Clash of Elements

"KARYU NO KOEN/FIRE DRAGON'S BRILLIANT FLAME!"Naruto watched the raging fireball that sped towards him before forming a wind blade. He allowed the blade to extend before rotating on his heel and used the momentum from the rotation to put more power into the downward slash of his Kaze no Yaiba. The attack cleaved the fireball in two causing two separate streams of fire to burn the area around Naruto. He then ducked to avoid the flying fist to his skull and performed an uppercut, nailing Natsu in the stomach. He then repeated the act, flying after Natsu as he continued to onslaught before grabbing Natsu by his ankles and performed a series of front flips as he allowed gravity to take its hold on them.

A small crater formed as Naruto slammed his fellow dragonslayer into the ground. However, Natsu performed a windmill and a whip of flame lashed out at Naruto, who was surprised when he was nearly struck by the attack, having jumped over it. Natsu continued to spin, using the momentum to go into a handstand and pushed off before his arms became coated in fire.

"Karyu no Yokugeki/Fire Dragon's Wing Slash!" Natsu brought down the wings of flame on Naruto who quickly flew out of the way and kicked Natsu in the side. The Fire Dragonslayer roared as he flipped in the air and ricocheted off of a tree and his hands became coated in fire.

"Karyu no Saiga/Fire Dragon's Crushing Fang!" Natsu slammed his hands down on Naruto, but the blonde formed a blade of wind and blocked the attack before slamming his knee into Natsu's lower jaw. The two jaws met with a loud 'clack' and Natsu's head snapped upwards from the force. The Apocalypse Dragonslayer grabbed Natsu by the throat and threw him downwards before sending a blast of wind after him. Natsu lay in a crater, but he quickly got back up and then his body became similar to that of a large horn as it became engulfed in flames.

"KARYU NO KENKAKU/FIRE DRAGON'S SWORD HORN!" Natsu sped towards Naruto, but the blonde looked at his fellow dragonslayer with a smirk.

'Your emotional state seems to affect your battle prowess...but you are still weak, young Fire Dragon.' Naruto thought as he raised his fist and tornado formed around it. He then crashed the attack down on Natsu's skull. The pink haired mage was sent to the earth once more and Naruto fell after him, slamming feet first against Natsu's vulnerable body. Natsu coughed as he felt the blonde's feet impact with his stomach and the earth cracked beneath him from the force of the impact.

"Grow stronger, son of Igneel. You have potential...but that is all you have...potential." Naruto said before he looked at Kurama. The red furred cat looked at Happy as he flew back to Naruto.

"Watch over that brat, Happy. He's going to hurt himself if he keep up that stubbornness." Kurama said. Happy still watched in shock as his friend was completely and utterly broken before him.

"Natsu." The blue Exceed cried out as he flew down to the pained dragonslayer's side.

"I'll...I'll get stronger!" He called out to Naruto as he sat up, albeit slowly, "AND I'M GOING TO KICK YOUR ASS!" Naruto and Kurama rolled their eyes.

"From what Tou-san told me, Igneel used to over exaggerate things as well." Naruto said to the red eyed cat as it landed atop his head. Kurama chuckled when the wind began to pick up.

"He's weak." The fox costumed Exceed said with a serious tone as soon as they vanished into the wind. Naruto and Kurama appeared in the skies and took off through the air.

"Potential is all he has. That's the problem with some people...and the dragons who are part of the Genso. They always look at what they could be and never what they have now. If they improve on that, Fire Dragon would be stronger than how he is now. He's a weakling."

"Maybe you should train him like you trained Wendy." Kurama suggested with a grin that would make the Chesire Cat proud. Naruto snorted in disgust.

"Me? Train the child of Igneel-teme? You have to be joking." The cat shrugged in response to blonde's response.

"I'm just saying, if you could make Wendy strong...why not do the same for Natsu. Besides, you're going to need an army if you want to go and take on the Dragon King like what you told Acnologia." Naruto growled as the thought of the ruler of the dragons came into his mind.

"I do not require weak soldiers." Naruto growled out before taking on a boost of speed, a sonic boom noting his use of moving faster than the speed of sound.


After a few minutes of flying, Naruto landed atop a tall tree and sighed as he watched the clouds, a habit he picked up from Shikamaru whenever he got bored or just wanted to rest.

"Fire Dragon is a weak excuse for a dragonslayer." Naruto muttered.

"You said the same thing about Grandine's child and look how she turned out after you helped raise her for one year alone." Kurama said. The blonde scratched the back of his neck with a sigh before sitting down on the roof, ignoring the glances people gave him when they took notice of his position. He got into a meditative pose and calmed his breathing.

"He's too headstrong. He rushes into battles without thinking, thinking that his attacks will overwhelm his opponents...however, he does have one strength. His emotional status can affect the strength of his fighting abilities. When he got angry, his speed and strength increased by a noticeable amount."

"It did, didn't it? But like you said, potential is all he has going for him and what he can become." Kurama said as he stretched out on Naruto's head. Naruto closed his eyes for a few seconds before glancing around as he felt magic energy around him.


"Hmm?" The red furred cat replied. Naruto was about to speak, but his mind suddenly went blank on what he was about to say.

"Nevermind, come on...we have to keep moving." Naruto took off through the air and Kurama looked confused.

"Why? It's not like anyone knows who we are and sure killing mages, even if they are members of a dark guild, is illegal due to the law made by the Magic Council...but it's not like anyone KNOWS us and what we look like." The fox costumed Exceed said. The Dragonslayer of the Apocalypse shook his head.

"I have a title and people know what I look like. It's because of this face mask that I'd have a higher chance of not getting caught if I take it off." Naruto said. The Exceed nodded.

"True. By the way...ever thought of taking a job as an assassin?" Kurama asked. Naruto raised an eyebrow at that.


"Well with our stealth prowess we could make a bit of money taking on requests that are outside of legal guilds' reaches."

"I have more than enough money and why would I waste my time with such a stupid occupation?" Naruto argued. Kurama shurgged.

"'d get to kill people more." Kurama pointed out. Naruto's eyes narrowed in thought.

"Hmmm...being an assassin does sound appealing. Plus, I could remain anonymous."

"So you're thinking about it?" The cat questioned his partner. The blonde shrugged as he looked at the clouds again.

"I'll put it into consideration." Naruto then channeled more wind magic to the miniature tornadoes beneath his feet and a sonic boom trailed behind him as he took off.

"You really like to break the sound barrier, don't you?" Naruto smirked.

"It's the only thing I get to destroy continuously." He replied.


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