Naruto's Dominance in Battle

The pillar of magic power died down and the Head Captain of the Rune Knights and the two members of the Seven Kin of Purgatory watched as Naruto stood, hunched over. His hair covering his eyes, but the white glow was still visible.

"Wh-What is he? How is he still alive?" Han exclaimed as Naruto took a step forward towards his opponents.

"Such a powerful opponent." Azuma spoke. Zancrow seemed to sweat a bit before cackling.

"You think a little power boost is gonna beat the mighty Zancrow! HAHAHAH! IN YOUR DREAMS FUCKER!" Zancrow took a deep breath.

(Insert Music: Fairy Tail-Toki Hanata)

"ENJIN NO DOGO!" A blast of black flames raced towards the blonde, but as the attack neared him...Naruto froze in his movements before his head snapped up. Naruto roared and the magic energy within the attack was sucked out of the attack. Zancrow, Azuma and Han watched in amazement and in slight fear as the magic energy was devoured by the blonde.

"Just what the fuck is he? He...he stopped my attack."

"He didn't just stop it, Zancrow." Azuma said. "He sucked out the magical power from the attack and made it his own...he is no ordinary mage."

"NO FUCKING SHIT, SHERLOCK!" The blonde Grimoire Heart member shouted. The three turned, glowing white eyes fixated only on them. Teeth bared beneath his torn mask and his fingers flexed, claws ready to tear through flesh. His necklace fluttered in the wind generated by his magical power.

Han, Azuma and Zancrow took a few steps back on instinct as they felt Naruto's magic spike once more. Naruto then took a few intentionally slow steps before he vanished in a blur of speed.

Han was the first to be struck as he felt a fist tear through his armour and slam into his sternum. Han gasped as he felt the bone creak before he sent upwards by an uppercut. Naruto jumped after him and the barrage of uppercuts continued to meet him as Naruto flew after the armoured individual. Black and blue magic extended from his tail bone and Naruto snarled.

"Mokushiryu no Shippo." Naruto muttered. Han was sent to the ground as the tail lashed out and struck him on the head, sending him to the ground and also leaving a large crack in his kasa. Naruto then flew down after the man and held his arms stretched out beside him.

"Mokushiryu no Habataki." Naruto's arms then became coated in the magic of his adoptive father and took on the shape of wings. The wings made a flapping motion and a storm of Dragonslayer magic infused wind slammed into Han as he met the ground, embedding him further into the ground. Naruto continued to fall after the attack was completed and then he drew back his right fist. Black and blue magic took on the form of a dragon's head and the dragon head opened its jaws and roared.

"Mokushiryu no Kuro Kiba." The attack pierced through Han's armour as if it were tissue paper and a large explosion of magic energy resulted from the attack. After the explosion died down, it was revealed that Naruto's hand was now covered in crimson as the attack allowed him to pierce straight into Han's stomach. The Head Captain was now coughing up blood, staining the mask he wore with red. Naruto snarled as he flicked his hand and caused some of the blood to fly through the air.

'Human blood...disgusting.' He thought as his draconian side ruled his mindset. He then bent down to Han's face and forced the man's eyes open and grinned.

"I will kill you, human...but this is just as a precaution in case you survive." Naruto tilted his head so only his left eye was seen. The power of the Mokushiryu no Byakugan was very diverse. It could break through illusions, dense fogs, mists even allow one to see through the body and look at their musculature, magic coils and skeleton. However, when used individually...the right eye was able to project the memories of the user, Memory Projection. The left eye on the other hand was able to perform Memory Wipe.

A black and blue magic seal appeared in Naruto's left eye before a flash of white light filled Han's eyes. The light tore into Han's memory and wiped out everything relating to Naruto's ability to use Dragonslayer magic, but Naruto made sure to leave behind one little detail. His eyes. His eyes always brought fear into those he met, especially when they were like how they were currently.

The son of Acnologia then stood back up.

"GREAT TREE ARC: TREE FIST!" A multitude of roots rose from the earth and began to take the form of fists. All of them raced towards Naruto, but the blonde merely called upon his Mokushiryu no Shippo and crushed each and every fist that tried to attack him. Naruto then roared, a shockwave flying towards the two Grimoire Heart members. Azuma stood his ground while Zancrow, being lighter, was sent skidding backwards a few feet. Azuma sent forth four roots, each one taking hold of one of Naruto's limbs.

"GREAT TREE ARC: LINEAR EXPLOSION!" A chain of explosion raced towards Naruto, but the blonde Dragonslayer roared and tore through the bindings and freed himself from the explosive move before landing on the ground. However, just as Naruto touched the ground, he took off in a burst of speed and slammed his skull into Azuma's stomach.

The Grimoire Heart member gasped before Naruto rose up and stared Azuma in the eyes, burning the image of those horrid white eyes into his brain. Azuma was then slashed along his chest, his shredded shirt now even more so.

The attacks allowed the liquid of life to flow freely from his body and Azuma suddenly found himself unable to breathe as he was punched in the stomach. He bent over, only for his face to meet Naruto's knee. The Dragonslayer of the Apocalypse then kicked Azuma in the side, sending him to the ground. However, as he did that, Zancrow clapped his hands together.

"Enjin no Gomiyakuroha!" The wave of black flame raced towards Naruto who simply coated his arms in blackish-blue magic energy and swept the attack aside, causing a small explosion to form. Naruto looked down to Azuma who was climbing back to his feet before looking at Zancrow who now had a fireball in hand.

"Enjin no Ryusei!" The black shooting star soared towards Naruto.


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