Unraveling Mysteries

Magic Council Building, Fiore Branch

"Exalted Council." A human member of the council's staff entered the area where the Councilmen and women made their lounging quarters.

"Speak." Org said. The staff member rose from her bow and nodded.

"We have just received Han's and Kokuo's bodies from the battleground..." The woman paused.

"And?" Belino raised an eyebrow.

"Do you want to hear the good news or the bad news?" The staff member gulped as she saw the many hardened gazes focused on her. Ultear spoke.

"What's the good news?" She asked. The staff member nodded before taking out the clipboard she hid behind her back.

"Well, Ultear-sama...the good news is that Han and Kokuo will make full recoveries, Kokuo more quickly than Han."

"Excellent, that is good news, but what's the bad news?" Yajima asked.

"The bad news is that Han will take at least four full months to recover from his wounds. He suffers from massive amounts of bone breakage, minor burns, magic depletion, he has lost a massive amount of blood and there appears to be a gaping hole in his chest from what appears to have been made by...a human fist."

The council's eyes widened at that.

"Are you serious? There is no living thing in all of Earthland that can pierce through Han's armour!" Mechillo shouted.

"Though I am surprised by what I'm about to say...I agree. We used the strongest metals and the best engineers in all of Earthland to construct that armour. We have sent Han against powerful monsters and demons that not even some of Fairy Tail's S-Class mages could handle alone and Han took them down with ease." Yajima said.

"Then it appears that the Ogonoo Fuujin and Onibi Myobu are stronger than they appear...but to be able to pierce Han-san's armour. That is quite a feat." Siegrain added. They turned to the staff member who was now fidgeting upon her being noticed.

"Ummm Yes?" She asked when noticed their gazes.

"Four months?" The staff member nodded.

'Yes, Org-sama."

"I see...well go to the area where we make our Wanted posters...change the one for the Ogono Fuujin and the Onibi Myobu."

"What would like it to say, Org-sama? Increase the bounty on his head or add a few more details or..." Org raised his hand and a fierce gaze settle on her when she was silenced.

"We cannot risk another situation like this. Do not engage them, physically, verbally, mentally. Whatever way possible...do not attempt confrontation. These two...monsters...are not to be trifled with as they have managed to take down Han as well as Kokuo. They are to be labelled SS-Class criminals." Org said.

"SS-Class? Isn't that a bit high, Org-sama?" The staff member exclaimed. Org shook his head as he looked to his fellow council members, all nodding in agreement with his decision.

"They are to be labelled as 'Flee on Sight'." The staff member gulped at that. There were rarely any times when a criminal, despite their power, would be labelled 'Flee on Sight'. There were not many in that category because of it.

"O-O-Of course, Org-sama." The staff member bowed before exiting the chambers. The council room was silent for a few moments before Ultear stood up.

"Where are you going, Ultear?" Belino asked her fellow female.

"I need to...visit Han and Kokuo in the medical ward...then, I'm going for a walk...a LONG walk. I will return soon." The others nodded before allowing the dark purple haired girl to leave. As Ultear left the council room, she wandered down the large hallways of the building before looking around to make sure no one was around. She extended her sensory abilities for a minute as a precaution and after she was sure there was no one around, she performed Requip Magic and requipped into her Grimoire Heart outfit.

"Teleportation Magic: Grimoire Heart." She said. A dark purple magic seal appeared beneath her and she vanished in a small flicker of light.


Unknown Location, Skies of Fiore

Hades sat in his throne. Suddenly the sound of feet against the metal of the airship met his ears. He sat up and saw one of the grunts enter the throne room and he bowed. The grunt remained on the ground in a kneeling position.

"Master Hades...Zancrow and Azuma have returned."

"What are their statuses?" He asked. The grunt shuddered slightly as he remembered what he saw.

"Sir...we have taken their bodies to the medical ward. They are alive, but they are critical condition."

"Critical condition?" Hades said with his single, visible eye widening. The grunt nodded.

"Yes Master. They both suffer from numerous lacerations all over their bodies, magic depletion, large amounts of fractured and/or broken bones and first degree burns from what appears to be made by both fire and steam. Zancrow appears to have nearly had his trachea crushed along with five of his ribs. His left arm is also broken. Azuma has six of his ribs broken along, but while not suffering an equal amount of damage to his body...his wound is far worse as he has suffered massive damage to the upper left hemisphere of his brain. He will take much longer to heal, but...we can expect a full recovery before you launch your plans."

"I see...anything else?" Hades asked. The grunt nodded.

"Yes, Master...you see...well I think it would be best to show you." Hades nodded before rising from his throne and he followed the grunt to the medical ward of the airship. As the grunt and the Master reached the glass revealing the heavily bandaged Kin of Purgatory, Hades's eyes widened when he noticed just how damaged they were. Even with so many bandages and the large amount of morphine being pumped into their bodies as humanly possible...it appeared they were still in pain, blood staining their bandages red.

However, Zancrow was much more vocal in his outburst as Azuma was not one to talk in his sleep.

"THOSE EYES...THOSE HORRID WHITE EYES!" Zancrow howled as the medical mages crowded around him, trying to sedate the blonde godslayer. Hades could only gasp as he saw what he thought was the most fearless member of his army, suddenly suffer a mental breakdown.

"Mental recovery?" He asked the grunt.

"Sir...five months for physical, but it may take a few more weeks after that to calm down Zancrow. Azuma appears to not suffer from any mental trauma at all and given his personality I would believe that he would see his opponents as a reason to become stronger." Hades nodded. It was very much like Azuma to continue training to become stronger...however...

Hades continued to watch as Zancrow was finally sedated.

'Zancrow...what happened out there?' The master of Grimoire Heart wondered.


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