Naruto and Kurama vs. Grimoire Heart

The dolphin-horse's eyes widened as Naruto held a sphere of swirling magic energy in his hand.

"Energy Make: Rasengan!" He slammed the attack into Kokuo's side and sent the beast spiralling through the air from the attack.

"ENJIN NO DOGO!" The attack of the Fire Godslayer raced through the air towards Naruto, but Naruto quickly spun around to face the attack and performed Kaze No Yaiba. Raising the wind blade, Naruto brought it down in an arc and a crescent of wind tore through the attack, parting the flames on either side of Naruto before causing a small explosion behind him. Zancrow leaped at Naruto and kicked him in the face causing the blonde to skid backwards before the insane blonde punched Naruto in the stomach before swinging his leg backwards and brought it back for a sweeping, upward kick.

"Enjin no Hojinka Kogeki/Flame God's Volcanic Eruption Strike!" Zancrow's foot became coated in black flames, allowing the embers to trail behind his leg as it went to strike Naruto's chin. However, Naruto leaned back to avoid the strike and looked in mild surprise as the kick had expelled a powerful stream of flame when Zancrow had reached the area where his head had been. Naruto then went into a series of backhand springs before vanishing into the wind and appeared behind Zancrow.

The dragonslayer struck the godslayer with a Rasengan and sent the Grimoire Heart member spiralling through the air, but Zancrow managed to turn himself around and held out both hands.

"Enjin no Hanabi/Flame God's Fireworks!" A flurry of small fireballs, roughly around the size of a baseball, rocketed from his hands. Naruto jumped, twisted and turned as he avoided the attacks and made note of how the black fireballs released small explosions upon them making contact with whatever surface they struck. Zancrow had ended his barrage however as the blonde and forgot he was still in the air and slammed into a tree, causing the bark to crack.

Naruto then felt movement to his left and ducked as a powerful punch from Han aimed to damage his head. Naruto then twisted and performed an uppercut and sent the armoured Rune Knight Captain skyward. Naruto then took a deep breath and unleashed a wind dragon. The serpentine wind reptile flew towards Han, but the Rune Knight Captain quickly righted himself in midair before raising his fist and descended towards the wind dragon.

"Steam Driver!" The furnace on Han's back rattled before pressurized steam was forced through the armoured glove and Han's punch increased in speed and power. The physical attack tore through the Fuuryudan with ease and continued towards the blonde dragonslayer. Naruto jumped back and avoided the attack, a small crater resulting from the blow, only to have to twist to avoid a blast of black flames as Zancrow attacked.

"ENJIN NO BANSAN/FLAME GOD'S SUPPER!" A torrent of ebony flame coated Zancrow's hands before taking on the shape of a pair of jaws. The mouth-shaped fire zoomed towards Naruto, but the blonde quickly went into a handstand and spun, unleashing a barrage of crescent shape wind blasts.

"Fuuton: Senpuu Kyaku!" Naruto cried and the attack crashed into Zancrow's own causing a small explosion of black fire. Naruto leaped through the smoke cloud and a grey-green magic seal appeared above Zancrow as he leaped towards Naruto.

"Fuuton: Atsugai!" A giant blast of pressurized wind forced itself down on Zancrow, forcing the blonde Kin of Purgatory to the ground before a large dome of wind sliced into the blonde's body. Zancrow roared and a pillar of black flames burst through the wind dome. The red eyed member of Grimoire Heart cackled and licked his lips.

"You really are strong! This is gonna be fun." Naruto's lips formed a frown beneath his mask. He hoped that the Fuuton: Atsugai would shred the blonde, but it seemed that wouldn't be very effective. Naruto was then sent flying, a crack meeting his ears as his ribs creaked from the force they were met with. Han stood next to the area where Naruto was, a leg outstretched.

"Keep your guard up, Fuujin. I'd hate to end you so early." Han said. Naruto flipped in the air and the seal on his stomach pulsed and he sighed as he felt his ribs being mended back together. He then leaped to the side as a root, courtesy of Azuma was sent his way. Naruto then jumped and clapped his hands together and a blast of wind raced towards the brown haired man. Azuma was sent flying through the air only to meet the ground as Kokuo landed on the man's back, courtesy of Kurama's attack.

Kurama then descended after his brother and launched numerous fireballs from his jaws. Kokuo got up and stamped down on Azuma, an unnecessary requirement as the Grimoire Heart member gritted his teeth in pain before causing an explosion as he called upon the powers of the earth. Kokuo was sent flying through the air and Kurama avoided his fellow Exceed and being invulnerable to fire, easily made his way through to the Grimoire Heart member and slammed his tails down on the man.

Azuma raised his arms to block the attack and then gripped Kurama's tails and threw him away before thrusting his arm outwards. Tree roots erupted forth and began to explode along the length of the roots before encasing Kurama in fire. Azuma smirked only to narrow his eyes when the fires were forced into the jaws of the fire kitsune.

The Grimoire Heart member had also forgotten that there were other enemies on the battleground, for Kokuo had crashed his head into Azuma's side and sent the explosion user rolling along the ground before sending a blast of pressurized steam after him.

Azuma managed to go with the rolling movement and climb back onto his feet before holding out his hand and an explosion rocketed from the magic seal that formed in front of him. The explosion flowed like a river towards Kokuo, only for Kurama to land in front of his brother and eat the fire from the attack and reduce it to nothing.

"You saved..." Kokuo's surprise was ended, replaced with pain when the kitsune sent him to the ground with a tail strike.

"Though we are enemies, you are still my brother, Kokuo...but I will not hesitate to stop you from taking me and Naruto into custody." The kitsune's speech was ended as Kurama was sent skidding as Han kicked him. Kurama wrapped his tail around the red armoured man's waist and raised him into the air and slammed him into the ground. Han tried to get back up, but the kitsune threw Han away once more. Naruto doing the same with the blonde godslayer causing them both to meet in the air.

(Insert Music: Naruto Shippuden-Kokuten)

Both fell to the ground after their collision, but Han got up faster than Zancrow and picked up the Grimoire Heart member and threw him up. Han followed after his opponent and raised his leg high above his head. Steam expelled from the pumps in his legs, the furnace rattling like before.

"HELM SPLITTER!" The attack was about to slam onto Zancrow's skull, but the blonde quickly raised his arms and blocked the attack, but the force was enough to still send him back towards earth. Zancrow met the earth with a deafening boom and slowly rose out of the small crater he made, but Han landed right next to him.

"STEAM HAMMER STRIKE!" Han yelled before a steam powered kick met Zancrow's side. Zancrow quickly got up and black flames coated his hands.

"ENJIN NO SHONETSU/FLAME GOD'S INFERNO!"Zancrow let loose a powerful fireball from his hands and the attack sped towards Han, but the Rune Knight captain jumped out of the way causing a tree to explode. The tree flew through the air, only for Naruto to perform a great feat of superhuman strength and kick the piece of wood at Azuma. Naruto allowed his ability to fly to keep him in the air before diving down after the tree trunk he kicked, heading towards its target which was Azuma.


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