Naruto's Dark Transformation

"GREAT TREE ARC: TOWER BURST!" A giant tower of fire erupted from the earth as Azuma used one of his more powerful moves.

"VOLCANIC VENTILATION!" Han punched the ground and a large crack in the ground formed, steam travelling deep into the earth before the steam turned and erupted out of the ground beneath Naruto and Kurama.

The three powerful spells collided with the Ogonno Fuujin and Onibi Myobu in a mixture of fire, earth and steam. A giant explosion took over the entire battlefield and Naruto and Kurama did what they could to try and survive the attack. Naruto held up his Five Point Elemental Seal barrier, though he felt his magic power depleting at a rapid rate as a result. Kurama was doing what he could to absorb and/or eat the fires from the blazing attacks, but the steam from Han's attack was getting to him, suffocating him somewhat.

The explosion raced across the battlefield and formed a mushroom cloud. The smoke and steam and fire all vanished with that one explosion and the three opponents looked at the cloud and panted.

"Now that those two...are probably unconscious from that...time to finish you two off." Han panted before raising his fists. Azuma and Zancrow turned and the two Kin of Purgatory snarled at the Head Captain.

"As if you could defeat...the both HAHAHAHA!" Zancrow managed to release his signature insane cackle before coughing when he felt his throat fill with liquid and he spat out the blood while also nursing his lacerations. Azuma rubbed the slash wounds and fell to his knees.

"The Ogonno Fuujin and Onibi Myobu are worthy opponents. They will make excellent additions to Grimoire Heart for Master." Azuma muttered.

"Ogonno Fuujin and Onibi that you have been is time I bring you two into cust...ody." Han's last word came out separately as he suddenly felt a great magic power wash over him. A pair of white eyes shone through the thick cloud of smoke and then the smoke parted to reveal a pillar of dark blue and black magic power. Han, Azuma and Zancrow stared in shock as they felt the malice coming from the magic.

Fu and Chomei, who were watching from nearby, watched the pillar extend beyond the clouds as it continued to climb.

"This is it...This is his true magic!" Fu stated. Chomei looked confused.

"What do yo mean, Fu?"

"This is...This is his Dragonslayer magic power. Whoever Minato is fighting...they're not coming out unscathed."


'I...I can barely feel my magic at all.' He thought as he looked around the dust cloud and then at himself. His shirt was torn in many places, but his mask miraculously remained intact though there was a large area that was split at the cheek. His pants were covered with burns and had several holes in them, but his boots seemed to be fine. Naruto held the necklace in his hand and smiled when he saw the charm was also safe. It wasn't damaged, however...Naruto turned to see the damaged kitsune. Kurama groaned as he glowed red and reverted back into his Exceed form.

"Kurama?" Naruto spoke. The feline coughed lightly as if to show he was still kicking, and he remained slightly conscious.

"" The crimson Exceed wheezed.

"Don't talk. You've used up a lot of magic need to rest."

"Naruto...those guys out there...are trying to take us and...use us as weapons. Kokuo told me before he was hit with my Bijuudama."


"It' ability we all share. There are nine of us siblings, Naruto and when in close proximity, we are able to communicate telepathically." The red eyed feline explained.

"But why would Kokuo...?"

"Hehe, should know that family does whatever they can to protect one another. Kokuo and I...are brothers and no matter what...brothers look out for each other." The Exceed chuckled as he saw the look of surprise on Naruto's face.

"Family? Look out for one another?" The blonde asked.

"Naruto...I've got no magic left right now. Take...Take then down...use Acnologia's magic. It's the only thing that will be able to bring you back to full strength and you will be able to defeat them."

"But they are not..." Naruto paused. They were strong opponents. They brought him and Kurama on the brink of defeat, a feeling Naruto had never experienced before. The Dragonslayer of Acnologia watched as the smoke cloud was beginning to thin. Naruto grunted in pain as his muscles tried to stop Naruto from moving by filling his body with pain.

The Dragonslayer stood to his feet and took a deep breath. He drew upon the hidden magic reserves where his Dragonslayer magic was store. Naruto then turned and his magic aura flickered. The grey-green and blue aura that represented his regular magic suddenly morphed, taking on a darker personality. Grey-green and blue became a dark blue mixed in with black. The magic power then began to climb as Naruto's rage grew.

'You attack me...You attack Kurama...' Naruto began to growl as he felt his draconian side take over.

"I will show you no mercy!" Naruto roared as his eyes snapped open. His blue irises vanishing as his eyes became a startling white.

Kurama managed to turn his head and looked to see the damaged Naruto standing in front of him. The magic power surrounding his partner was greater than it ever was before. Naruto roared and the magic power sky rocketed, literally and the smoke cloud they were in, parted. Kurama smirked as he felt the negative emotions from his partner. Rage, Hate, Anger, Wrath, Killing intent...Kurama chuckled lightly. The people before them were screwed now.

'They say it is unwise to wake the Sleeping Dragon.' Kurama thought. He managed to see Naruto roar one last time before falling unconscious.

'Now they will know why.'


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