Naruto's Final Stand

"Do you ever learn, human?" Naruto spoke. Zancrow's eyes widened as he suddenly felt a chill run up and down his spine at the way Naruto spoke. It was cold, unforgiving, the tone that promised no mercy even if you begged for it. Naruto ate the magic within the fireball and then sped towards Zancrow, causing a small crater to form from the force with which he kicked off the ground.

Zancrow's face was suddenly feeling as if it were caving inwards as Naruto punched it. Naruto then punched Zancrow twice in the stomach before slamming an uppercut against the younger blonde's lower jaw. The two jaws met with a loud 'clack' before Naruto flew after the soaring godslayer. However, the godslayer sent a fire blast at Naruto. When that happened, a large explosion erupted from beneath Naruto and enveloped him as Azuma used Bleve on him.

The Dragonslayer growled within the fires and then he absorbed the magic within the attacks into his being and he smirked. Naruto then released a burst of magic power and dove towards Azuma. The older man sent a barrage of tree roots, explosions and sharp leaves at the blonde, but Naruto vanished in a blur of speed. Azuma looked everywhere for the blonde only for him to suddenly appear above him. Naruto's arms became coated in black-blue magic power.

"Mokushiryu no Hakai Tsume!" Naruto slammed his claws down on Azuma's skull. The blinding pain was enough to send Azuma into unconsciousness before falling to the ground with a large amount of blood pooling beneath his head as his skull was damaged, though his natural endurance as well as the effects of the Great Tree Arc magic allowed him to survive the attack. Of course, Naruto thought the man was dying and would soon die as his enhanced hearing allowed him to hear the slowing of the man's heart beat.

"ENJIN NO DOGO!" A blast of black flame crashed into Naruto, but Naruto ate the magic within the attack.







Zancrow used all of his attacks, sending blast upon blast of ebony fire at the Apocalypse Dragonslayer, but Naruto either ate the magic energy and rendered it useless or simply avoided the attack. He then stopped when he reached Zancrow's position and punched Zancrow in the chest. Zancrow was about to scream when Naruto used a palm strike to the throat, silencing his cry of pain before grabbing Zancrow's left arm and twisting it at an unnatural and angle and continued with that movement before his arm released a loud snap. Zancrow howled like a coyote as the pain raced through his body.

"You're too loud, human." Naruto said with an uncaring tone. He threw Zancrow at the downed Azuma. He then walked up to his downed opponents and grinned widely, the glowing white eyes doing nothing to reduce the fearful image of the Apocalypse Dragonslayer. Naruto stared at them and wiped their memories, doing it to the same extent as he did to Han.

The Apocalypse Dragonslayer then jumped back to gain a bit of distance. Naruto made sure to line up Han along with the other two before the magic energy swirled into his lungs, changing his physiology into that of a dragon's. Magic power filled the air before it began to be absorbed into Naruto's lungs.

"MOKUSHIRYU NO..." Naruto unleashed his attack, "HOKO!" The blast of black and blue magic energy rocketed through the air, however unseen by him, magic seals had appeared beneath both Grimoire Heart members and two more formed beneath Han and the downed Kokuo. The four vanished in flashes of light and Naruto's attack continued on through the forest before causing a dome of energy about half the size of Lupinus town to form after the attack clashed near the edge of the forest.

When the blast died down, it revealed the entire area was now scarred with a large trench and there was a large clearing where the attack had expanded into the dome and literally destroyed everything it touched.

Naruto sighed and he let his magic calm down. His eyes reverted from shining white to cerulean blue. He walked back over to the downed Kurama and raised him up. Naruto then turned and took a few steps before his body felt light and his head was spinning. The world itself seemed to be turning upside down as earth met sky and then...Naruto collapsed into unconsciousness.


Fu and Chomei, who were watching the entire display of power by the Apocalypse Dragonslayer were in amazement as they saw him perform Mokushiryu no Hoko.

"That looks like a Dragon's Roar attack!" Fu exclaimed as she began to feel giddy. "Finally...someone like me." When the attack finally died down, she had Chomei fly down and paused when she saw him take a few steps, Kurama in his hands. However, as he took those few steps she saw Naruto's eyes roll into the back of his head and he held Kurama closer to him before falling to the ground, unconscious.

Fu and Chomei flew over to the downed Exceed and Apocalypse Dragonslayer.

"Come on Chomei, we have to move. The Magic Council is sure to catch wind of what happened here and come to investigate. We better move them."

"But first, you better scatter their scent or remove it." Fu nodded at Chomei suggestion before inhaling the wind.

"Fuuryu no Kuuki Haikiryou/Wind Dragon's Air Displacement!"She then let loose small blasts of wind that completely eradicated all traces of their scents. It was a move Fu learned from her dragon parent that allowed her to inhale the wind and then remove whatever scent was present in the air by replacing the air with unaffected air made in her lungs as the wind she made displaced the scents upon her exhalation.

With that done, Fu picked up Naruto who was quite heavy so she had to put in a bit more effort into carrying her fellow dragonslayer. She quickly channelled wind magic and a magic seal appeared on her back and two pairs wings made purely out of wind formed.

"Fuuryu no Hayai Hishou/Wind Dragon's Swift Flight!"

Chomei also sprouted her insect-like wings and the two took off through the air away from Lupinus Town knowing full well that they couldn't just go back into town with two injured persons.

"God, Minato sure is heavy."

"So is Kurama nii-san...what have these two been eating?" Fu laughed at her Exceed partner before realizing something.

"You know...I've just now realized something."

"What's that?" Chomei asked. Fu sweatdropped as the thought filled her mind.

"These guys just left town and already they're almost dead." Chomei opened her mouth to say something, but no words escaped her vocal chords.

"I have no idea what to say to that."

"So where do you think we should go?"

"Well...from what I remember...Freesia Town is the nearest town to Lupinus, so we'll go there. We'll make a camp outside the town and get supplies for these two dunderheads right here and then when they're better, we'll leave." Fu nodded.

"Sounds like a plan." And so the pairs of Exceed and Dragonslayers set off for Freesia Town.


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