Kurama vs. Kokuo

"Grimoire Heart?" Kokuo pondered the name. "Han-san they are a Dark Guild...one that has eluded us for quite sometime." Han smirked as he crackled his knuckles eagerly and Kokuo stamped his hooves.

"Well what do you know, two birds with one stone. I might get a big fat pay raise at the end of this." Han chuckled as he got into a battle stance.

Zancrow's fists became encased in black flames as he cackled. "Bring it on!" Azuma did the same as Zancrow and caused three large, whip-like roots to spring forth from the ground as they bent to his will. Naruto and Kurama watched the two parties before they sighed.

An aura of fire surrounded Kurama and the wind swirled around Naruto.

The dragonslayer raised his hands and the members of Grimoire Heart and the Magic Council felt the increase in magic power in the air. Wind and fire swirled around the two fugitives before their eyes snapped open. Naruto's, a shining white and Kurama's were an even more evil looking crimson. A large shockwave of wind and fire erupted from both of them.

Zancrow quickly ate the flames, but he was sent skidding backwards as the force of the winds met his body while Azuma shielded his body with his roots. Han slammed his hands into the earth and pulled up a piece of the earth and used it as a shield to protect him and Kokuo.

When the flames and the wind died down, Han let down the earth wall, while Azuma moved his burnt roots aside, having turned to ash from the flames' intensity. Zancrow was busy removing himself from the trunk of a tree. They were all staring in amazement as the entire area within a ten mile radius was burnt to nothing. It was like a forest fire had started and only chose to burn out everything in the area. A few embers were still present, but they were quickly snuffed out by the howling winds.

'Such amazing strength.' Han commented.

"I told you my brother has a knack for widespread destruction." Kokuo said. Han nodded in agreement with the dolphin-horse.

"I can see why Master Hades wants these two in our guild." Azuma smirked before cracking his joints. "This man and animal are surely strong."


Naruto and Kurama then slipped into fighting stances.

The kitsune bared his teeth, his eyes focusing on his five tailed brother. Naruto's eyes literally shone as he observed his opponents. Everyone then watched as the images of a dragon and a fox appeared in the air, their killing intent and magic power being manifested in those form.. The two manifestations snarled as Naruto and Kurama spoke.

"You want to fight?" The kitsune asked.

"Then we will give you a fight and we will show you why they call us the Ogonna Fuujin and the Onibi Myobu."

The manifestations roared before enveloping Naruto and Kurama in grey-green and red auras, respectively. Naruto's aura of magic power then began to shift between grey-green and blue-black and Kurama noticed this.

'The Sleeping Dragon...is beginning to stir.'


Unknown Forest, Year-X784

(Insert Music: Fairy Tail-Hagane Hakunetsu)

Naruto and Kurama watched the four opponents surrounding them, the air blowing gently through the air. Azuma and Zancrow looked at one another and nodded.

Azuma stamped his foot on the ground and moved his arms as if he were scooping something. Five large tree roots sprouted out of the earth and Zancrow took a deep breath.

"ENJIN NO DOGO/FLAME GOD'S BELLOW!" Zancrow unleashed a powerful blast of black fire from his mouth and the attack enveloped the tree roots that Azuma sent forth transforming them into flaming whips. Kurama then turned and roared resulting in a powerful shockwave which tore up the earth and shattered the flaming roots. Naruto then looked up and saw Kokuo in the air, descending upon the two of them with his hooves aiming to crush their skulls.

"Fuuton: Daitoppa." Naruto muttered before a great blast of wind struck the dolphin-horse in his stomach and sent him flying through the air. Kurama snarled and jumped after his brother and planted his skull against the five tailed beast's chest. Kokuo gritted his teeth before wrapping his tails around Kurama's limbs and slamming him into the ground. The kitsune yelped in pain before growling and unleashing a torrent of flames, allowing the red fire to envelop his own body.

Kokuo howled in pain as his tails were burned by the defensive-offensive move before Kurama sped towards him.

"Fire Rocket!" The six tailed kitsune roared and sent Kokuo flying through the air only for two tree roots to appear in his path and try to crush him. The kitsune lashed out with two of his tails, both coated in fire, and sliced through the tree roots as if they were made of paper. Kurama jumped and aimed to slam his tails down on Kokuo as the dolphin-horse rose up to his feet.

Kokuo looked up and quickly spun, a cloud of steam enveloping him and shielding him from the attack. Kurama retracted his tails, hissing in pain as the steam burnt through his fur. Steam burns were some of the worst ways to be burnt because it literally felt as if you were being cooked alive.

Kurama took a deep breath and released a stream of fire, Kokuo countering with a stream of pressurized steam. The two attacks collided causing an explosion of fire and steam, but Kurama raced through the smoke cloud to try and use it as a cover.

However, Kokuo suspected his brother's move and lashed out with three of his tails, slamming Kurama to the left, right and then skyward before leaping and crashing his hooves down on Kurama. Kurama grunted as he felt his spine nearly shatter from the blow, but his healing factor in his kitsune form prevented that from happening.

Kurama then fired a barrage of small fireballs and hit Kokuo in the stomach and sent him upwards. Kurama then caused his tails to extend as he landed, wrapping them around Kokuo's body and slammed him into the ground.

"You should know better than to challenge me, Kokuo." Kurama snarled before holding Kokuo over his head and spinning him around before throwing him over to Naruto. The blonde dragonslayer caught the transformed Exceed and slammed him into the ground. Kokuo gasped in pain before his tails wrapped themselves around Naruto's arms and legs.

The wind mage was caught off guard by the move as he was suddenly heaved over Kokuo's head and slammed into the ground. A small crater formed from the attack and the blonde quickly recovered, though his back was a now bearing a slight stinging sensation from the attack, before breaking free of the appendages and leaped at Kokuo. Kokuo got up and rolled to the side only for Naruto to suddenly put on a burst of speed and appeared to Kokuo's right.


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