Hades Reacts to Fuujin's Strength

Magic Council Building, Fiore Branch

The entirety of the Magic Council's members were watching the scene unfold before them, using Etherion's viewing capabilities to watch the battle that was currently ensuing on the Technician's chamber Viewing Lachryma screen.

"Do you think Han will come out of this with the Ogonno Fuujin, the Onibi Myobu and those members of Grimoire Heart?" Org asked. Ultear spun her lachryma atop her finger.

"Fuujin-kun looks very strong...Han's armour might be strong, but Fuujin-kun seems to be denting it." The spy told her 'fellow' Council members. Siegrain nodded.

"So it seems. Han is supposedly our strongest soldier and with Kokuo down, the Onibi and the Fuujin will no doubt be able to gain a bit of an upper hand in the battle." The blue haired councilman said.

"I'm disappointed that you people have such little faith in our own soldier." Belino shook her head. Yajima remained silent as he watched his fellow Council Member, Michello who was tapping his cane in anxiety.

"Hey wait a minute, what's that?" Michello pointed out as he saw Kokuo and Kurama launch their Bijuudama attacks. The flash of white light nearly blinded the council members, even as they watched it on a screen.

"I'm blind!" Leiji cried.

"How are YOU blind? You're wearing sunglasses!" Belino yelled at the younger council member.

"Huh? Oh right." He chuckled nervously. Leiji and the others then looked back at the Viewing Lachryma and when the light died down...they saw the screen became snowy.

"What happened? Org bellowed.

"Sir, it appears that the magic has caused a great about of Eternano to cloud the screen. We cannot retain visual or audio." The staff member told the elderly man. Org stroked his beard before sighing.

"Very well...contact the transportation group. Tell them to get ready to pick up Han and Kokuo immediately."

"Already? Are you sure?" Michello asked. Org remained silent before Yajima spoke.

"Are you all really sure that you want this young man and the kitsune to be a 'weapon' for the council? Haven't we done enough with weapons when we made Han what he is?" The second shortest council member spoke. The other council members remained silent before Org turned back to the staff member.

"Send out the retrieval team and tell them to get ready to head for Lupinus Town to pick up the Head Captain.

"Yes, Org-sama." The amphibian saluted before contacting the retrieval team of Rune Knights. Ultear tapped her finger on her teal lachryma and looked at Siegrain.

"Han will live...but he will not come back well." Ultear spoke.

"What makes you so sure, Ultear-san?" The blue haired man asked the purple haired beauty. Ultear smiled softly at the man.

"Because Fuujin-kun appears to be holding back." The other Council Members's eyes widened at that.

"You can't be serious, Ultear-san?" Belino exclaimed. The secret member of Grimoire Heart nodded.

"It is true, Belino-dono...Fuujin-kun has far more magic power than any of us will ever be able to comprehend. I suggest you use the teleportation runes on Han's armour to bring him back here to Headquarters. Call back the retrieval team." Ultear said with a serious look on her face. The council was silent. Ultear was a valued member and she never once spouted a lie to them as her decisions allowed the council to be just and equal and not be seen as just power hungry asses. Her instinct and ability to judge a person's strength at a single glance was legendary among the Council and so...they complied.

"Very well...we will withdraw the Head Captain." Org said.

"Cancel the Retrieval Sqaud." Michello told the amphibious technician.


"YES, BELINO-SAMA!" The amphibious staff members complied.

(Insert Music: Fairy Tail-Dark Guild)

Master Hades sat in his throne and looked to see his second in command, Ultear Milkovich, appear in the communication lachryma next to the throne.

"Master Hades." The girl bowed. The elderly man nodded.

"Speak, my child."

"Master...it appears that the Ogonno Fuujin and Onibi Myobu are stronger than we have anticipated...I suggest a strategic retreat and to withdraw Azuma and Zancrow." Hades's eye narrowed at the purple haired girl.

"What brought you to such a conclusion?" He asked. Ultear frowned.

"I felt his magic, Master. At first I thought it was merely the combination of all four us, Fuujin, myself, Zancrow and Azuma, being in the same area that allowed for the magic to suddenly seem so potent...but the truth appears to be that the Ogonno Fuujin's power is far greater than any other mage we have ever seen." Ultear explained. Hades stroked his beard before nodding.

"Very well I will trust your judgment...prepare the Transportation Runes and teleport them back to the airship." Hades ordered.

"Of course, Master." Ultear said. Hades watched as the woman vanished into nothing as her image was cut off. The master of Grimoire Heart stroked his beard before tapping his foot in annoyance.

'This is an unexpected and interesting development.'


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