Hades' Suspicion

(Insert Music: Fairy Tail-Dark Guild)

Skies of Fiore, Unknown Location

Master Hades sat in his throne, stroking his beard as he faced Caprico. Caprico was a tall, white individual who looked like a anthropomorphic goat. The goat man was wearing a black suit over a white shirt and green tie. A pair of dark sun glasses covered his eyes and a pair of brown horns sprouted out of his head. Caprico was also the strongest of the Seven Kin of Purgatory, seven of Grimoire Heart's most powerful members.

Hades smirked as he lay the cards in his hand out on the table, a smug look on his face. "Full House." He spoke, revealing his hand to contain three tens and two fours. Caprico bleated as he saw his Master's proud look and it pained him to do this, but it was the rules of the game and Caprico never cheated nor allowed defeat. Even in card games.

"I'm sorry, Maaaaaster Hades, buuuut I win...Royal Flush." Caprico bleated out the sentence as he lay out the entire set from ten to king in the suit of hearts. Hades gaped as he saw Caprico rise from his chair before moving aside the card table. Hades grumbled as he contemplated his loss before the dark purple lachryma on the post next to his throne began to shine.

Caprico noticed that Hades would require privacy and thus decided to leave the room. As soon as he did so, Hades picked up the lachryma and the image of the purple haired woman appeared to the one eyed man.

"Master Hades." Ultear bowed slightly. The master of Grimoire Heart replied with the same courtesy as he nodded to her.

"Speak my child." He said. Ultear cleared her throat before speaking.

"Master, the Magic Council has begun to make its move. They are sending in the Head Captain, Han and his associate, Kokuo, to apprehend the Ogonna Fuujun and Onibi Myobu in Lupinus. Should we continue with the original plan and send myself, Azuma and Zancrow or allow the Magic Council to move and wait for another chance to strike?" Hades stroked his beard as he contemplated the situation. He remained silent for a few moments, Ultear waiting patiently for his response.

Hades turned back to Ultear and replied, "Continue with the original plan and hope you get there before the Council does. You, Zancrow and Azuma will go to Lupinus Town and retrieve the two. Then...Grimoire Heart will be unstoppable." Ultear bowed once more.

"Understood, Master." Ultear cut off her magic to the lachryma and Hades was left with the dark purple lachryma once more. The aged man leaned back in his throne before pressing a button on the armrest.

"Zancrow, Azuma. Please come to my quarters, immediately." He spoke with an extremely serious tone. Within the minute, the two other members of the Seven Kin of Purgatory appeared before their master.

Azuma was a tall muscular man with dark tan skin, light brown eyes and dark brown hair which was shaped into rectangles making it look like confetti. His sideburns were long and connected his hair to the goatee he had. Said goatee was shaped into three triangles. A brown line was shown to pass along his left eye. He also wore a pair of silver earrings in the shape of crescent moons that faced downwards.

His attire consisted of a skin tight green shirt that accented his defined abdominal and pectoral muscles. The shirt had long orange sleeves with a green ring on each sleeve, just above the wrist which was connected to a green stripe that extended to the cuffs of the sleeves. The sides of the shirt were a darker green and were sectioned off from the rest of the shirt by white stripes that outlined it.

Resting on his shoulders were a pair of of shoulder pads of some sort that were a dark green colour and outlined in white. His pants were a dark orange which had green rings with golden circles on them. These rings lay just below his knees and were each connected to a single green stripe. A brown belt was worn around his waist and a series of white patterns on them.

Zancrow was a pale skinned young man, around seventeen years old. He had long, spiked blonde hair that extended past his waist. He wore an armoured skirt of some kind that was a dark blue, almost black, and yellow. it covered his entire lower body, except for a part of legs, and his upper body, except for the entire right side of his torso and his arms. A black shoulder pad was worn on his left shoulder.

His left arm had an arm brace that covered his entire left forearm. His face had a wide grin plastered on it revealing the sharp teeth he had. His crimson irises revealed a wild, if not completely insane, look in them.

"HAHAHA!" Zancrow laughed as black flames encased his hands. "Master is it time to face the Ogonna Fuujin? I want to show this so called wind god how it feels to mess with a Godslayer."

Hades nodded.

"Yes, Zancrow. You and Azuma will accompany Ultear. She is in charge of this mission so you obey her commands. We are trying to recruit these two, not kill them. However, if Ultear commands it, you have my full approval to use excessive force to take him back here to the airship. However, note that if you do manage to kill him..." Zancrow and Azuma were forced to one knee as the old master stood to his feet, rising from his throne.

"You will feel the full extent of my fury...understood?" Azuma grinned. He always like when Hades showed off his large magical power. It reminded him as to why he followed the man in the first place and as a reason for him to get stronger.

He turned to Zancrow and the blonde teenager nodded. The two rose up and left the room. Hades watched the two leave before his lone eye glanced off to the right. Hades walked over to the area and looked behind a pillar, but frowned, stroking his beard.

'I could have sworn I felt a source of magic here.' Hades' eyes narrowed. 'Someone is spying on Grimoire Heart...but who?' Unknown to him, Hades' assumption was correct as the spy was currently hovering above his head. The little, black devil-like creature gave a silent giggle before vanishing into black smoke.


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