Naruto's Dilemma

Acnologia's Den, Year-X770

A seven year old Naruto was busy trying to master the Mokushiryu no Kuro Kiba. Naruto swung his arms upward, the black and blue magic coating his arms.

"MOKUSHIRYU NO KURO KIBA!" He slammed his arms on the ground and just before the attack met the earth, the attack morphed into the shape of a dragon's head, its mouth wide open to reveal its black fangs. However, Naruto's magic suddenly began to twist and deform before blowing up in his face. Naruto gripped his arms in pain, the magic burns turning the skin a bright red. He looked back and saw the backlash of his attack crushed the earth and formed a rather decent sized crater. The Black Dragon shook his head in disapproval.

"A suitable attempt, however your magic fluctuates before you hit the ground. This causes your attack to become either weaker or stronger. Remember, Naruto...your magic is yours. It does not control you, you control it. You weak humans are such an imperfect species." Acnolgia growled.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Naruto asked. "Humans are imperfect?"

"Your species' weakness comes from the fact that the human race constantly makes mistakes. True that you learn from them, but it would be best if humans didn't make mistakes at all. The humans always create things that bring about destruction, your first and foremost flaw. You create weapons to kill one another. You create laws to prevent one another from doing what the people at the top of your hierarchy can bypass to make them seem as if they are above you when they speak of equality and democracy. You humans are unstable creatures."

"So what? You're not perfect either!" Naruto countered. Acnologia growled and slashed at Naruto, but the seal acted and the crimson shield protected him from his adoptive father's strike.

"Another imperfection. Stupidity. Dragons are the epitome of perfection. We know everything, we learn things that regular humans could not even dream to comprehend. Your pitiful human mind is something one such as I will ever be able to figure out because of it's feeble size. However...the thing that sets you apart is that you are part dragon. You are my son, thus you are closer to perfection that any other human in the world. I will raise you to lose your humanity and thus you will become closer to becoming a dragon. Humans are the epitome of imperfection, and I will not have my child be an imperfect whelp!"

Naruto stared in shock as he pondered the revelation Acnologia thrust upon him.

" humanity...holds me back?" Naruto asked. The Black Dragon smirked at his son.

"So you're not as stupid as I thought you were. Yes, your humanity is a restriction. If you let go of it all...only then will you achieve perfection. You will be stronger than any other being in Earthland. You will my true dragonslayer, the Dragonslayer of the Apocalypse." Acnologia said with certainty.


'My humanity is my is a restriction. That is what Tou-san told me. I let go of my human attachments...Sakura, Ino, Shikamaru, Chouji...I let them all go because they were restricting me and yet I broke it when I met Wendy and now I feel guilt when I think about leaving them all behind.' Naruto clenched his hands into fists as he began to feel confused. Human or Dragon?

'What am I?' He thought. The old librarian frowned as she saw the blank look in Naruto's eyes and then snapped her fingers in front of his face. Naruto blinked rapidly before eyeing the woman.

"Yes?" The old woman chuckled at the blonde's sudden mental lapse before she led Naruto to the book in silence. She handed him a book about the Magic Council's history from the beginning to the present day.

"That will show you everything you need to know about the council. It's one of the few books that tells of the Magic Council, but that is all it talks about. The history, the laws they've made and the divisions within them. If you want to know any of the dirty secrets..." The woman tapped her nose and winked at Naruto, "You know where to find me."

Naruto nodded as he took the book before the old librarian walked off.

"By the way, name's Minerva." Naruto was about to reply, but paused. Should he give his name to her? She was a former member of the Magic Council. She could secretly be a spy for them and she might recognise him from his wanted poster.

"Go with a fake identity." The Exceed atop his head said. He nodded in agreement to the cat and decided to go with a fake name. He paused for a few seconds in his choosing of a name before a voice suddenly resounded within his head.

"You look just Minato-kun, my little Naru-chan." Naruto's eyes widened in surprise before glancing around, but became a bit confused as he realized that there was no one there and the voice he heard was obviously a young, female voice so it couldn't have either Kurama or the old woman, Minerva, before him.

"Minato...Minato is my name." He spoke. He and Kurama were impassive on the exterior, but inside they were shocked when he spoke his fake name. Of all the names in the world...he chose the name of his biological father.

"Why did you choose that as your fake identity?" Kurama whispered to him. Naruto blinked.

"I...don't know. It just popped into my head." He whispered back. The woman smirked.

"A fine name, Minato. Well, if you need any more help, I'll be at the front desk." Minerva smiled warmly before turning around. Naruto stared at the book in his hand before walking over to a table and sat down. He opened said book and began to read, Kurama reading as well from atop his head.

A few minutes into his read, someone watched the young blonde from behind a bookcase. The figure walked over, a book was also in the figure's hand. As the figure neared the table, the figure gulped with slight nervousness. The figure reached out and tapped the blonde on his shoulder. Naruto and Kurama turned around in perfect synchronization.


Naruto and Kurama raised an eyebrow at the figure, "You're..."


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