Deadly Encounter

Naruto and Kurama split apart and began to take down their opponents quickly and silently, the way Zabuza taught them to. Naruto stabbed one mage through the heart before throwing the body into the body of his comrade. The comrade released a scream of fear, a mistake that cost said comrade, her life as it gave away her position and thus Kurama was able to wrap his hand-like forepaws around her throat. Kurama grabbed the top of her head and tugged it harshly to the side and a snap echoed through the air as the neck was broken. The body fell to the ground like a rag doll.

The three remaining mages wandered blindly before they were quickly slashes and burned by Naruto and Kurama. Naruto then lowered the concentration of magic in the cloud to give Kurama a bit more visibility.

"Burn them." Naruto ordered. Kurama nodded and trotted over each one of the ten bodies and set them aflame, turning them to ash in mere seconds with the crimson flames he expelled. As Naruto took out the magic from his eyes, reverting them back to their normal form before he used the wind to clean his shirt of the little blood spatter he got on him. Naruto and Kurama froze as they heard the sound of clapping behind them. Naruto growled and turned, Ascalon and Excalibur set ablaze. Kurama appeared next to his partner, three more tails sprouting from his rear, and all four tails swished behind him. Kurama's jaws opened slightly, a dim, crimson glow could be seen indicating that the kitsune was readying a fire blast.

Naruto watched as the figure stopped short of the area of the moonlight, leaving the figure's body and face hidden by the shadows.

"Who are you?" Naruto growled beneath his mask. The figure chuckled and the dragonslayer and Exceed kept their eyes trained on the unknown before them.

"I've heard about what you and the fox did back in Tully Village." The figure spoke in a masculine voice. The figure then reached into the cloak he wore and Naruto let loose a blast of flame from Excalibur. The figure jumped to the side, effectively avoiding the golden flames before smirking.

"So the stories are hold power beyond that of a regular mage."

"A regular mage would be weak...we are not." Kurama snarled as he, himself released a crimson flame from his jaws. The figure avoided that attack as well. Naruto and Kurama let loose a sea of fire at their enemy and the figure frowned in the darkness when the fires stopped. His hood, hid his face despite the glow of the flames as they began to die out. The figure quickly jumped over the attack Kurama aimed to hit him with before twisting to avoid the slash from Naruto.

However, the blonde suddenly bent the wind and a powerful blast of wind crashed into the figure's body. Kurama's tails lengthened and wrapped themselves around the figure's body and the kitsune slammed the figure harshly into the building's roof causing a small crater to form. Kurama then threw the figure away, but the unknown enemy flipped in the air and managed to right himself and thus was able to avoid the arc of golden flames sent at him.

The figure rushed at Naruto and cocked back his fist, ready to strike the Apocalypse Dragonslayer. However, he immediately dodged the punch and then the enemy's knee came up. Naruto raised his arms and blocked the attack before twisted to appear to his enemy's side and jammed his elbow into his opponent's ribs. A cracking sound was heard as a result of the force.

The figure jumped out of the way and a bolt of lightning flew from the figure's fingertips, but Naruto erected a wall of wind and the attack was nullified before he changed the wind wall into a dragon. The wind-made reptile roared as it sped towards the figure, but the figure rolled out of the way only to get hit by a fireball, courtesy of Kurama. The fox immediately leaped after his prey and crashed down on the man, the ground cracking as the figure crossed his arms to take the impact before kicking Kurama in the chin.

The fox's head snapped up before he was sent flying by a roundhouse kick. Kurama was caught by his partner and thrown back at the figure who sent a lightning storm at the red furred vulpine. However, Kurama breathed a tongue of fire and the two attacks collided in an epic explosion, but the sound was nullified due to the silencing mist still being active.

The figure dropped down to avoid a kick to his head, but was not able to predict Naruto using the momentum from his missed kick to spin and bring up his other leg, balancing on the right leg he had originally used. His left heel came crashing down down on the figure's skull before he was thrown away and rolled along the ground. The figure chuckled as Naruto and Kurama growled at him.

"You just don't know when to stay down, do you?" The figure didn't respond. His hand then removed itself from the cloak and in his hand was a small card.

"I have a proposition for you, Ogonno Fuujin." The figure spoke. Naruto and Kurama stared at the figure with a perplexed look.

"We're not interested."

"You haven't even given me a chance to..." The figure was suddenly hit by a blast of wind sending him skidding backwards, sending him to the edge of the building's roof. The figure looked back, noting the long drop to the ground had he fallen. However, as he turned around, but he suddenly felt pain in his chest. He looked down to see Excalibur was sticking through his chest, where his heart was. The golden flames were suddenly escaping through the slit in his chest and began to engulf him.

"We're NOT...interested." Naruto repeated with much more force as he twisted the blade within the figure's chest, slicing his burning heart even more. The figure chuckled causing Naruto and Kurama to raise their eyebrows in confusion as to how the figure was still alive. The figure raised the card in his hand, and threw the card at Naruto, who caught it with the wind, making it levitate.

"I want you to join my guild...I know you said you're not interested, but just...think about it." The figure said before he somehow began to look very...papery. The figure's hood fell back and Naruto saw the sclera was pure black. The body suddenly dissolved into dust, dirt and other materials before it fell away to reveal one of the bodies that Naruto had killed earlier before.

'A type of Take Over?' Naruto thought as he wrenched his blade from the already dead body. Kurama ran towards the edge of the roof and looked down to see if this was some kind of illusion and the original was below. Seeing no one, Kurama walked back towards the Apocalypse Dragonslayer before a red glow encased his form. Kurama shrunk in size as he changed back into his original form, a fox costume wearing cat.

"What is that?" Kurama asked as he sat on Naruto's shoulder.

"The card shows me where this guild that idiot wanted us to join is located." The blonde dragonslayer replied with a serious expression.

"What is this guild?" The Exceed asked with an equally serious expression on his face. Naruto frowned as he looked at the card. On it was an address, but as he flipped it around, the card displayed a dark blue symbol that looked like a stylish version of the letter 'R'. The space in the 'R' was made into the shape of a cross. The left side of the 'R' looked like a wing of some sort at the top, while the lower right was lengthened and curved to look like a makeshift tail. Naruto sneered at the card before throwing it away and then sending a burst of gold fire, turning the card to ashes.

Naruto sealed away the blades of Merlin into the pocket dimensions within his wrists before turning around, cloak billowing behind him. Kurama flew back to rest in the golden locks of the dragonslayer.

"Pfft...that human is a fool if he thinks I will join his guild." Naruto said, "Raven Tail".


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