The Unison Raid of Steam and Wind

"There is no fire that I cannot consume..." Kurama replied. "PUNY GOD!" Kurama sent forth a ferocious fire blast at Zancrow, but the Grimoire Heart member dove through the attack and aimed fire coated punches at the kitsune as they fell to earth. The two fire users attacked and avoided one another before Kurama had four tails grab Zancrow's limbs and positioned him below him.

The godslayer met the ground first before he was thrown at Naruto. Naruto caught the blonde around his throat and slammed him into Azuma's chest as the man tried to use a close range Bleve at him. The two Kin of Purgatory were then sent back as Naruto sent a wave of wind after them. Kokuo then released a cry and charged forth, size increasing with the speed of his charge.

Naruto quickly flew over the five tailed beast, which was now the size of a grizzly bear. Kurama snarled and increased his size to equal his brother's. The dolphin-horse and kitsune clashed, holding each other in a stalemate before Kurama caught ablaze.

Kokuo turned into steam however and avoided being burnt before appearing above his brother. Kokuo slammed down on the six tailed fox and smirked at the yelp of pain that escaped from his brother's vocal chords. Kokuo was shoved off by the kitsune's tails and the white furred quadruped was sent into a blazing inferno as he was sent into Zancrow's attack.

Kokuo cried out in pain before slapping Zancrow aside as if he were an insect. The blonde godslayer was then about to meet Han's fist, but the Kin of Purgatory was quickly saved as Azuma sent four roots to explode around Han.

The explosion was damaging, but Han's armour proved to be quite the competitor as it survived the blast, but not without a few ash marks here and there. Han then dug his arms beneath the ground and using amazing strength, pulled out a large piece of the earth. He chucked it at the Ogonno Fuujin, but Naruto sliced the attack in half before speeding towards Han. He then saw two tree roots and a blast of black fire nearing him and called upon the seal.

The red barrier formed around him, but Han took the opportunity, having seen when Azuma broke through the crimson barrier with a punch.

"STEAM DRAGON DRIVER!" The powerful punch nailed Naruto in the stomach and Naruto spat up blood and bile and was sent flying through the air by the attack. Kurama quickly sped towards his partner and caught him. The two then saw three tree roots near them and exploded in front of them upon making contact with the earth. Naruto had erected his seal barrier and defended against the blow and Kurama saw Zancrow burst through the smoke before raising his hands above his head.

A large ball of ebony fire came to life before it was thrown at the duo.

"Enjin no Ryusei/Flame God's Shooting Star!" The godslayer declared. The attack took on the form of what gave it its name and Kurama ate the fires before sending them back at Zancrow who was sent skidding back by the blow. Han then followed after, riding atop Kokuo's head. Both steam users launched streams of steam at their opponents.

"Unison Raid: Burning Wind!" Suddenly the steam began to heat the very air around it and thus burning winds were sent towards the two. Naruto bent the winds to his command and sent them back at their users, splitting apart the Unison Raid attack. The attack struck both steam users and sent them skidding back. However, Azuma rose up over them, riding a tree root and had leaves swirling around him.

The leaves flew forth and appeared to be sharper than regular leaves. Naruto sent a twister to intercept them and shredded them. Kurama then took a deep breath and sent a powerful blast of flame at Azuma. The flames took on the shape of a fox head, fangs bared.

"KITSUNE NO KOENGA!" The blazing attack struck Azuma's root and sent the Grimoire Heart member flying through the air and Kurama picked up the blonde beside him and threw him after him. Naruto curled into a ball as he neared Azuma and then as he reached Azuma, he had uncurled himself and his leg was ready to strike. Wind swirled around his leg as he brought it down and a crescent shaped wind blast was fired upon making contact with Azuma.

"Fuuton: Kazegiri!" The attack sent Azuma downwards, but Azuma quickly thrust a hand up.

"Great Tree Arc: Bleve!" The power of the earth shot forth from the magic seal in front of Azuma and slammed into Naruto's body. The blonde flipped through the air and was caught by Kurama before the two looked around and saw their opponents still ready to fight. The two were panting, but smiled.

"We've never been pushed like this before." Kurama chuckled.

"I know...they're really strong." Naruto said as he wiped the sweat from his brow.



Fu and Chomei were closing in on the forested area where the battle was currently taking place only for Chomei to freeze.

"Choemi, what's wrong?" The green haired dragonslayer asked.

"I feel...another one like us. It's a link the nine of us have." Fu knew the blue feline was making reference to her siblings.

"Which one is this one? Are you sure you're not feeling Kurama's magic energy?" She asked. Chomei shook her head.

"'s's Kokuo." The Exceed spoke.

"Who's that?" Fu asked. Chomei didn't respond and instead continued to fly towards the area and was shocked when she was suddenly forced back by the force of a powerful clash of magic energies.

"Amazing, such strength!" She whispered. The daughter of Cyclonus also couldn't believe the strength of the magic power she was feeling. She sniffed the air and her eyes widened when she caught a whiff of Naruto's magical energy amongst the accumulation of magic in the forest.

"Minato's magic is there." She said, still referring to Naruto by the fake name he used. "Quick, Chomei...I need to see if what I'm thinking is true."

"You mean if Minato-san is a dragonslayer like you?" The mint haired girl nodded and Chomei didn't any other directions before continuing towards the battleground.


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