The Exchange of Stories

"Yes, I do. I care only for myself and those I respect. You are not any of those things. True, you have aided me in regaining my health, and for that I am grateful...but mere medicinal knowledge does not earn one my respect, besides I would have recovered in time even if you left me alone."

"You little bastard!" Fu growled. "You said you may know where Papa Cyclonus is. I'm a dragonslayer, just like you. Why can't you bear any empathy towards me, I'm sure you miss your dragon."

Naruto snorted at that. "Please, Wind Dragon. I could care less about that overgrown garden snake. That bastard killed my parents and ended up teaching me the ways of life. However, though our relationship was built merely upon mutual respect...Kurama seems to believe that Tou-san and I cared for one another. Such unnecessary emotions."

"As for why I do not bear any empathy towards is because unlike you, I know the reasons as to why the dragons left. My Tou-san is not bound by whatever code or law the dragons obeyed to leave us and so I do not focus myself on finding my parent, but rather on simply getting stronger. I made a promise to kill the one who dared disgrace my Tou-san...and I will." Naruto's eyes flashed white as his rage spiked momentarily. Fu remained silent as Naruto let loose a mild amount of his rage towards the Dragon King.

"You're a hypocrite, Minato-kun." Fu laughed. Naruto narrowed his eyes at Fu's laughing form before appearing in her face as he moved in a blurs of speed. Black and blue magic coated his arms and taking on the image of claws. He held the claws to the green haired girl's throat and snarled.

"Care to repeat that, Wind Dragon?" Fu laughed a bit more before speaking.

"You say you don't care for your dragon and yet here you are, telling me that you will kill the one who dared to disgrace your Tou-san. Sounds to me that you care for your dragon." Naruto's claws twitched as he was about to slice open the girl's throat, but then paused.

' for Acnologia? An unlikely assumption. Respect, yes. Care for him? Please, that overgrown garden snake has done nothing but torment me for over eighty-five years.' Naruto lowered his claws and the Apocalypse Dragonslayer ran his fingers through his hair.

"You are annoying, Wind Dragon...just like your cousin."

"The Sky Dragon? You've met her?" Naruto nodded.

"I didn't just meet her, I taught her. I taught her how to live and how to fight." Fu raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"Interesting. Never would have thought that you of all people would take on a protégé." Fu chuckled. The two dragonslayers stayed silent for a few moments before the Wind Dragonslayer spoke once more.

"Why won't you tell me about your dragon?" The blonde sighed at the green haired girl's persistence.

"You're a persistent one aren't you?"

"Papa Cyclonus said it was one of my more noticeable traits." She grinned. Naruto stood up and looked down at the sitting girl.

"You wish to know my tale...then we'll compromise."

"What do you have in mind?" She asked with a slight blush on her face as her mind drifted to rather...obscene images between her and the Apoclaypse Dragonslayer.

"You may tell me your tale of how you met Cyclonus, no matter how uninterested I may be in it, but also..." Naruto grinned widely as he spoke his next words, "You and Chomei will become my subordinates and follow my instructions and mine alone."

Fu's eyes widened before her face became red with fury. "WHAT? YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS?" Naruto stared into Fu's orange eyes and his blue eyes seemed to stare into her very soul.

"On what count would I not be serious, Wind Dragon? I find it a very fair trade. My background is not common knowledge and is something no one, no human or dragonslayer, knows of and with you being able to control the winds to an equal if not greater degree than myself due to your abilities you would be an asset to me."

"What the hell? I am not swearing my loyalty to you. My loyalties lie to myself and to Chomei and besides that is a very unfair negotiation!"

"Very well...I will bargain with you. I have numerous amounts of precious metals and stones in my possession. How much will you take?"


"Pity." Naruto frowned before shrugging. "Very well. At least you have enough pride within yourself to make a decision to not serve under me. Cyclonus taught you well." Naruto turned and walked away. Fu's orange eyes settled on his retreating back before she remembered a comment he had mentioned earlier. She looked at the ground with mixed emotions before she made her decision.

"Minato-kun!" Naruto turned at the mention of his fake name. Fu gulped before speaking. "I will pledge my loyalty to you...however, you must leave Chomei out of the deal and you must tell me what you will tell me where Papa Cyclonus went." The son of the Black Dragon gave a maniacal grin.

'Excellent. I already have four members within my army...Kurama, Sky Dragon, Acnologia and now Wind Dragon will be added to my ranks. Her Exceed will join me soon enough, but I will take what I can get.'

The blonde nodded. "Very well. Chomei will remain out of the bargain and I will tell you of your dragon's whereabouts as well as my background. In exchange you are now my subordinate and I will listen to your story on Cyclonus." Naruto sat down in a cross-legged position.

"You go first." Fu said with a mild glare, copying her 'master's' actions. "If you don't, I will slice you to shreds." The wind picked up and a small cut formed on Naruto's cheek as a way of revealing Fu was not kidding with respect to her threat. Naruto chuckled as he felt the seal on his stomach perform its function and the cut healed in a matter of seconds, taking away all evidence of it even being there.

"Although you speak with a threat that cannot be carried out, I will humour you and talk first."

So with that, Naruto told his story, of course he spoke with very little detail, merely giving a summary of his life's story. He talked about his parents having fallen at the claws of Acnologia, his dragon parent. A piece of information that shocked Fu to her very core, but it did answer many questions concerning the blonde's personality, strength and view on the human race. He followed up with how the dragon taught him and spoke of the meeting of his former nakama in Clover Town. He told her of his meeting with Kurama and how he and the Exceed had begun their partnership. He then told the Wind Dragonslayer of how Acnologia told him he had to leave during the year X777 on July 7th before he too had left to travel the world and that he had met Wendy along the way, teaching her how to become a better dragonslayer and to get over her weakness.


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