Black Knight's Shadow

Two Days Later: Magic Council-Fiore Branch Building

The Magic Council is the main ruling body in the entire world of Magic. It comprises of council buildings stationed all over the continent in order to maintain order throughout the lands. The Council rules over all legal guilds and have the ability to punish every and all mages who break the laws they have made. When a mage commits the act of killing or something illegal, that mage is labeled as a dark mage and if the guild refuses to disband, the guild is labeled as a Dark Guild.

Black Knight is an example of a dark Magic Council consists of eight members who make the decisions as to what happens in Earthland and are the ones who bring about the formation of laws and what guilds should be disbanded and what not.

The first member of the council, as well as its second seat was an elderly man named Org. Org was a tall old man with a large grey beard, moustache and long grey hair. He had tanned skin and wore a cream robe-like set of clothing with a red line going down the middle of the robe. Over the robe, Org wore a dark blue and white cloak, the white taking up the majority of the cloak's surface area.

A gold trim separated the white from the blue. The collar of the cloak was rather high and dark blue with a green area near the end of the collar and separated from the blue area by a vertical white line. A pair of black pants and brown shoes were shielded by the large cloak. Org had black eyes, but strangely had only one eye open while the other was tightly shut. Atop his head was a red devil-like sort of creature.

Another member of the council is Leigi. He is a tall, middle-aged man with black hair that has huge sideburns that almost touch his lips. His eyes are covered by dark coloured shades. He had thin, yet large lips and small hairs were scattered along his chin. His outfit consisted of a white and blue robe, with the hood of the robe being put up. He wore a dark purple, v-neck shirt beneath the robe and a pair of black pants and brown shoes.

The third member of the Magic Council was an old man of very small stature, who went by the name of Michello. He had short brown hair, but some tufts of hair seemed to styled into the shape of sharp triangles, similar to cat ears. A long, brown moustache lined his upper lip. His beady brown eyes were currently looking over his fellow council members. Michello wore a long sleeved, blue t-shirt with black tiger stripes along the sleeves and the back of the t-shirt. He wore a pair of black pants and large brown shoes. A long, yellowish tail of some sort, swished behind him making his appearance all the more cat-like. A T-shaped cane was held in his hands.

Shitou Yajima was a small, old man who sported no hair on his head. He had a large pair of eyebrows and a small moustache that were both a pale brown colour. His eyes seemed to be in an ever closed position, but when opened it revealed the beady black irises within. He wore a pair of dark brown pants beneath a white kilt of some sort. An orange, long sleeved sweater with black, vertical stripes on it, was worn as to cover his upper body. Atop his head was a reddish-violet hat with three spikes at the front part of the hat.

Belino, the eldest female member of the Magic Council, was an elderly woman with dark blonde hair that framed her face. The back of her hair was tied up to form multiple tails in the shape of flower petals. These 'tails' were positioned in such a way, it gave her hair the appearance of a lion's mane or a sunflower. Like other members of the Council, she had black irises. She wore red lipstick and red nail polish and had a slightly long nose thus giving her a witch-like appearance.

She wore a purple turtle-neck sweater with black, vertical stripes, but her impressive bust still revealed itself. She wore a long black skirt and a pair of black, flat-heeled shoes. Her cloak was a dark violet colour with white lining along the length of the cloak from the tip of the collar to the hem. Her cloak was held by a golden cord which had six golden rectangular objects strung along it.

The only other female member of the Magic Council's Fiore Branch was a beautiful pale skinned woman with dark purple hair that stretched down to her mid-back, but it was currently tied into a single ponytail. She had on red lipstick as well. Her clothes consisted of a white, kimono-like outfit that stopped just above her knees and which showed her voluptuous figure despite it being a rather loose fitting set of clothing. A yellow sash was worn around her waist. Her dark brown eyes held a hint of mischief in them as she watched over her fellow council members and in her hand, she tossed a teal coloured lachryma up and down in her hands. This was Ultear Milkovich.

The final member of the Magic Council was a young man with deep blue hair and had a red tattoo which was made of two separate marking above and below his right eye. He had slightly pale skin and wore an elegant yet simple set of robes; consisting of a long white tunic with black stripes across the edges and on the upper part of the arms, a decorated collar, large straps connected to decorated buckles, closing the inducement on the front over a dark shirt, and matching pants and shoes.

He also sported a ring on his right hand's middle finger. Hidden by his jacket collar, the man wore a circular medallion, which was dark blue and lined with silver. In the center of the medallion was a silver, cross-shaped symbol with two silver diamond-like shapes in between the spaces of the cross. Near the intersection of the silver cross, there was a small silver circle with a single silver petal placed within each quarter of the circle. This medallion revealed the man to be one of the Ten Wizard Saints. This was Siegrain.

In the council room, the members of the Magic Council were having a heated conversation of something that was of the utmost importance.

"YOU...HOW DARE YOU DO THIS TO ME?" Org cried out with anger. Belino placed her face in her palm and shook her head.

"I can't believe we're even discussing this, Org!" The blonde council member said. The second seat of the Magic Council continued to glare at Yajima who was smirking playfully.

"What ever do you mean, Org?" Yajima held in the laugh within him, his smirk being the only barrier between his willpower and his need to laugh.

"YOU ATE MY DOUGHNUTS!" Org cried out, "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?" The rest of the Council sweatdropped at that, except for Yajima who was now laughing at his fellow Council Member's rage. Ultear and Siegrain looked at each other with looks of amusement.

"Yajima-san makes these council meeting so much fun, doesn't he?" Ultear giggled. Siegrain nodded.

"Indeed, he does. Before he came in, I heard this place was so boring." As Yajima was comically being blown back by the wind generated by Org's rant, an amphibious member of the Magic Council's staff, who looked very much like a frog, burst into the council room. The council became silent as Yajima began to peel himself off of the wall, an imprint of his body left in the wall.

The bipedal frog panted as he clutched his knees, trying to catch his breath. The council members waited patiently for the staff member to recover before he stood back up.

(Insert Music: Fairy Tail-Tower of Heaven)

"Org-sama...I bring news of the dark guild, Black Knight!" The council gained serious looks on their faces. Black Knight was always a very problematic guild. Their guild members had gone on illegal requests, requests that demanded the act of killing and assassination. They had been found out one year ago when a platoon of Rune Knight had been wandering Clover Town and saw them drag a man into an ally and slit his throat before trying to make a break for it, only to be caught. Since then, they had been taking many security precautions to prevent from being taken down by the Magic Council.


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