The Birth of Nami

"After that, I journeyed through Earthland. I found a teacher to train me in sword play and once I perfected my swordsmanship, I began looking for any worthy opponents with which to test my abilities far, very few battles haven proven to be rather fruitful in that aspect, and here I am."

" you're the Apocalypse Dragonslayer. I can see now why you would want to keep that very low-key since people would no doubt fear you or even try to assassinate you." Naruto tapped his chin.

"Maybe I should reveal my dragonslayer status more often because I do aim for that result whenever I meet my opponents." Naruto told his subordinate. Fu sweatdropped at her fellow dragonslayer.

'Baka.' She thought before bringing up her final promised piece of information.

"Now tell you know where Papa Cyclonus is?" Naruto nodded.

"I do and as stated in the deal...I will tell you where your father went when he left you." Fu leaned in closely to hear what the Apocalypse Dragonslayer had to tell her. "As I had told you before in my tale, I am bound by an Oath of the Dragon so I cannot tell you the entirety of what you wish to hear."

"I don't care. It doesn't matter how much information I get, I need to know what happened to my Papa." Fu said with a serious tone, but there was a part in her sentence where her voice cracked due to the emotion she was currently feeling.

"Cyclonus left on July 7th, X777 in order to take part in something known only to the dragons. This event takes place in the dragon homeland and that is where your father disappeared to."

"Do you know where it is? This homeland?"

"No as my Tou-chan never revealed that piece of information for some reason. I suspect he'll only tell me it when we meet again to go there but even if I did know I cannot tell you for that was not part of our deal. I merely agreed to tell you where your father for your end of the bargain. Your story about Cyclonus, I believe?" Fu wiped the tears that lined her eyes and Naruto rolled his eyes.

"You humans are so emotional. Your dragon left you, get over it." Naruto growled. Fu shook her head before sniffling slightly.

"Sorry, it's just that..." Fu grinned, "after all this time...I finally found out what happened to Cyclonus and I know he didn't just abandon me. For seven years, I thought he just left me because he didn't want me anymore or that my training was finished or something along those lines. But now that I know the truth, no matter how vague the information…thank you, Minato-kun." Naruto nodded before Fu managed to regain her composure.

"Now you met Cyclonus. Get it over with, Wind Dragon." Naruto waved his hand in a lazy manner. Fu smiled as her memories with her surrogate father came rushing back.

"Yes. Well, I believe I wasn't even two months old when it all began. At least that's what Papa Cyclonus said..."



Crocus, September 5th, Year-X763

The city of Crocus is the capital of the kingdom of Fiore and is said to be the location of the king's residence. Due to it being the capital, Crocus is the largest and the most populated area in all of Fiore and is where many wealthy individuals lived. The families of the city of Crocus were among some of the best businessmen and women in the kingdom. Crocus was also said to be the home to the Magic Council's main branch as well as the home to many a powerful mage.

Currently there was a rather strong breeze blowing through the city, but it wasn't anything to be worried about as the high winds were common in a place like Crocus.

However, while there was merriment and laughing occurring in the streets of this magnificent city, a different situation was occurring at the Crocus General Hospital.

"PUSH!" The doctor said with a forceful tone.

"GRAAAAAHHH! I'M FUCKING TRYING YOU WHORE!" The woman cried out in pain as her hormones and the fact that her child's skull was being forced through her uterine walls. The woman had pale green hair and brown eyes that looked like pools of chocolate, of course that effect was ruined due to the fact they were shut tight due to the pain she was feeling. Her body was rather curvaceous and she had breasts which bordered between C and D cups. Currently, she was wearing a hospital gown, her legs spread as she was still forcing her baby through her vagina.

This was Mashiro Kuna.

The nurses in the room could only wince as they heard the woman cry out in pain once more.

"Ummm, Mashiro, dear...I know this is a bad time, but...could you please stop crushing my hand?" The man beside her was wincing in pain as he felt the bones in his right hand slowly being reduced to dust by his wife's superhuman grip. The man had crimson hair with a few stripes of black along the scalp area. His eyes were a deep orange and seemed to lack pupils. He had a goatee on his face and wore a black business suit. He was a rather handsome man, but the nervous look on his face due to his wife's demonic glare made him look so very child-like as he seemed to shrink away from the woman.

This was Hiro Kuna.


"Come on Mashiro-san, FOCUS! NOW PUSH, I CAN SEE THE HEAD!" Mashiro panted to catch her breath before contracting her uterine walls and released another scream of exertion.

"Alright, Mashiro-san...the head is coming out." The doctor informed her.

"Haha, she's almost here...she's almost here, Mashi-hime." Hiro chuckled as he wiped away the tears of joy that were about to come forth with his non-shattered hand. Mashiro panted, her face red from the blood rush.

"ONE MORE PUSH!" The doctor exclaimed.

"GRAAAAAAAAAHHH!" Mashiro let tears of pain spill from her eyes as she gave one final, and very hard push. The screams that filled the air that day. The scream of Mashiro's pain, the scream of Hiro's hand finally being broken from the force of his wife's grip...and the scream of the newborn baby as she was brought into the world.

The doctor's cut the umbilical cord before wiping away the blood from the baby's body.

(Insert Music: Fairy Tail-Kizuna)

"Mashi-hime, you did it." Hiro smiled at his wife, but winced once more as he felt his broken hand shift.

"Yeah...I guess I did." Mashiro grinned widely as she saw the doctors wiping her daughter. The doctor then handed the child over to the green haired woman. The baby was wrapped in a pink blanket and had a full head of green hair atop her head. The baby gurgled slightly as her eyes opened, revealing the deep orange irises.

"Hehe, she has your eyes." Mashiro looked up at her husband. Hiro kissed the woman he loved on the lips before kissing their daughter on the forehead. The doctor let the two parents stare at their child for a few moments and could only smile at the happiness that was evident in their eyes.

"Ummm, I don't mean to be rude, Kuna-san...but we will need to know whether you have chosen a name for your child so that we can make a birth certificate. However, it doesn't have to be immediate." The doctor informed the two parents. Hiro and Mashiro looked at the baby before looking at each other, matching grins on their faces.

"Nami." They stated simultaneously.

"Bless you." The doctor replied thinking they had sneezed. The two sweatdropped at the doctor as the doctor blinked in confusion.

"No, that's her name. Nami." They said. The doctor nodded before going over to a desk and signed Nami's name on the certificate that lay on the desk. He put in the baby girl's information such as her parents' names, occupations, her date of birth and the certificate's pin number.

Once that was done, the doctor placed the certificate in a brown envelope and handed it to the parents.

"Here you go. Your daughter, Nami Kuna, is now a legitimate citizen of Fiore." The doctor informed the happy parents as the father swiped away the envelope and cradled it, muttering 'My Precious' every now and then. The doctor sweatdropped at that before walking away.


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