The Persistent Attacker

Once he finished reading, he left the library, thanking Minerva for her help in finding the book.

"Return any time, Minato-kun." Naruto shook his head at how the old girl had actually bought his lie.

The Dragonslayer of the Apocalypse was currently traversing the town, observing the area for anything that would interest him. Kurama rested atop his head as he always did.

"But it's only been one week since we were labelled as the 'Ogonna Fuujin' and 'Onibi Myobu'. Honestly they couldn't come up with a better name for me?" Kurama complained. Naruto chuckled at the red furred cat and took him down from his head and scratched behind his ears causing the Exceed to purr in satisfaction.

"Who needs a name when your original name is more badass." Kurama purred slightly as he focused on that thought.

"I guess you have a point there. By the way, shouldn't you buy some new clothes, these ones smell horribly and you should change since people might make assumptions that you are your alias, even though they would assume correctly." Naruto raised his arm and sniffed, his dragon-like sense of smell kicking in. His face contorted into an expression of disgust.

"You're right, but where am I going to get clothes?" Naruto asked. However, as he was walking, something small and blue raced past him, a rushing wind following after the object that flew past him. However as he and Kurama were busy trying to understand what had just passed them, they felt a force meet them before the owner of that force fell to the ground. Naruto and Kurama, who was rubbing his, now sore, muzzle, watched as a young girl got up from off the ground.

The girl was around Naruto's physical age of twenty and hence she had a rather mature body. Naruto raised an eyebrow at that as he looked her up and down. The girl had mint green hair which stopped just below her neck, with an orange hair clip in it. She had deep orange eyes and extremely tanned skin showing that she was either naturally born that colour or she spent a lot of time in the sun, most likely the former. She wore a fishnet shirt beneath a white short-sleeved blouse and a white miniskirt. A pair of black, skin tight pants that extended past the skirt prevented her modesty from being visible. She had on a pair of white wristbands. The girl wore a pair of white sandals. Two red pieces of cloth were worn over her chest area which intersected at one point and made an x-shape.

"Agh, sorry about that." The girl said before looking past the blonde and sighing, placing her hand on her hips. "Great, she's gone. How many times have I told her to stop running off whenever she smells food?" Naruto blinked in confusion at the girl before placing Kurama back atop his head and continued moving along. However, he was stopped by the green haired girl.

"Hey, wait!" The girl exclaimed as she jogged up beside the Dragonslayer. Naruto sighed and turned to face the girl.

"What?" He said in an annoyed tone, "I have no time for your games, girl. Now run along and go chase after...whatever it was that you were chasing." Naruto said. The girl narrowed her eyes at Naruto.

"Oi, who the hell do you think you're talking to? I'm not some bitch you can just tell off, now apologize and I met let you off with a warning..." The girl then paused as she looked over Naruto, her angry expression turning a bit flustered. A slight tinge of pink formed on her cheeks as she took in Naruto's image. "Or you could buy me dinner and there won't be any hard feelings between us?" The girl winked at him.

"Could have fooled me." The Apocalypse Dragonslayer said with a shrug as he started walking again, "Besides, I'm not interested in having a relationship at the moment and if I wouldn't be with you." Naruto said coldly. The girl looked like she had just gotten slapped across the face, recoiling from the verbal blow. She growled as she held up her hand and clenched it into a fist.

Kurama sniffed the air and his crimson eyes that were currently closed, snapped open before turning around.

'Magic!' He thought.

"NARUTO!" The blonde's eyes narrowed as Kurama warned him of the incoming attack. He turned around as he felt the sudden gust of wind that impacted with his body. The girl was standing with her arm outstretched, a small trail of wind flowing from her knuckles indicating she was the attacker. Naruto looked at himself before looking up at the girl.

"That all you got, girl?" He smirked. The people in the middle of the town watched the girl with a shake of their heads.

"Another fight?"

"I pity that boy."A woman shook her head and sighed. "Remember the last time a boy tried to hit on her or made her angry"

"Did those three get out of the hospital yet?"

"Nope and it's been three weeks already." Naruto and Kurama's ears twitched as they took in the conversation regarding his green haired assailant.

"Hmmm, three weeks alone?"

"We could make people stay there for the rest of their lives." Kurama chuckled. Naruto observed his female opponent and smelt the air as he got a whiff of her magic's scent.

"Wind magic, a rare art even among elemental mages." Naruto said as he watched the girl. "Now you've piqued my interest, girl."

"I feel so happy." She said with obvious sarcasm before unleashing another blast of wind from her fist.

(Insert Music: Fairy Tail-Main Theme)

Naruto's eyes narrowed as he watched as the wind seemed to oddly take on a physical form, even if it was for a second.

'Are those...claws?' Naruto wondered as the wind blast finally made contact with him. A large dust cloud formed from the attack and the girl grinned in satisfaction.

"That should teach you!" She exclaimed. However, as she was about to go and look for the object that zoomed past Naruto and Kurama earlier, the dust cloud parted causing wisps of smoke to form arcs around him. Naruto scratched his cheek as the barrier that the seal his mother and father had placed on him would form, vanished in a flash of red. He looked at the girl with a bored expression.

"Are you done?" The girl gritted her teeth before rushing towards Naruto and jumped, performing a straight kick as she lashed out at the air. The grey-green magic seal formed beneath her kicking leg and it sent a powerful blast of pressurized air. Naruto tilted his head and the attack narrowly missed his body and the blonde dragonslayer smirked before twisting and grabbing the girl's leg when she tried to perform a roundhouse kick to the skull.

"Interesting." He mused, however even the Apocalypse Dragonslayer was not able to foresee his opponent's next move as the girl twisted, freeing her leg from Naruto's grasp and then rotating to go into another spin kick. Naruto ducked underneath it only for the girl to suddenly halt her leg and send it down upon his skull.

The axe kicked crashed down on Naruto as Kurama had leaped off of Naruto's head and the blonde fell to the ground as gale force winds followed after the kick, further injuring the son of the Black Dragon. The girl retracted her assaulting leg as the townspeople shook their heads in pity towards Naruto.

"Poor boy must have a splitting headache now." One man muttered before moving on. It seemed as if this girl attacking people was a rather common thing. Naruto blinked as he continued to lie on the ground.

The kick had some power in it, enough to send him to ground and give him a bit of a bruise on his scalp, but the Five Point Elemental Seal his mother and father left on his person would make quick work as it granted him a healing factor as one of its side-effects.

Also, over the years, Naruto had managed to have the seal inspected by himself when he finally mastered his Seal Magic arts over the four years he spent training with Zabuza in the art of the sword. He had come to realize that the seal would react to his own thoughts at times, only activating when he wanted it to activate and form the shield. In other words, Naruto could now choose when for the seal to become active by mere thought.

The girl stood back from Naruto, watching as he slowly stood back up and dusted himself off.


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