Unwanted Recognition

'I wonder what they are doing now?' Naruto thought as he closed his eyes.

As he continued to walk through the town, Naruto spied a couple of Rune Knights putting up a poster. As the Rune Knight left, Kurama flew from Naruto's head and floated in front of the place where the poster was placed. Kurama's eyes widened at the images on the poster.

"What is it, Kurama?" Naruto asked as he walked up to the costumed feline. Kurama's red eyes turned to look into Naruto's blue ones.

"Naruto...we should get out of here." Naruto got even more confused at that.

"Why?" Kurama moved aside and Naruto's eyes widened at what he saw.

"Impossible!" The dragonslayer tore the poster from the wall. It was a wanted poster...for him and Kurama. There was a pretty accurate drawing of him with his face mask on and next to his head shot was one of Kurama's three tailed, kistune form, though they made him look more like a wolf than a fox. Naruto read the descriptions below.

Wanted: Ogonna Fuujin. Said to have spiky, blonde hair and blue eyes. Wears a face mask like the one drawn above. Abilities include high levels of physical combat, speed, strength, agility and edurance. Also has mastery of wind magic. A multi-tailed kitsune is said to accompany him. Kitsune is said to be able to breathe fire and manipulate fire. If seen, please contact the Rune Knights in your area. Ogonna Fuujin is a wanted criminal for the killing of an entire guild of mages from the dark guild, Black Knight as well as the Devon Theft Family.

Naruto turned to Kurama and the two cursed in their minds. Naruto's hands trembled before he ripped the paper in half and shredded it with the wind.

"Those idiots." Naruto growled as he remembered the people from Tully Village. "I knew I should have killed them all when I had the chance, but no...I had to play the good guy."

"Don't worry, they only recognize you if you have your mask on. You don't, so it'd be easier to avoid detection besides I think you still made the right choice in helping them out, it's not their fault the Rune Knights might've asked for a description of us."

Naruto calmed down a bit after hearing that but he still annoyed at now having the freaking council on his ass. "Easy for you to say, you can change into a cat. No one would suspect you to be a kitsune." Naruto snarled back at his feline partner. Kurama shrugged.

"Not my fault, and besides...what are we gonna do about this? The Rune Knights would have obviously put up more posters around the town and unless you want to waste your time looking for them to tear them down." Kurama said. Naruto looked around before jumping atop the roof of a nearby building when he saw people walking by with one of the posters in question.

"Dude, this guy is doing Fiore a favour. I mean, he got rid of a dark guild."

"Yeah, but who is to say he's a wanted criminal himself. Even if we've now heard of him, this Ogonna Fuujin could be a serial killer or an assassin or something who goes after guilds and destroys them."

"The Devon Theft Family has been selling people for years now, it's about time somebody stopped them."

"But this guys is said to have outright murdered them. Whose to say he won't come after us next?"

The Dragonslayer and the Exceed continued to listen to the varying opinions of his and Kurama's 'extra-curricular activity'. Remaining upon the roof, Naruto kept out of sight and continued to watch the people who walked through the streets. By the time night fell, Naruto and Kurama were still up on their roof. Naruto was lightly snoring, sitting in a cross-legged position. Kurama was curled up atop his head and was muttering things about how he loved fire whiskey among other things.

However, the wind blew and Naruto's nose and ears twitched. His dragonslayer senses sprung to life and Naruto's eyes snapped open, pupil changing from rounded to vertical slits. He quickly stood up, pulled up his face mask and blocked a fire spell that headed his way. Kurama wiped his eyes as he woke up, his wings unconsciously sprouting from his back as he felt himself falling through the air when Naruto got up.

Suddenly, a group of, Naruto counted his opponents, ten people appeared, all dressed in black. Black cloaks were worn over their skin tight leotards, the hoods kept up to cover their heads. White masks covered their faces. Three of his enemies branded weapons, while the others had colourful magic seals in front of them making Naruto look like he was being surrounded by a rainbow.

'That's a waste of a thought.' Naruto's eyes narrowed at the fact he just wasted another thought to think of that thought. The light of the crescent moon and the lamp posts being the things to illuminate the flat rooftop Naruto was on. Kurama floated next to Naruto, still rubbing the sleepiness from his eyes. Naruto adjusted his face mask and then went into a relaxed position before chuckling.

"Seriously...this is who the Magic Council sends for me. You weak humans. I expected much stronger mages from the Magic Council." The mages surrounding Naruto didn't budge, but one spoke a sentence that piqued Naruto's and Kurama's curiosity.

"We're not from the Magic Council." The mage then jumped, sword held high above his head to bring it down on Naruto, however Naruto didn't move at all. Kurama appeared in front of the masked mage's face and grabbed it with a fiery hand. The hand burned the mask, flesh and everything else until only charred bone was left. His screams were loud, but they were silenced to everyone, but the dragonslayer of Acnologia and the former citizen of Edolas as Naruto performed the magic, Silent Mist. The technique he learned from Zabuza in which he expanded a cloud of pure magic energy, since he had the reserves for it, and caused it to mute anything and everything the user wishes to mute within the cloud.

Naruto took out Ascalon and Excalibur and ignited the blades of his mother. Naruto felt Kurama sit atop his shoulder and the blonde's eyes closed as he channelled magic energy into them. His blue irises vanished and as they shot open, became a startling white.

"Mokushiryu no Byakugan!" Naruto growled out as he saw through the mist, watching the now frightened forms of his prey. Naruto looked at Kurama who looked back at him.

"Time to hunt." The Exceed grinned before changing into his kitsune form. His senses now heightened to a whole new level, the one tailed kistune took off and began to tear into the throat of one of the cloaked mages. Naruto walked on the air as he used his wind magic to help him move silently across his battleground. He tapped the shoulder of the mage he now stood behind and grinned widely as he could tell the mage was now scared out of his mind.

"Weak." Naruto said as his eyes became cold and merciless.

(Insert Music: Naruto Shippuden-Kokuten)

He then cut off the mage's head before heading to the other. Kurama impaled one through the stomach and the skull with his flaming tail, burning his brain, face and internal organs and literally killed him from the inside-out. Naruto sliced one in two as he cut the body in half, vertically with Ascalon. He then threw the blade to his left as a mage had managed to see him and tried to hit him with a wind spell.

Ascalon speared through the wind spell, the silver flames burning even brighter than before as it impaled itself through the victim's sternum. The mage screamed in agony, a scream that could not be heard no matter how loud he screamed. Kurama then appeared and tore off the mage's head and crushed it between his strong jaws. The demon fox grinned as he licked the blood along his teeth, savoring the coppery taste.


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