Desperate Defense

(Insert Music: Naruto-Raising the Fighting Spirit)

As the magic dome began to increase in size, Kurama snarled before calling upon the entire power of his six tails.

"KOKUO YOU DARE COMBAT ME IN A BATTLE OF STRENGTH! YOU ARE FOOLISH INDEED!" Kurama roared before the sixth tail granted him its power and his Bijuudama overpowered Kokuo's. The dolphin-horse's eyes widened before he was sent flying through the air as Kurama's Bijuudama finally overtook his own. The attack washed over Kokuo in a wave of white light and the transformed Exceed was sent smashing through multiple trees and a few boulders, the attack also managing to carve a trench in the earth before it vanished as the attack spread out in the form of a smaller dome of energy. The magic energy died down and the other combatants let down their defenses and watched as Kokuo stopped just at the edge of the large forest.

Kurama panted in exertion before turning to face Naruto and the others and roared. Naruto turned to face their opponents and his eyes, still a deep blue, filled themselves with the look of a killer.

"You wish to continue?" Naruto asked. Han, Azuma and Zancrow gritted their teeth before answering with a barrage of attacks.

Azuma then sent forth numerous amount so tree roots and sharpened leaves which the two cut down with wind and fire. Zancrow jumped into the air and coated his fists in black fire.

"Enjin no Seiken/Flame God's Comet Fist!" The Fire Godslayer unleashed the fiery attack upon the Ogonno Fuujin, but Naruto ducked beneath the attack and slammed an uppercut to Zancrow's diaphragm. Zancrow coughed as he felt as if he couldn't breathe. Naruto punched him again as he let Zancrow land on the ground. Zancrow was sent stepping backwards before two more punches slammed into his stomach before Naruto took a deep breath.

"Fuuton: Rekudan!" The wind bullet slammed into Zancrow and sent him towards Azuma, but the man avoided his fellow Kin of Purgatory and sent three roots at Naruto. Kurama's tail smashed down on the roots before they could touch the blonde and the dragonslayer leaped into the air only for Han to meet him halfway. The blonde couldn't believe the man's speed before Han smashed both fists down on his skull. Naruto met the ground with a deafening boom and clutched his skull before seeing Han about to slam down on him.

Naruto rolled backwards before jumping up and coated his arms with wind.

"FUUTON NO KENJUTSU: SHIKAZE NO MAI!" Naruto roared as he bombarded Han with numerous strikes of his wind blades, but Han, despite releasing grunts of pain, was still mostly protected by his powerful armour. Naruto then raised his arms over his head.

"FUUJIN NO TANTO!" The wind blade slammed down on Han, but Naruto was suddenly sent to the earth as Zancrow was hurled into the air and his blazing heel slammed on his fellow blonde's skull.

"ENJIN NO HOJINKA KOGEKI!" A stream of black flame followed after Naruto as the kick impacted with him, but Kurama caught Naruto before he could touch the ground and avoided the attack only to be sent sprawling on the ground as Azuma had four roots explode in the kitsune's face.

"Time to put you two down and take you in!" Han exclaimed before steam was released from all four of his limbs.

"HYDRAULIC STORM FRENZY!" Suddenly the furnace on Han's back seemed to rattle much more than it usually did and the steam output from his armour increased exponentially. Naruto and Kurama immediately became on guard as Han suddenly vanished in a blur of speed, a trail of steam marking his movement. Naruto quickly ducked beneath the punch from the left, but the Rune Knight Captain followed up with a knee to the stomach. Naruto gasped as he felt the wind driven from his lungs before he was punched rapidly in the chest, his sternum feeling like it was going to snap. Kurama slapped Han in the face with a tail before sending a raging fireball after him. Han landed against a tree and pushed off, driving through the fireball as if it weren't even there and socked Kurama in the muzzle before grabbing the kitsune and in an unbelievable feat of strength, hurled the elephant sized kitsune over his head and slammed him down on the ground.

Naruto crashed a kick to the back of Han's head before backflipped off of him and sending a tornado his way. Han blurred out of the way before appearing in front of Naruto. The blonde ducked beneath the punch before going into a handstand and slammed a barrage of kicks to Han's face, but the armoured man grabbed Naruto and swung him up into the air.

Zancrow then jumped in the air and grinned widely.

"EAT THIS FUCKER!" Zancrow gathered magic and fire within his hands and raised the fireball over his head and grinned at Naruto. Naruto's eyes widened as Zancrow hurled the fireball at him and called upon the seal to shield him.

"HIDEN METSUENJIN MAHO: HAKKO ENDAN/SECRET FLAME GODSLAYER MAGIC: CORONA FLAME BOMB!" Zancrow grinned as the black flame shot towards Naruto and collided with the sealing barrier. His smiled grew wider when he saw Naruto was able to survive as the barrier protected him. Zancrow then followed after Naruto and sent flame from the bottom of his feet to catch up to his falling opponent.

"ENJIN NO KAGETSUCHI/FLAME GOD'S KAGETSUCHI!" A torrent of black flames flew from Zancrow's hands and impacted with the seal barrier. Naruto then let down the barrier for a while before dodging one of Zancrow's fire blasts and crashed a foot into his stomach. Zancrow was then twisted so he fell first. Naruto then kicked off of him and formed a Rasengan in his hands.

"Energy Make: Rasendangan!" The Rasengan flew from Naruto's hands like a bullet and sent Zancrow to the ground. Naruto landed in from of the downed Grimoire Heart member only to suddenly be knocked down by an exploding tree root. The seal had formed insticntively and thus Naruto was protected from the brunt of the damage, but he was still sent flying.

Zancrow then rose back to his feet. Black flames wrapped themselves around Zancrow's form before the fires began to look as if they were receding into Zancrow's body. Naruto's eyes widened and he pumped more magic energy into his barrier as the two still fell and Zancrow unleashed the pent up magic power within him and a raging shockwave of ebony fire raced forth from Zancrow's body making him look like he was a star that just exploded.

"HIDEN METSUENJIN MAHO: CHOSHINSEI/SECRET GODSLAYER MAGIC: SUPERNOVA!" The flames crashed into Naruto's barrier and the blonde was sent to the ground as he continued to hold up the barrier. Sweat lined his face as he did this. He looked back and saw Kurama had knocked back Han and was running towards him. The kitsune quickly reached Naruto and began to absorb the black flames and prevent his partner from being damaged any further, but both he and Kurama suddenly felt the three opponents build up a great deal of magic power.


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