Grimoire Heart's Ultimatum

Naruto and Kurama appeared in another section of the woods within a swirl of wind.

"Why are we running?"

"We're not running." Naruto said.

"Then what was it that we're doing seeing as were retreating from our opponents?" Kurama growled, "You are never one to abandon your opponents. You always stand and fight. So why are you not fighting now?" Naruto raised his hand and the Exceed was silenced.

"Because...there is someone else here." Naruto said before he turned around and clapped his hands together. A grey-green magic seal appeared in front of him before a giant tree trunk that was headed for him, became nothing but splinters. The dragonslayer and Exceed watched as a large man garbed in red armour and appeared to have a large furnace on his back appeared from the brush. On his kasa, the crest of the Magic Council was emblazoned in gold.

"Who is that?" Kurama asked. Naruto took his mind back to the book he read in the library.

(Insert Music: Naruto Shippuden-Jinchuriki Theme)

"The books described this man as Head Captain Han, the leader of the entirety of the Rune Knights." Naruto informed his feline companion. Kurama snarled before jumping off of Naruto's shoulder and changing into his kitsune form. Han was accompanied by an entire squadron of Rune Knights and the brown eyes man raised his head to stare at the two criminals.

"Ogonna Fuujin and Onibi Myobu, you are to come with me to the Magic Council as you are under arrest for performing the taboo of all mages. You have killed through the use of your magic. Come quietly and you will be given a fair trial. If not..." Han smashed his fist against his palm. "Things might get a little messy."

The furnace on Han's back rattled slightly before a cloud of steam erupted from the furnace and took on physical form. Kurama snarled as he watched the white furred cat float in the air.

"Kokuo!" The kitsune snarled as he allowed five more of tails to form, giving him a total of six tails.

"Six tails? Kurama, who is that?" Naruto asked with mild surprise. Never had Kurama had to go more than four tails in any fight, but to go six was just unheard of unless it was a fight with him or Acnologia when he was forced to use all nine tails.

"" Kokuo said as the white furred feline became shrouded in white steam. The costume clung to his body and Kokuo suddenly became the size of a large wolf like Kurama and five tails sprouted from the cat's rear. His paws suddenly elongated and became hard, changing into hooves. His body structure morphed into that of a horse's, but his head became similar to that of a dolphin's. Kokuo stamped his hooves on the ground and released a cry that sounded like a mixture of a dolphin's whistles and clicks and the whinny of a horse.

"Kokuo, what are you doing?" Kurama asked, obviously angry with his brother. The dolphin-horse stared at his brother and bowed.

"I am sorry, Kurama nii, but I am a part of the Magic Council with Han-san. We are ordered to bring you two into custody." Kokuo said with a respectful tone. "You are asked to come with us."

"And if I say no?" Kurama snarled. Kokuo sighed.

"Please, Kurama, I do not wish to hurt you. You may be the strongest of us nine, but even if you know that I am able to put up a fight against you. After all, I was very close to defeating Gyuki." Kurama remained silent. Han then looked at Kokuo and the two nodded to each other.

(Insert Music: Fairy Tail-Released Power)

"RUNE KNIGHTS...TAKE HIM DOWN!" The Rune Knights charged forth and Naruto raised an eyebrow as they ran towards him, staffs glowing in their hands. They slammed them on the ground and the earth rose up and a large hand rose up from the confines of the earth and flew towards the blonde dragonslayer and the Exceed.

Naruto raised his leg up and brought it downwards sending an arc of wind at the fist, slicing the object completely in half. The attack continued and ended the lives of four members of the squadron. The Rune Knight then sent blasts of flame at the two only for Kurama to inhale them and then spat them back out as raging spheroids of burning oxygen.

Five more Rune Knights were burnt to ashes before Naruto waved his hand lazily and Han and Kokuo stared in amazement as there was a distortion in the air and suddenly the remaining eleven members of the squadron were easily cut down.

Han then felt his armour being hit by the strike, but there was no damage done. His armour was made of the strongest metals and elements and was also protected with a few defensive runes.

Han and Kokuo stared at the dead bodies of the Rune Knights before the sound of cracking wood was heard. The Rune Knights, Kokuo, Kurama and Naruto turned to see the trees behind them shatter as a blast of black flames destroyed them. Zancrow and Azuma walked out of the flames unharmed, per Zancrow's will.

"You will come with us to Grimoire Heart as Master Hades demands, Ogonna Fuujin and Onibi Myobu." Azuma said.


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