you're a celebrity." Kurama chuckled from atop Naruto's head. The blonde dragonslayer sighed.

"At least the name sounds cool. Ogonno Fuujin, it's fitting for one such as myself. A god among men." Naruto said before flying out of Tully Village at a relaxing speed.

"You're so self-absorbed."

"And the 'great' Kurama isn't? Besides, you didn't even get a cool name like me."

"Of course not. I'm self-respecting...and I am a bit miffed at that. They're probably just waiting to look for a badass name for me. I'm too awesome for titles."

"Well I'm just prideful in who I am, and as're just a fur ball." Naruto countered. Kurama slapped Naruto on the head as the blonde found a place to land. However, as he landed...he heard the sound of shouting up ahead. Naruto looked up from the ground and squinted when he saw a rising dust cloud that was slowly approaching him.

"What do you make of it?" Naruto asked his fox-like partner. The Exceed shrugged.

"I say hit in with a wind blast and kill it." He suggested. Naruto didn't reply as he continued to watch the approaching figure. Or rather figures. One figure was running extremely quickly while the other was...flying.

"Kurama... I think there's another one of your people here."

"Another Exceed?" Kurama questioned before spying the flying figure gliding alongside the running figure. The figure kept running, not even stopping realize he was about to run into Naruto.

"AHHHHHHH!" The figure screamed as he rushed towards Tully Village only to be sent to the ground as he fell from making contact with Naruto. The blonde barely even moved an inch from the hard collision. Naruto and Kurama looked at one another before looking down at the seventeen year old boy before them.

"Agh, watch where you're going!" The boy yelled. The creature that was gliding was indeed an Exceed, the two concluded as they watched it fly down to the boy's eye level.

"I believe you should be the one to watch where YOU are going." Naruto stated with a bored tone. The boy growled before his nose twitched.

"OI! You smell...familiar. Have I met you before?" Naruto froze as he was beginning to walk away from the boy and the Exceed. Naruto watched the boy with a calculating gaze before spying a guild stamp of the boy's left shoulder.

"Who are you?" Naruto asked as he smelled a scent present only on Haku and Wendy...but it couldn't be possible.

"Well, we're mages from Fairy Tail. Happy." Naruto and Kurama sweatdropped as they saw the winged, blue cat eat his fish before declaring with a loud voice, two words.

"AYE SIR!" The boy then slicked his hand through his spiky pink hair and displayed a toothy grin. This also allowed the two to view the sharp canines that were only present in people like Naruto.

"And I'm Natsu...Natsu Dragneel."


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