Ultear's Discovery

(Insert Music: Fairy Tail-Magic Council Theme, Hanabara)

Magic Council-Fiore Branch

Within the Technician's Chamber of the Magic Council building located within Fiore, the council members, Org and Belino were currently observing the progress that the frog-like technicians were making in their search for the two fugitives or potential weapons as they liked to call them.

The technicians had managed to set up a link with the Satellite Square: Etherion. Though they were using the Satellite Square, they were not utilizing the giant, magic energy cannon aspect of its design. Instead, they were currently using its telescopic viewing capabilities coupled with its built in magic signature scanner. Each type of mage has a certain magic signature they give off and thus they are able to be located using the Satellite Square, however magics of the same type give off the same kind of energy signature. Since Earthland's population only had approximately ten percent gifted with the ability to utilize magic, the search in Earthland had narrowed down greatly. Also, given that they only had to search within Fiore had reduced the amount of time given into the search for Naruto and Kurama.

A numerous amount of green blips marked a large screen within the Technician's Chamber, representing the mages that were able to use Wind Magic.

"Sir, we have managed to find all the mages in Fiore that are able to use Wind Magic." A frog-like technician spoke. Within a matter of seconds, Org and Belino were flanking the technician and observing the screen.

"Alright, how many are there?"

"Two hundred mages are able to use wind magic within Fiore, sir." The amphibious staff member of the Magic Council responded.

"Alright, scan for those with high magic power levels." Org ordered as he stroked his beard.

"Yes, Org-sama." The technician typed away on the keyboard before a green line swiped itself vertically across the screen. The number of blips on the screen then rapidly decreased to only twenty.

"Where are those remaining twenty located?" Belino asked. The Technician typed a few more keys before looking back up at the screen.

"Alright, Belino-sama, it seems that there are only ten mages with high enough magic signatures to be considered as the Ogonna Fuujin. There are five located in Oshibana Town, two are within Lupinus Town, seven are located in Magnolia Town, three are in Freesia Town while the remaining three are in the Akane Resort."

"Where are the highest levels of wind magic coming from?" Org asked.

"Ummm...Oshibana Town and Lupinus Town are where the largest amounts of magic are located, Org-sama." The amphibian replied.

"Okay, good work." The two council members nodded to the staff member.

"Thank you, Belino-sama, Org-sama." The Technician bowed his head. Belino then turned around.

"CAPTAIN HAN!" The blonde Magic Council member barked.

(Insert Music: Naruto Shippuden-Jinchuriki Theme)

Suddenly a large, tall man appeared from another end of the room and walked up to Belino. The man was about thirty five years old and he was rather fit if the large muscles he had were any indication. The man was wearing a armoured plating across his body with a furnace on the back that emitted small wisps steam.

The armour covering his arms and torso appeared to be plated. He had light brown eyes and his armour extended all the way to the bottom half of his face, covering it up. Underneath the armour, covering the bottom half of his face, he wore a white cloth which also covered both sides of his face and the top of his head.

Aside from his red armour, he also wore a red, conical straw hat, also known as a kasa, over the white cloth and it seemed to be composed of the same material of his armour and furnace. Over his armour, the man wore a black gi with the sleeves appearing to have been torn off and a pair of black gloves. Over the armour covering his neck, he wore a bronze ring of some sort.

As the man walked casually up to the elderly woman he humming a tune before coming to a stop. He gave a salute to the blonde woman.

"What'cha got for me, Belino-sama?" Han asked. Belino pinched the bridge of her nose at the blatant disrespect he gave to her, but she, like the other members of the council, came to accept that it was part of who he was. Plus, given the fact that he was the Head Captain of the entire Rune Knight division and thus the strongest member of infantry in their arsenal.

"Deploy a squadron of Rune Knight at every single location on the screen. The highest levels appear to come from Oshibana and Lupinus We cannot let the Ogonna Fuujin and the Onibi Myobu run wild. You have permission to use excessive force to take them down." Han gave a salute to the woman.

"Yes, Belino-sama. I will personally go to Lupinus Town since those two blips seem to have the highest amounts of magic power." Han said. Belino and Org nodded before the armoured man walked off. He then tapped the large furnace on his back. "KOKUO!" The furnace rattled for a moment before it expelled a large cloud of steam. The steam then began to solidify, taking on a physical form. The physical manifestation of the steam was shown to be a white cat.

The cat was completely covered in white fur with dark brown fur covering its paws. A light brown circle was shown to be on the underside of each paw. The winged cat was wearing a white costume with a hood in the shape of a dolphin-like creature worn over its head. The dolphin-like hood had four horn protruding from its 'skull'. Two of the horns, which were placed behind the frontal horns, were longer and more curved than the frontal horns.

Each horn was white, but tipped with a light brown colour. The underside of the cat's eyes were outline with red markings and snapped open to reveal the dark blue-green irises within. The cat hovered in the air by the pair of white wings sprouting out of its back, revealing it to be an Exceed.

"You called, Han-san?" The Exceed asked with a polite and respectful tone. Han nodded.

"Yes, Kokuo. We're going to Lupinus Town to combat the Ogonna Fuujin and the Onibi Myobu." He informed the white furred cat. Kokuo nodded.

"I see, and you are certain that this is the location of the two, Han-san?" Kokuo asked. The armoured captain of the Rune Knights nodded once more.

"Yes." Kokuo's voice then went down to a whisper.

"Well then, I must inform you that when you find the Ogonna Fuujin and Onibi Myobu, to lead them out of the town for you see when in combat, my brother tends to wreak widespread destruction even when he doesn't mean to. Yes, he is that powerful after all he is the strongest of us nine." Han nodded when Kokuo answered the unasked question.

"Alright, but we are ordered not to kill them. However, I find that disappointing seeing as I would to test myself to see if I can kill someone as powerful as the Golden Wind God." Kokuo chuckled at the man.

"As do I when I wish to combat my brother."

"If he is your brother, then do you not tell us his name?" Han asked. Kokuo shook his head, his aqua coloured eyes narrowing at Han.

"We may be ordered to take him down, but I will not reveal the identity of my brother. We are still family." Han nodded.

"I respect that, but unfortunately, if the Magic Council learns of your relation to the Onibi Myobu, you might be interrogated for treason." Kokuo nodded before dispersing into steam.

"I understand, Han-san." Koku retreated into the furnace once more. Han continued to walk through the halls of the Magic Council, unaware of the fact that Ultear had managed to hear the majority of their conversation, up until when Kokuo had dropped to a whisper. Though she would have liked to hear what they were talking about that Kokuo had to whisper so quietly, she needed to report to Master Hades about the Magic Council's activity. However, Ultear was unaware of the fact that she, the spy, was being spied on. A little, black devil-like creature cackled as it had seen everything it needed to see before vanishing in a plume of black smoke for its next destination.


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