Runo's Discovery

"We've arrived, Kuna-sama." The driver spoke as he parked the horse carriage. Hiro and Mashiro smiled at the little girl in Mashiro's arms before stepping out of the horse carriage.

It had been approximately a week since the little girl's birth and the reason why the two had now introduced Fu to her new home was because Mashiro had to recover from her labour pains as well as Hiro having to finish the last minute touches on the baby's room.

"Here we are, Nami-chan...your new home." Hiro smiled as he and Mashiro stepped out of the carriage. Before the family was a magnificent mansion of an Old English design. While the mansion and the grounds themselves were not as large as some wealthy families such as that of the Heartfilia Konzern, it was still an impressive piece of architecture. The building was composed of red brick, some of the bricks being a lighter or darker shade than brick red and thus making them stand out. There were four cylindrical towers, each one being placed at a corner of the mansion. The mansion seemed to be composed of a main building with a smaller east wing and west wing on either side. Its roof was made of black tile. Surrounding the mansion was about one hundred acres of open space with only a few small houses here and there which acted as tool sheds or as living quarters for some of the maids and/or guards.

"HIRO-SAMA!" The staff members bowed as the newly formed parents entered the spacious home.

"Yo." Hiro gave a small wave to the staff members before telling a few of the maids to aid in escorting Mashiro to the baby's room.

"Of course, Hiro-sama. What is the baby's name, if you don't mind my asking?" The Head Maid, Runo, asked. Runo was a relatively old person, around fifty years of age. She had sky blue hair with chocolate brown eyes and wore a long green dress with a white apron over it. A white bonnet was worn in her hair.

"Her name is Nami." Mashiro answered.

"A fitting name, Mashiro-sama." Runo bowed with a grandmotherly smile on her face before taking three other maids to help get the baby's room ready for its new occupant.

Hiro smiled as he watched his wife walk off before his butler walked up to him.

"Hiro-sama, your 12 o' clock has arrived." Hiro looked at the nearby clock and saw that it was indeed twelve noon, so he complied and went to his study in order to meet with this person.

Hiro entered the study and saw a rather short stocky man with black hair in the shape of a bowl cut. He was wearing a dark green business suit and was smoking a cigar. The man grinned devilishly as he turned his head.

(Insert Music: Fairy Tail-Dark Guild)

"Kuna-san, so nice to see you. I trust your wife is well." A glint of mischief shone in the man's beady black eyes. Hiro looked at the man with well hidden disgust as he sat behind his desk in his comfy, black leather chair.

"Cut the crap, Devon. Why the hell are you here?" Mr. Devon smiled at the red haired man before him.

"Your debts to the Devon Theft Family are piling Kuna-san. If you don't give us the money in one month's time, there will be consequences." Mr. Devon spoke.

"WHAT? BUT THAT'S NOT ENOUGH TIME!" He exclaimed. Mr. Devon shrugged.

"Not my problem. Now will you have the money ready by then or not? You are treading on thin ice, Kuna-san and your debts are continuing to rise." Hiro ran his hands through his hair.

"I've paid at least three quarters of my debt, there is no piling. If you're trying to lie to me, then get out." Mr. Devon scowled at the younger man.

"Kuna-san, THAT is a lie. You've borrowed large sums of money from us and failed to pay back the entirety of it. You've barely managed to return half of the money you owe us. You've used up some to pay the hospital, some for the creation of your newborn's room, another set of money to pay the bills for this estate and with your toy company almost on the brink of bankruptcy due to the inability to keep up with the 'supply and demand' of your're going to go in a downward spiral, my friend." Mr. Devon told the man as he took another drag from his cigar.

"Now, I will say this one more time...give me my money by the end of next month...or you and your family will suffer the consequences." Hiro rose up from his chair with a snarl on his face.

"You touch Mashiro and Nami...and I will end you. I don't care how I do it, if I have to use whatever piece of my fortune I have left, I will find a way to end you, Devon. Now get the fuck out of my house." Mr. Devon chuckled at Masamune before taking another pull from his cigar.

"You can try, Kuna-san...but you will fail for unlike you, I have friends in high places. Remember, you have till the end of the week." Mr. Devon then rose from the chair and exited the study. Hiro sighed in frustration before leaning back into his chair and pinched the bridge of his nose. Things were not looking good. However, as the man was busy musing over what he was about to do, he nor Devon had noticed that during the entire conversation, the door had been opened slightly in order for a certain blue haired maid to hear the conversation.


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