Kurama and Chomei

"Why won't you stay down?" The girl roared as she lashed a straight kick to Naruto's stomach. Naruto grunted slightly as he was hit in the solar plexus from the girl's elbow before she slammed a palm strike to his lower jaw.

His head snapped upwards from the blow before she leaped at him, wrapping her legs around his neck as she did so. Naruto's eyes opened to get a view of what was below the skirt she was wearing and although it was covered by her skin tight, black pants...it was still a rather interesting sight for the blonde dragonslayer.

Naruto as he suddenly felt a tug on his body as the girl used the muscles in her abdominals, hips and legs in conjunction with one another to heave Naruto off the ground as she seemed to move her body in a back flip-like movement and slam Naruto head first into the ground. The blonde gritted his teeth as he felt the strain on his neck muscles. The girl was definitely strong, he would give her that, however...

"If you are done playing around...I think it's my turn." Naruto voiced. The girl was caught off guard when the wind suddenly impacted with her side, sending her off of Naruto's downed form. The blonde rose up and twisted his neck, cracking the stiff joints in his neck. Before going after the girl. He sent a wind dragon her way causing her to fly into the sky as a result of the attack. He then forced her to ground as he caused the wind to increase in the pressurizing aspect and a small crater from the girl's impact with the ground.

The townspeople stared at Naruto with looks of surprise at how he beat back the mint haired girl.

"Hey doesn't he look like the man from the poster?" One man whispered.

"Yeah, but he doesn't look much like him. I mean this guy has slightly longer hair and there is no kitsune by him. I mean how does one conceal a kitsune?"

"You got a point, but his ability to bend the wind. He must be a strong wind mage. The poster said he had high levels of skill in the use of wind magic."


The gathering crowd remained silent at that note before departing to do their own thing.

"So, does she hit hard?"

"As a matter of fact, yes." Naruto replied to Kurama as he scratched the spot where the girl had kicked him once before. The red furred cat stood next to Naruto, looking up at the boy with a hint of amusement.

"Is she a potential mate for you?" He grinned in fashion similar to his vulpine form. Naruto shrugged before twisting to the side as an arc of wind was sent his way and lashed out with a kick, sending his own arc of wind at the girl. Said green haired female suddenly inhaled and Naruto and Kurama's eyes widened as the arc of wind was eaten by the girl.

'She's eating the wind? It must be Cyclonus's daughter!' Naruto realized. The girl growled before channelling wind magic into her feet, the magic seal forming there, and she took off like a shot. Used to moving at such speeds, Naruto was able to keep up and thus he simply raised his arm and wrapped it around her neck when she got close enough. He raised her struggling form and choke slammed her, causing the brown earth to crack from the impact she made with the ground. However, as Naruto was about to continue, he suddenly gripped his ears when a high pitched sound reached them.

He cried out in pain as he felt his ear drums would burst. Kurama felt the same thing, howling like the fox he could become, but he looked around and his hearing, since it was less affected by the attack due to him wearing his fox head-like hood, managed to pinpoint the source. Kurama ran off and performed Aera.

Shaking his head to try and reduce and somehow reduce the effect of the high pitched sound waves, he took off towards a nearby roof and looked to see a small, dark blue coloured figure.

The figure was about two feet tall, the same height as Kurama, and had a single dark blue tail that was tipped with light green swishing behind it. A pair of insect-like wings that had orange-yellow membrane attached to a pale green exoskeleton-like material, sprouted of its back.

Kurama then noticed there were four tattoos below the wings. Two on either side, each one in the shape of a wing similar to that of the ones the figure was now flapping furiously to create the high pitched sound as the wings rubbed together.

Kurama struggled to move forward as the closer he got to the figure, the greater the intensity of the sound wave on his paining hearing organs. After a few more, slowly made steps, he reached his objective. He then sent his paw ablaze and slammed the flaming paw down on the blue figure, which he then realized, was a cat.

The cat fell to the ground, clutching its paining cranium.

"Ouch, what the hell is wrong with you?" The cat said as it turned around. With its wings no longer buzzing, Kurama's hearing was slowly returning to regular levels. As he shook his head to rid of the ringing sound, he looked back up and his red eyes widened. The blue cat stared at Kurama with pure black eyes.

"No way...it couldn't be!" Kurama whispered loudly. His eyes then drifted downwards and then settled on the cat's stomach. There is black, a tattoo of the kanji for the word 'Lucky' next to a tattoo of the number seven, was present. Kurama's eyes widened to an even greater extent.

"It's really you!" Kurama exclaimed. The blue cat stared at the fox costume wearing Exceed and tilted its head in confusion.

"Who are you?" The cat asked in a feminine voice. The red eyed cat looked flabbergasted.

"I'm hurt. How could you not recognize me?" Kurama pulled back his hood to give the cat a better look at him and the blue cat's eyes widened before her mouth opened to speak.

"Kurama?" The cat's eyes widened as she saw Kurama smirk.

"Hey." Kurama gave a lazy wave.

"NII-CHAN!" The blue furred cat slammed into Kurama as she embraced him in a hug. Kurama chuckled as he was tackled to the ground and patted the small, blue cat on her head.

"Nice to see you too, Chomei."


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