Cyclonus's Guidance

'It's just that...he seems so...distant. Like he's hiding something from us and by us, I mean Fu and I.'

'When he thinks you are worthy to know that information...he will give it to you, but until not bring it up again.'


'CHOMEI! I said, no.' Chomei nodded to her brother before downing another mouthful of fire whiskey like Kurama.

"So how do you know of Papa Cyclonus?" Fu asked. Naruto drank the glass of water he was given before answering.

"I know many legends relating to the dragons. I'm an avid researcher into the past of Earthland and I managed to learn the names of all the dragons as well as their elemental affinities. But that is all I know." He lied. After all, Acnologia taught him everything there was to know about the dragons. Fu leaned over the table and flared her nostrils as she sniffed him.

"The scent of wind magic as well as your pure magic power is overwhelming..." She started, "But you smell like as if I met you before, your scent seems...familiar. Why?" Naruto pondered the question. She was obviously detecting his dragonslayer magic and he cursed his lack at being able to realize she could bypass his wind natured magic and see through to his dragonslayer magic. Being highly attuned to wind magic, Fu could be able to spot the differentiation between Acnologia's magic as well as the Wind magic.

"I don't know." He lied. As he finished his meal, he stood up and took out a slip of paper from the backpack he had gotten for his thirteenth birthday. A gift he had never let go of since the day he got it. He took out a small slip of paper and Fu watched as he performed Seal Magic: Release and unsealed his bag of money. He rested two emerald and a silver coin on the table.

"There, that should cover it. Kurama, we're off." The red Exceed nodded before waving to Chomei as Naruto re-sealed his money bag and put it away.

"See ya, Chomei." Chomei and Fu gaped at how they leaving.

"Wait! Minato, I have more questions." Naruto turned to face girl, wondering at the same time just how gullible people were to not realize he was lying about his name.

"If you want to know about where your father went, then you have come to the wrong person. However, all I can tell you is that the dragons left the world on July 7th of the year X777 to take part in an event that had caused them to leave you and the other dragonslayers I have met along the way."

"H-H-How do you know all this?" Fu stuttered. Naruto dug his hands into his pockets and walked off.

"When I think you are ready, I will grant you that information. The truth is that you've probably figured it out already, but you probably can't believe it. You've gained the scent of my magic...elaborate on that." Fu and Chomei looked confused before Naruto walked outside and then vanished into the wind with Kurama.

"That looked really cool, I should learn how to do that." Fu said as she saw Naruto perform Shunpo no Kazejin. Chomei then tapped her partner on the head.

"Fu, what did he mean when he said you gained his magic's scent and to elaborate on it." Fu remained sitting as she contemplated on what Naruto said.

'His magic smelt if I had met him before. What does that mean? What did Papa Cyclonus tell me whenever that happened?' Fu tapped her head and she tried to conjure the memory before it got to her.


Unknown Location, Year-X773

"Papa?" A young, nine year old Fu ran up to her father. Cyclonus turned to face her and Fu stopped to bask in the majesty of her draconian parent.

Cyclonus was covered with emerald green scales and had a eggshell-white underbelly. The dragon was massive and was in fact much larger than Grandine, but that was a given considering he was the elder sibling. He had small spines running from the base of his skull to the tip of his thick, heavy tail. Unlike most dragons, Cyclonus had two pairs of bat-like wings. This allowed for the Wind Dragon to be able to perform much better in aerial activities should be just regular flying or aerial combat. The wings were attacked to the bone and muscle which was covered in emerald green scales like the rest of his body and the membrane of the wings was a lighter green. His teeth and claws were as sharp as any blade and were a startling white. His eyes were a deep golden yellow and a vertically slit pupil bisected the iris.

"Yes, Fu?" The great Wind Dragon bent down to his daughter's level.

"I was just wondering...are there any other mages out there like me?"

"Why yes, Fu. There are many wind mages in Earthland." However, he tilted his head in confusion when Fu shook her head.

"No, Papa. I mean like ME...a Dragonslayer." Cyclonus nodded in understanding.

"Yes my daughter. There are more dragonslayers out there in the world, however there are not many as only a bit more than ten dragons have chosen to take on a student like I have."

"Papa, will I be able to meet them? How I can know when the people I meet are Dragonslayer? Will they be strong? Will they be ugly and stupid? I don't want to meet a weak Dragonslayer." Cyclonus sweatdropped as his daughter bombarded him with questions.

"Okay, Fu calm yourself. Your natural hyperactivity will be the death of you if you don't breathe." The dragon chuckled. Fu nodded before taking in a few deep breaths to displace the carbon dioxide in her system and replace it with the sweet nectar that was oxygen.

"Are you ready to listen to my answers?"

"Yes, Papa." Fu grinned widely, displaying the sharp canines found in a dragonslayer. Cyclonus nodded before giving off a small growl as he contemplated on how to word his answers.

"Well my daughter, yes you will be able to meet your fellow Dragonslayers, but not until I have finished teaching you. The levels of strength in a dragonslayer are unknown because they can either be weak or they can be strong. However, due to this it will be based on you judge them. I would not know anything of their physical and mental characteristics so I will not know if they are ugly and stupid." Cyclonus laughed a bit. Though it was a mere chuckle, to Fu the laugh had resounded through the forest they had made their home in. Fu giggled at her father.

"I'm gonna beat'em up if they are though." Fu grinned. Cyclonus gently stroked the girl with the tip of his tail.

"I'm sure you will. Now as for your final to recognize your brethren. When you meet people that are dragonslayers, you will get a feeling that makes you fell as if you have met them before, a feeling of familiarity. Their magic power will also give off a unique feeling and scent only noticeable to other dragonslayers. If you ever have that feeling, it means that you would have met one of your kin."

"Oooooh. So all I have to do is sniff them? But what if they didn't shower and they smell gross." Cyclonus let out a loud laugh at that.

"You humans say such idiotic things sometimes." The great wind dragon laughed.


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