The Mark of Failure

Grimoire Heart Airship, Balcony

A young girl around the age of twelve stood on the balcony watching the clouds. The girl had short pink hair and vibrant green eyes. A stark contrast to her current mood of indifference. She wore a skin tight, purple leotard of some sort. The sides of her leotard were a darker purple and were sectioned off from the lighter purple by white lines. Over the leotard, the girl wore a red cape which was laced with gold. The left shoulder portion of the cape had the symbol for Grimoire Heart imprinted in white. The outfit was completed with brown coloured boots that reached her thighs and had white strips on it.

This was Meredy, another member of the Seven Kin of Purgatory.

"Meredy." The pink haired girl's mood suddenly did a complete 180 as she became all sunshine and smiles. Turning to face the woman who saved her life, Meredy grinned widely.

"Ul-chan!" However, she was suddenly frozen as killing intent and magic power was expelled from Ultear.

"How many times have I told not me that." The older woman snarled. Her eyes full of contempt upon hearing the nickname. Meredy frowned, but nodded.

"Sorry, Ultear-san." She apologized. After the awkward silence that resulted from Ultear's suddenly dark personality, Meredy spoke. "Did you hear about what happened to Azuma and Zancrow?"

Ultear nodded, "To be put in such a condition...Fuujin-kun must be exceptionally strong."

"Fuujin-kun?" Meredy questioned. Ultear chuckled as she remembered her meeting with the powerful mage.

"Yes, Meredy. Fuujin-kun is an exceptionally strong very strong."

"Does that mean, Ultear-san is going to try and court the Ogonno Fuujin?" Ultear's eyes widened at that declaration, a small blush appearing on her face.

"What? Of course not!" She said, waving her arms frantically in a comical manner. Contrary to her words, an image of when she had flirted with Naruto out her need to tease the man appeared in her mind's eye.

'Damn you mind!' The woman cursed. Meredy giggled at the woman she saw as an older sister. "The only man I will ever love..." Ultear blushed even more as she thought of the Black Wizard, " Zeref-sama." Meredy nodded, it was obvious as to just how much Ultear was obsessed with the four hundred year old great-great grandson of Merlin.



"What do we do now that the Ogonno Fuujin and the Onibi Myobu have avoided capture?"

"Well, Master Hades will tell us what to do afterwards. He is rather shaken by just how heavily damaged two members of the Seven Kin of Purgatory were, but I would assume he will either try again or he will abandon the quest to add those two to our ranks...Fuujin-kun made it very obvious that he does not want to join and if he damaged Zancrow and Azuma that much...then I would go with the latter choice."

"I see." Meredy spoke softly.

"But..." Meredy looked up at her elder's face upon her continuation to speak. "...there is something Fuujin-kun is hiding. His magic power is exceptionally great, much too great to be limited to only wind magic. The magic was dark and fierce, but also very addicting to one's sense of magic detection." There was an eerie silence as the wind blew through both girls' hair, the clouds moving past them.

"Will you be punishing Zancrow and Azuma for their failure? After all you are the leader of the Seven Kin." Meredy asked. Ultear shook her head.

"I believe that no punishment I could give could replace the trauma that Fuujin-kun has given those two. Zancrow's practically having a mental meltdown and Azuma will no doubt be in a coma for a while. No...they've been punished enough by having to fight those two. Also...they have been labelled as SS-Class ranked criminals by the Magic Council. A 'Flee on Sight' duo."

"REALLY? There has rarely ever been a person who is labelled as 'Flee of Sight'!" She exclaimed. Meredy looked down at the ground in disbelief.

'Just how strong...are these two?'

"Come on." Ultear ordered as she turned around and headed into the airship. Meredy jogged after her before walking in time with the older woman.

"Where are we going, Ultear-san?"

"We're going to go on a little hunt by ourselves." The two continued to walk in silence before Ultear stopped and looked around. She then clapped her hands together and a dark purple magic seal appeared beneath the two females.

"Aren't you going to tell Master Hades we're leaving?" Ultear grinned.

"Now why would I do that?" She asked. Meredy blinked, unable to come up with an answer before they vanished in a small pillar of black light.


A few hours later-Lupinus Town


The large castle of Lupin suddenly released a large boom and the monster said to be living in the castle was shown to be soaring out of it, a tongue of fire following after it. A large hole in the shape of the monster was shown in the wall. The citizens of Lupinus watched as the monster flew comically through the air before landing in the middle of the road, unconscious with many a bruise along with a large bump on its head that appeared to be smoking.

"Looks like that guy from Fairy Tail got the monster." A man said.

"Yes...but remember what people say. Fairy Tail has a habit for destruction." A woman said.

"Something's bound to happen."

"They got the monster, what's the worst that could happen as a result of that?" Another man asked.

However, unknown to the townsfolk, the monster had broken through several support structures of the castle. A loud rumbling suddenly met their ears and all the citizens of Lupinus Town could only gawk as they saw two figures walk out of the castle normally, but as they did so, the ancient structure came tumbling down. Well actually, only one-half of the castle had come tumbling down. The rest was fine.

"Oh...that." The man sweatdropped. The members of Lupinus Town could only gawk as they saw Fairy Tail's very own Salamander walk out of the, now half destroyed, castle with a wide grin.

"Well that was easy. Request completed! We got rid of the monster in the castle and now we can get paid!" The son of Igneel exclaimed. Happy floated next to his partner.

"Aye Natsu, but you destroyed half the castle in the process." Happy deadpanned. Natsu turned and gawked as he saw the destroyed ancient structure.

"WHAT? Aww man, Ji-chan's gonna be pissed when the Magic Council finds out about this." Natsu began to cry anime tears before Happy began to chuckle.



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