Triumph and Reflection

Naruto shook his head as he was trying to get the ringing out of his head. Apparently his opponent wasn't affected meaning that he was now being beaten back by the green haired girl as she bombarded him with wind attacks, punches and kicks.

Naruto continued to clutch his ears in pain as a wind blast struck him in the chest sending him skidding backwards. The girl then appeared above him and slammed an axe kick down on his head, forcing him to bend over from the force. She then landed and went low to appear beneath his form and rapidly crashed a series of uppercuts to his face.

Wind swirled around her fists as she performed said uppercuts sending him even higher into the air and finally, she stretched out her arms. Wind spiralled around her arms before she clapped them together.

A shockwave of wind crashed into Naruto, but suddenly the ringing sound stopped just as Naruto was hit. Naruto shook his head before grinning, stopping in midair as he applied his wind magic to fly. The daughter of Cyclonus could only stare in shock before Naruto raised his arms and suddenly he slammed them down. The force of the wind applied itself in a downward direction and she was sent to the ground, unable to move as the wind continuously forced her to stay face down.

Naruto flew down and removed the wind from her body. He clutched the girl by one of the red pieces of cloth as it went all the way around her back as well, and hoisted her up. He stared at the orange eyed girl, his blue eyes meeting them. The girl snarled at him, baring her sharp canines. Naruto reached out and placed the tip of his finger against it, feeling its sharpness as the girl turned away.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Don't touch my teeth!" Naruto watched the tip of his finger, noting how that even that soft touch had caused the tooth to break his skin and make him bleed. He watched the huffing girl as she tried to free herself, but Naruto used his other arm and his legs to block all of her attacks and since he was a master of wind magic, her attacks were not doing that much to affect him.

"Oi, blonide! Why do you keep staring at me? Are you a pervert? I hate perverts and let me go! These red cloths are not something you can get for a cheap price you know..." Naruto smirked at the girl as she continued to rant. She reminded him so much of Ino with her tomboyish attitude and her never ending mouth, though that aspect he could do without for even without the screeching sound from earlier, his ears were still being assaulted. Naruto frowned a bit as he remembered the platinum blonde girl. He then rested the defeated girl on the ground when she stopped talking and dug his hands into his pocket.

"So what do you recommend?" He asked out of the blue. The girl blinked in confusion as she stared at him.

"Huh?" She replied with the utmost intelligence. Naruto sighed, planting his face in his palm.

"You wanted to go out for dinner right? What do you recommend?" The girl stared in shock before grinning and grabbing Naruto by his hand.

"Oh, cool. I know just the place. It's my favourite one in the entire town!" Naruto then paused in his walking causing the girl to stop as well since she was pulling him along.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Where's my cat?" He wondered. Naruto scanned the area for Kurama, sniffing the air before catching his scent. Naruto flew up to the top of a building and landed as he spied Kurama with another Exceed. This one being a dark blue colour with a similarly coloured tail that was tipped with a pale green colour. As he was staring, he turned upon feeling a presence appear beside him and he looked to see the girl had flown up next to him as a pair of wings made entirely out of wind had formed from her shoulder blades. As she landed, the wings dissipated and she watched as the two cats were hugging each other.

"Kurama?" Naruto asked. The fox costume wearing Exceed looked up from the other Exceed he was currently hugging and let her out of his embrace.

"Oh hey Naruto. Did you beat her yet?" Naruto nodded, but then pointed a finger at the blue Exceed next to him.

"Yeah I won, but...who is that?"

"Yeah, Chomei! Why are you hugging another person's cat?" The girl asked. The blue cat, now identified as Chomei, let go of Kurama and smirked.

"Well, Fu...this is my brother, Kurama. Kurama, Fu. Fu, Kurama." Chomei introduced the two. The red Exceed nodded to the girl, now identified as Fu.

"And you are?" Naruto looked at Kurama for advice as to whether or not he should give out his real name to her. Kurama flew up to Naruto and whispered in his ear.

"She's like you. I think those are the kinds of people you can afford to trust, besides you trusted Wendy with it." Naruto's eyes narrowed before turning to the green haired girl and sighed.

"My name is Minato." Kurama rolled his eyes at Naruto's response. The boy was paranoid, but he had a right to be especially with Raven Tail and the Magic Council both hunting for him and who knows who else could be trying to come after him. Naruto and Fu then left with their Exceeds and the two followed Fu and Chomei to the place that the orange eyed girl recommended they follow her too.


Fu and Naruto sat down at a table in the small restaurant with Chomei and Kurama resting atop their respective partner's heads. The restaurant was a place that had a mixed menu so it had a lot of variety in terms of things one would want to order. The waiter walked up to the pair and Naruto ordered the chicken platter which was simply grilled chicken seasoned with different herbs and spices and served with garlic bread. Fu had ordered a bowl of wanton soup and some fried rice with shrimp. Two bottles of fire whiskey came for the Exceeds.

"So, Minato...tell me about yourself. What kind of mage are you?"

"Wind mage and Seal mage." He replied as he took a bite of his chicken. Fu's eyes widened in surprise.

"Seal Magic, huh? That's a pretty rare art, so rare it could almost be declared as a Lost Magic." Naruto nodded as he continued to eat.

"How long have you been able to use wind magic?"

"All my life. That's why I am able to use it such a high degree. I taught myself how to use it and made my own techniques. The style of wind magic that I use is my own...what about you? You ate the wind attack I used so I'm assuming you're a Dragonslayer. One of the wind." Fu nodded.

"Yeah, but not a lot of people here use magic so they tend to dissociate me from them. I sometimes feel like I'm cursed to be able to use magic at all, let alone be a dragonslayer." She said with a frown. Naruto shook his head.

"And this is why I despise humans." Fu blinked as Naruto looked up at her. "You never take pride in what you already have, you're never satisfied. There's always something more you want. The greediness of your humanity is a restraint on your powers." He said as he flicked the girl on the head.

"Ow, what was that for?" She whined. The Apocalypse Dragonslayer stared at the daughter of Cyclonus.

"I've seen people like you before. You're probably an orphan and and it's sort of a given considering you were raised by Cyclonus." Fu's eyes widened as she was about to ask him the obvious question as to how he knew her adoptive father, but he raised his hand telling her to wait and so she remained silent. Naruto took a few moments to eat, Fu doing the same, before continuing.

"But one thing a dragon always tells their to take pride in what they are. My Tou-san taught me to recognize those with strength. You have the determination, the drive and the power. You are the daughter of Cyclonus and the Wind Dragonslayer. Take pride in your magic and your draconian blood. Having met Grandine's daughter, I know a thing or two about the uses of wind magic."

"Grandine? Isn't that Papa Cyclonus' younger sister. He said how that though she and he share a common element, they utilized the different aspects of the wind." Naruto nodded in agreement.

"Yes, Cyclonus was said to have focused entirely on the offensive aspects of the wind while Grandine went into the healing arts, also known as Sky Magic,only knowing a few offensive moves such as the iron fist, wings, tail, talons and of course, the roar." Naruto explained. "Your Wind Dragonslayer magic is entirely offensive and so your move set is much more diverse than Grandine's."

"But it's because of it being offensive that people tend to fear me. Though the fear has decreased with me getting older and better at using the magic, they still see it as more of a curse than a blessing."

"From what I've heard from the townsfolk, it's safe to say that you have a short temper and thus when someone tries to flirt with you or makes you mad, you manage to put them in the hospital." Fu blushed slightly at that.

"Yeah, my bad."

"I support that level of thinking."


"As I have said before. A dragon must take pride in its appearance as well as its abilities. As a Dragonslayer, you have been gifted with the ability to do things normal, human mages cannot even begin to comprehend. The way I see it, humans hate and fear anything that they cannot comprehend or control."

'That is why the council is after me.' Naruto gritted his teeth. He looked into Fu's orange eyes. "If you don't like how someone sees your magic as nothing, but a blessing...end them. Do not let them decide what is a curse and what is a blessing. You are a dragonslayer, take pride in that." Naruto's pupils went slitted for a brief millisecond before becoming round once more.

"End them? You mean..." Fu gulped, "Kill?" Naruto nodded.

"Or just injure them really badly, which ever works for you. I kill." He said. Fu and Chomei sweatdropped as Kurama laughed at the blonde's response.

Fu and Naruto continued to eat in silence. Meanwhile, Kurama and Chomei were communicating through a mental link they shared. It was a trait shared among the nine to be able to to communicate with one another when they wished, but they had to be in range. Said range was rather slim too so it wouldn't work over long distances.

'Is your partner always like this?' Chomei asked. Kurama nodded.

'Yes. Why? I like this guy, he kills without regret and he can switch his emotions on and off at the drop of a hat.' Kurama replied.


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