Naruto's Descent into Darkness

Unknown Location, Unknown Time Period

Naruto's eyes slowly opened only to suddenly close them shut once more as a bright light filled his vision. The light was a bright white and if he hadn't covered his eyes with his hands he would have been sure that his retina and cornea would have been seared to ashes. His pupil quickly dilated and expanded before settling on dilated as it regulated the amount of light that entered his eye.

He was in some sort of white space. There was nothing there, like an empty pocket dimension.

'So this is probably what it feels like to be sealed?' Naruto thought as he looked around the void. Suddenly a golden light filled his vision and he had to cover his eyes once more as his eyes were on the verge of being melted into liquid. Naruto squinted as he continued to watch the light before seeing the image of a spiral. The spiral was surrounded by the kanji for the five elements of fire, water, earth, wind and lightning and in the center of the spiral was the kanji for 'soul'.

Naruto's eyes widened slightly as the light was still shining.

"That's the Five Point Elemental Seal?" He exclaimed. "But what the hell is it doing here...where is here?" Naruto asked himself. The Apocalypse Dragonslayer then saw the seal pulse as it glowed with a crimson colour.

"" Naruto's eyes widened as he heard the sound of two voices. One male and one female.

"What the..."

"" The voices repeated. Naruto stared at the image of the seal as the crimson glow became a bit brighter and then two figures appeared in front of the image. However, the figures were shadowed, the light obscuring their physical forms.

"Who the hell are you?" Naruto growled as he called upon Acnologia's magic. His hands became coated in black and dark blue, taking on the shape of claws. His pupils became slitted as he roared and slashed at the two figures, three arcs of magic energy sliced through the air towards the two figures. However, the attack was suddenly nullified as the seal's image caused the magic energy to somehow fade into particles.

"To think you grew so strong, Naruto-kun." The female voice spoke. Naruto's eyes widened at that before the two figures neared him. Naruto roared and sent a pulse of Dragonslayer magic at the two figures only for the seal to react once more and a crimson glow surrounded the two figures, nullifying the attack.

The golden light in the void along with the crimson light of the seal grew brighter as the figures touched Naruto's face, but their faces were still obscured. Naruto activated Mokushiryu no Byakugan, and suddenly the shadows vanished and the light dimmed as his pure white eyes stared into the faces of Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki.

"M-M-Minato N-Namikaze..." Naruto stared at his blonde father before turning to the red haired woman. "K-K-Kushin U-Uzumaki?"

"It's been a while...Naru-chan." Kushina smiled at him.

"Twenty years actually. Although Acnologia raising you was a bit of a shock, we are glad to see you came out so strong. Master of Wind Magic, you're well on your way to becoming just as good as me in Seal Magic, but you've got a long way to go before you're at your Kaa-chan's level. Just like your old man, neh?" Minato scratched his head in embarrassment as he admitted he wasn't as good as his wife.

"You also wield Ascalon and Excalibur like a pro. We're so proud of you, Naru-chan."

Naruto blinked as he stared at the two people before him. He then looked down at the ground, his bangs covering his eyes. His body trembled before his pupils changed from round to slitted. He bared his canines and grit his teeth, generating a wind storm that did nothing but cause Minato and Kushina's hair to blow back from the force while their smiles didn't leave they're faces.

"You're not real. You're just figments of my unconscious state of mind. I'm merely's said to be a common occurence when one is in a...a..." Naruto's eyes widened.

"Near-death state." The blonde looked down at his hands.

'Impossible...I can't be in a near-death state. I've fought to my limits before in X776 when Acnologia and Kurama were training with me in the pocket dimension, but I've never been brought this close to death before. To suddenly experience a near-death state...' Naruto's thoughts were racing at a mile per minute.

'I'm the Dragonslayer of the Black Dragon...I can't have already been brought down already.' Naruto's hands suddenly began to tremble, not out of fear, but out of the mere shock at being in the state he was in now.

However, he felt Kushina wrap her arms around his body. Naruto stiffened as he was hugged for the first time in seven years. Ever since he left Clover Town in X777, even during his training with Haku and Zabuza, he had never been given physical contact...well comforting physical contact. As he lied frozen stiff he began to feel a warmth growing inside him, it was a warmth that felt familiar to him as it felt endlessly comforting.

"It's okay, Naruto-kun. We're here...we're here for you." Naruto's white eyes widened and lost their fierce glow as Kushina kept hugging him before Minato ruffled his hair.

"You've...really grown up, Naruto." Minato grinned widely at his son before Kushina was suddenly thrown back. Minato was then met with a fist going through his stomach. The blonde man frowned as he stared at Naruto's hand, covered in the magic of the Black Dragon. Minato stepped out of the fist and his body suddenly regenerated before sighing.

"YOU'RE NOT REAL! FOR GOD'S SAKE, YOU'RE NOT FUCKING REAL!" Naruto roared before raising his claws.

"MOKUSHIRYU NO..." Naruto's movements were halted as Minato appeared in his face in a yellow flash, the equally tall man holding back his arms using only the minimum amount of effort.

"Kiiroi Senko." Minato stated. Minato continued to grip Naruto's arms and then a sad smile appeared on the man's face. Kushina rose to her feet and her stomach, now sporting a large hole, regenerated in a flash of crimson. The red haired Wizard Saint walked up to her husband and sported the same smile as Minato's.

"We are real, Naruto-kun." Kushina spoke. Caressing his face. However as the woman was about to continue, a small rumble occurred in the void. Naruto's parents frowned.

"It seems that you are waking up, my little Naru-chan. We're sorry we didn't get to talk with you more, especially seeing as we have finally been able to meet you face-to-face after so long."

"You will see us again, Naruto. Until then...try not to get yourself killed." The male voice chuckled. The male and female rested their index fingers on Naruto's forehead before shoving him backwards.

"What? you can't leave me! Not again...not after all this time...TOU-SAN, KAA-CHAN!" Naruto shouted as he tried to reach out to his parents but suddenly found himself falling as the area behind him suddenly sported a spider-web of cracks. The sound of glass shattering met Naruto's ears as the light vanished and suddenly he was encased in darkness.


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