The Exceeds' Bijuudama Duel

(Insert Music: Fairy Tail-Shishi no Hoshi)

He then leaped off of Kurama's head and vanished into the wind as he moved at high speeds. Zancrow, Azuma, Han and Kokuo were all surprised by the show off speed and suddenly they felt themselves being pummelled from all sides and lacerations covered their bodies, though Han's armour and Kokuo's regeneration kept them safe.

Azuma clutched his chest when a wound extended from his left shoulder to his right hip formed. He was then kicked in the stomach before Zancrow was sent to the ground by a suddenly force that struck his skull. The insane godslayer was sent further into the ground as the wind was forced down onto his body and an X-shaped wound formed on his back as the wind cut through his clothes.

Han and Kokuo were merely being batted left and right as they were able to take Naruto's attacks and Naruto reappeared in front of them, two wind blades around his arms. He was in a kneeling stance before he stood back up.

"Fuuton: Mugon no Ansatsusha." The dragonslayer muttered. Naruto took in a deep breath and watched his opponents. The two members of Grimoire Heart were the only ones he was able to seriously injure, but they were somehow getting back up. Han and Kokuo were fine because of Han's strong armour and Kokuo's healing factor.

However, they were unable to expect the next attack as Naruto vanished and appeared above them. The wind above Naruto into a sphere before it coated Naruto's hands. Naruto raised his arms and then thrust them downwards. A mere distortion in the air was all the four opponents got before the attack met them.

"Fuuton: Hantei no Fuujin!" A large hand-shape imprinted itself in the ground as the attack smashed the earth and Naruto's victims as well.

"Such power over the wind." Han commented as he exerted a large amount of magical energy to keep himself from falling to the ground. The other three were committing the same action.

"So this is why he is called the Golden Wind God?" Azuma commented before smirking. "Finally...a worthy opponent." Azuma fell to one knee though before Zancrow started to cackle and his body became coated in black fire.

"HAHAHAHAHA TIME TO KILL A GOD!" Their magical powers suddenly spiked and Naruto and Kurama's eyes widened at that.

"They really are powerful opponents if they were able to keep standing from that attack." Kurama said.

"Yes, but they lost a great deal of magic power to do so in order to counteract the downward push of Hantei no Fuujin." Naruto pointed out as he noticed the four opponents being more tired than they were before. However, the earth rumbled and Naruto was suddenly shoved out of the way and Naruto watched as five white tails wrapped themselves around Kurama's body.

"KURAMA!" Naruto cried out to his kitsune partner. The six tailed beast howled before biting down on Kokuo's appendage, drawing blood, but Kokuo didn't let go, instead converting his appendages into steam and then began to suffocate the fox. Kurama set himself on fire to try and burn his way out and succeeded, but his nose was badly burnt by the steam. The kitsune's healing factor worked on the damaged sensory organ, but Kokuo took this to his advantage and rammed Kurama, stabbing his side with his horns. Kurama howled in pain before being slammed into the ground repeatedly. Kurama released a stream of fire and sent Kokuo flying back before racing towards his brother and slamming him into the ground.

"THAT IS IT, BROTHER!" Kurama roared. "I REFUSE TO HANDLE YOUR FOOLISHNESS ANY FURTHER!" The kitsune began breathing fire over the dolphin-horse's body. Kokuo released a loud cry of pain as Kurama burnt him. Kokuo kicked Kurama off with his hooves and then as Kurama skidded backwards, his tails arched over his head. Kurama's red eyes widened and the other combatants suddenly faced the two beasts as they grew in size to about the size of an elephant. Red and blue magic energy was pulled in from the Eternano in the air before condensing into large purple orbs of magic energy.

"Shit!" Naruto and Han cursed as they saw their Exceeds about to perform their most powerful attacks. Naruto quickly coated himself in a dome of wind, Han doing the same, but with his steam. Azuma surrounded himself and Zancrow by coiling multiple large tree roots around them both.

The magic energy spheres finished charging and Kurama and Kokuo stared at one another before launching their attacks.

"BIJUUDAMA!" The two attacks were released in the form of energy beams. The two magic energies clashed and caused many a tree to go flying through the air with dirt, rocks and many other things.


Fu and Chomei were sent flying back as they saw the large dome of magic energy envelop a decent sized area of the gargantuan forest.


"WHAT'S BIJUUDAMA?" Fu asked over the roaring winds. Chomei quickly avoided the trees and rocks that managed to reach her alititude before answering.

"Bijuudama is an attack known only to us nine. It's an attack that draws in the positive and the negative energies of the Eternano in the atmosphere and compresses them into a single area. The energy is then fired in the form of a powerful beam or it could be launched as the sphere alone. It is nearly impossible to dodge or deflect." Chomei explained to the Wind Dragonslayer.

"Amazing!" Fu's orange eyes stared at the dome of magic.


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